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Malaysia MH17 missing, reported crashed

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Well, now there is a lot of finger pointing. Russians pointing finger at Ukraine, Ukraine pointing fingers at the separatist rebels, and the rebels pointing fingers at Ukraine and Russia.

Finger-pointing intensifies over jet shoot-down

Everybody -- the separatist rebels in the region, the government in Kiev they are battling, and the Russians in Moscow -- was blaming somebody else for shooting down a Malaysia Airlines jet carrying 298 civilians, and as Mark Phillips reports, as the accusations continue to fly, an investigation will have to be organized.

Emergency workers were on the scene, but it soon became clear the scene was vast, with debris spread over nine square miles, suggesting a high altitude explosion, likely -- according to U.S. intelligence officials -- caused by a surface-to-air missile. But whose?

Finger-pointing over who was to blame for the crash began as the flames were still being put out.

The pro-Russian rebels who have declared their own republic in the region had previously claimed to have shot down several Ukrainian military planes.

The self-proclaimed pro-Russian prime minister of the region blamed the downing of MH17 on the Ukrainian government: "It's not a disaster," he said. "It's is a heinous crime of the regime in Kiev."

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko blamed it on the rebels, and his government claimed proof in the form of intercepted phone conversations in which rebel commanders purportedly admit shooting a plane down on Thursday.

But the conversations couldn't be independently verified, and wasn't clear which plane was being referred to; at least two other Ukrainian military planes have been shot down in the area this week.

Russian President Vladimir Putin also blamed the government in Kiev, saying it bore responsibility because of its military campaign to try to take back territory held by the separatists.

On Friday, the Kremlin seemed to cast the blame squarely at Ukraine's own military, citing "radar" evidence suggesting a possible launch at an air defense missile system installation held by Kiev in the east.

Which missile system shot down Malaysian Airlines Flight 17?
Reports in Russian media, citing the Defense Ministry, said activity was detected Thursday at a Ukrainian military Buk missile installation -- the sort of surface-to-air missile that U.S. officials believe was used in the shoot-down.



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Another Eerie one.




Passenger Makes Eerie Facebook Post Before Boarding Downed Malaysia Airlines Plane




A passenger who appears to have been on the crashed Malaysia Airlines flight over Ukraine on Thursday posted a photo of his plane with an eerie message before boarding the ill-fated Boeing 777.


Translated from Dutch to English, the caption reads: “In case it goes missing, here is what it looks like.”


Cor Pan posted the photo on Facebook of the Malaysia Airlines plane from the Amsterdam Airport on Thursday. Pan’s post appears to be a reference to the Malaysia Airlines flight from earlier this year that has never been found.


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/17/passenger-makes-eerie-facebook-post-before-boarding-downed-malaysia-airlines-plane

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More along the line of last minute posts from that ill-fated flight.





A video believed to have been recorded by a passenger from doomed Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17 that was shot down over Ukraine on Thursday shows passengers in the plane moments before takeoff.


“Bismillah… #hatiadasikitgentar (In the name of God… feeling a little bit nervous),” passenger Md Ali Md Salim captioned the 14-second video that was uploaded to his Instagram account at noon Amsterdam time under the handle @masa1777, reports Malaysia’s Bernama state news agency.


The brief video offers a haunting glimpse of riders settling in and stowing luggage in the overhead bins before the doomed flight took off.

Salim’s friend Mohn Zaem Nordin, 24, shared the clip on his Instagram later in the day.


“When I saw the video which had been uploaded about 15 hours earlier, I was shocked and did not think he would be on the plane,” he told Bernama.
Salim was a doctoral student at a university in Amsterdam, he added.

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Talk about six degrees of separation... In this case only one degree..




Woman Loses Family In Malaysia Airlines Disaster — Again


Kaylene Mann already lost her brother and sister-in-law when Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 disappeared over the Indian Ocean this March, and the Australian woman has now learned that her stepdaughter died on board the Malaysia Airlines plane that was shot down in Ukraine Thursday.


According to The Associated Press, Mann’s stepdaughter Maree Rizk had just capped a four-week European holiday with her husband. Friday morning, Mann received the devastating news that the couple would not be returning home.


“It’s just brought everyone, everything back,” said Greg Burrows, Mann’s brother. “It’s just … ripped our guts again.”

Still, Burrows does not blame Malaysia Airlines for his family’s grief.


“Nobody could predict they were going to get shot down,” he explained. “That was out of their hands.”


Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/07/18/woman-loses-family-in-malaysia-airlines-disaster-again/

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Definitely not a triple 7.


I don't know why the plane had to fly over a war zone at this time. Just a shame that so many were killed.


One thing is for sure...people are going to keep on killing each other, just like they have done for centuries....be it religion (the biggie), politics, tribes, and now....oil. It ain't ever gonna stop. The words civilized and civilization are a bad joke.

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They now are, but the route MH17 took is the most common one for Europe to Asia.




For a real time view of the above map go here: --> http://www.flightradar24.com/49.87,21.09/4



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It didn't look like a 777. Did a little checking...the same video was posted on youtube on June 6 claiming it to be an Antonov AN-30.



Likely not a triple 7, as Boeing would have issued a news release like it always does in these situations when its airplanes have a failure. It appears the right engine is flaming and the plane isn't in a dive. I suppose if it were an Antonov and it crashed in a none populated area, we'd never hear of it anyway. Still, this video has nothing to do with MH17 flight 370 that was obliterated when it was blasted out of the sky. :(

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There is a new conspiracy theory concerning MH17 circulating now on Facebook and the net. You can belive what you want to believe but this story seems pretty far fetched to me.


Has anyone else heard the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the plane shot down in Ukraine? Believe it or not, this is really out there. It's very long and convoluted but the gist of it is that the missing Malaysian Airlines plane lost in March was actually hijacked and flown to the U.S. It was hidden here until the time was right, then covertly flown to Ukraine and intentionally blown up, claiming it was shot down by Russia. It was loaded with corpses (the original passengers perhaps?) and fake passports. There is much, much more detail to this story but the bottom line is that it's a CIA operation intended to increase tensions with Russia thereby justifying war against them, for some inexplicable reason.

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There is a new conspiracy theory concerning MH17 circulating now on Facebook and the net. You can belive what you want to believe but this story seems pretty far fetched to me.


Has anyone else heard the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the plane shot down in Ukraine? Believe it or not, this is really out there. It's very long and convoluted but the gist of it is that the missing Malaysian Airlines plane lost in March was actually hijacked and flown to the U.S. It was hidden here until the time was right, then covertly flown to Ukraine and intentionally blown up, claiming it was shot down by Russia. It was loaded with corpses (the original passengers perhaps?) and fake passports. There is much, much more detail to this story but the bottom line is that it's a CIA operation intended to increase tensions with Russia thereby justifying war against them, for some inexplicable reason.

Wingnuts throughout the world seem to think that our CIA has the ability to do just about anything... :crazy:

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There is a new conspiracy theory concerning MH17 circulating now on Facebook and the net. You can belive what you want to believe but this story seems pretty far fetched to me.


Has anyone else heard the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the plane shot down in Ukraine? Believe it or not, this is really out there. It's very long and convoluted but the gist of it is that the missing Malaysian Airlines plane lost in March was actually hijacked and flown to the U.S. It was hidden here until the time was right, then covertly flown to Ukraine and intentionally blown up, claiming it was shot down by Russia. It was loaded with corpses (the original passengers perhaps?) and fake passports. There is much, much more detail to this story but the bottom line is that it's a CIA operation intended to increase tensions with Russia thereby justifying war against them, for some inexplicable reason.

Wingnuts throughout the world seem to think that our CIA has the ability to do just about anything... :crazy:



I'm with you Dennis - these folks must think the CIA is all powerful. As long as we are discussing conspiracy theories, I am surprised no one has yet to blame it on the Illuminati or the Freemasons. Or maybe the Knights Templar.

Edited by Mick (see edit history)
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There is a new conspiracy theory concerning MH17 circulating now on Facebook and the net. You can belive what you want to believe but this story seems pretty far fetched to me.


Has anyone else heard the latest conspiracy theory surrounding the plane shot down in Ukraine? Believe it or not, this is really out there. It's very long and convoluted but the gist of it is that the missing Malaysian Airlines plane lost in March was actually hijacked and flown to the U.S. It was hidden here until the time was right, then covertly flown to Ukraine and intentionally blown up, claiming it was shot down by Russia. It was loaded with corpses (the original passengers perhaps?) and fake passports. There is much, much more detail to this story but the bottom line is that it's a CIA operation intended to increase tensions with Russia thereby justifying war against them, for some inexplicable reason.

Wingnuts throughout the world seem to think that our CIA has the ability to do just about anything... :crazy:



I'm with you Dennis - these folks must think the CIA is all powerful. As long as we are discussing conspiracy theories, I am surprised no one has yet to blame it on the Illuminati or the Freemasons. Or maybe the Knights Templar.


You guys are keeping this to Anglo-Saxon. What about the Mafia? :gleam:

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