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Hit another Snag

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I almost hate to post this, with all the great news for everyone, interviews and P4's it almost seems like a party around here..;) Heck it IS a party, just no booze and no over filled ash trays to empty..


So I called the NVC tonight from here in China at month 15 for me and almost to the day 1 year for the I-130. "A letter was mailed jan 15th regarding missing or incomplete fiancial info.... " huh!!!


Called back to my sister, co sponser in the states and yup she got a letter from them. Called NVC back and got thru to a person. Seems She filled out the wrong form.. needs to be the I863-A for her and she has to make corrections to mine, but! thank goodness she can do this and it doesn't have to be mailed over here for me to do it.


Well there were just about tears in Bea's eyes and mine weren't far behind on this little bit of news. But I will say the woman at NVC actually had a heart and stressed that the 6 to 8 weeks is the Maximun and it could be sooner.


I had planned on being here 6 to 9 months and it looks like it could run a year and 6 to 9 months at this rate :angry:


Just venting here and I know in the morning it will be better and besides it's getting warmer now.. :rolleyes:


We will call back in a few weeks and if as the woman said at NVC... we will check to see that this info is correct and wrap it up and off to GZ as every thing else is fine.


Mark and Bea

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Well, another speedbump in the road. I sounds like you are getting back on track.


Is there any real difference between the different financial forms? I-134, I-864, I-863-A?


It would seem like in some cases the INS could continue to process what they have and ask for clarifications before the actual visa is issued... But, of course, that would make sense.


Good luck and best wishes,


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Michael, I remember when that happened and thought how much of a blow that must have been and the absurdness of it and Bobby how you had posted elsewhere recently how it is taking a toll. It does and it's these quick sharp jabs to the stomach both physicallky and mentally that wear you down.


I was glad to see that they are/will??? extend the 1 year time line on those date sensative doc's, of not much help to you Michael but a good sign of change.


Danasho; A wise voice on this board and yes..:) counting my blessings {my wife by my side and I hers} does soften the blow very much. 15 months in China??? I won't say!! heheh


Keelec; yes we are, called back to the states this morning and my sister will call NVC wed and go over these forms and have them in the mail the next day. 2 to 3 days later it should be in NH from Ma.


And Clifford I think you suffer from COMMON SENSE!!! hehehe We should all vote you in as president of this whole da*n INS thing. We'd all be back in the states with our wives having a BBQ and exclaiming.. DARN!!! that was the longest 4 months of my life, waiting for her/his visa.. B)


What I did learn with the I-864 form and the I-864-A is the A form is for the Co-Sponser the other is the sponsers. In my case I had lived with my sister the year before coming to China so was part of her household and she and her daughter part of mine..... Now don't go asking for logic as to who really owns the house that would be toooooo much common sense again!!


Thanks all for letting me vent and your sane advice and good spirits! And lets all raise a Tsing Tao to a bright and happy future, we all have the rest of our lives together with our special one. :rolleyes: :) :unsure:

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I take it from your post that you are living and working in China. We were in the same boat except I stayed over there for five years. I know it can be frustrating trying to deal with things from so far away. When we fell into the Black Hole in August, 2002, we could get no accurate information of any kind. It was an interminable wait. Our visa was approved on August 20 but we didn't get it until March 10. Talk about a snag! :rolleyes:


Take heart that things are being cleared up, albeit slowly. Enjoy the time in China and relish the thought that your lady is with you. It is a painful process to go through but it is worth it in the end.

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I take it from your post that you are living and working in China. We were in the same boat except I stayed over there for five years. I know it can be frustrating trying to deal with things from so far away. When we fell into the Black Hole in August, 2002, we could get no accurate information of any kind. It was an interminable wait. Our visa was approved on August 20 but we didn't get it until March 10. Talk about a snag! ;)


Take heart that things are being cleared up, albeit slowly. Enjoy the time in China and relish the thought that your lady is with you. It is a painful process to go through but it is worth it in the end.

Hi Mick;


Yes I'm living here, got over here on nov 2 of 2002 and as a photographer it is kind of like the ice salesman in alaska..:)


Yikes!!! I have read on the board about the Black Hole and would cringe at the thought and that IS a major snag and heartache with no recourse. Sigh.


Doing things remotely is a pain as you say and are clearing and we should be right back on track with not much more than 2 or 3 weeks lost time.


Bea is pulling me out the door!!


Here's hoping your future is 10 times better that any old Black Hole hell ever was bad.. :D


Mark and Bea

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