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A Danger of driving in China

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Hello. Here is a video about driving in China gone wrong:




I read that the video was taken recently in Chengdu. I wonder what I would done if I saw this happened in China. Would we had gotten in trouble if we had interceded? The young driver was wrong and the man has control issues. But, I don't think the man had any right in doing what he did. More and more cars on the roads in China is a scary thought. Danb



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I would agree. I don't think the guy had any right to drag her out of the car and beat her mercilessly like he did. China's roads are already far over crowded and with more and more cars on the highways, things are only going to get worse. When Li and Salina recently went to China, they landed in Shanghai and her brother drove them to his home in Changzhou, in central Jiangsu Province. It took them over three hours just to get out of Shanghai. She called me from the car several times, saying it was bumper to bumper the entire time they were in the city.

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