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Anyone with step kids know what Bubba, Jr. needs

tsap seui

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Yes, I remember, and my wife had to translate the chinese for the school too.

The important thing is for you to be able to tell them what the courses covered. The school where our daughter went was willing to do all they could to give her credit, they just needed some justification.


As for the 29 out of 30 problem, make sure it is documented, and the school will do the conversion.

We even had some luck having the school in China add the annotations for advanced classes, and converting to out of 100.


The thing is to get advnaced classes marked because that gives your son the ability to have 120 out of 100 (however that works :) )

Credzba, it's only the first day of trying as we got the tiny diploma today. But buddy we are striking out at the first at bat. BIG TIME


A very friendly teacher of his said she would write up what a smart and good student Fengqi is but we would either have to change the grades to "out of 100" ourselves (boy wouldn't that look cheesy?) or go to the school boss. So she's writing up a letter telling basically what a nice and smart kid he is. Nice but useless. :)


As far as the "school boss" Wenyan says we must know a friend who knows the boss. We don't know anyone who knows this person.


I'll keep trying but we may have no luck trying to get conversions. Hell, the teacher won't even verify what math classes he's taken. Dang diploma just says math. We seem to be up against a block wall, same as if one of us needed an operation here and didn't have a friend who knew a doctor. Thing is, he went to the best junior high school in his city.


One friend said to just go have someone make him a new diploma with the grades we wanted. Oh brother, I have to remind myself, I am in China, where life is often played like you were in a Laurel and Hardy movie. :lol:


He damn near aced everything he took, missing out on the top scores on classes he didn't ace by 2 points. ANd we may not be able to document it other than my words to a public school administrator in AMerica.


Kinda frustrating, but I'll keep trying. We are trying to contact any of her friends that went to America with their kids and see what they did and I'll keep asking here. :)


Thanks for your help, and your help on the computer thing too.


If I can't get any help here I'll just try and have them give him tests in AMerica and let his scores on them show them what he knows....what else can I do?


This bullshit in China of not even being able to walk into a school to get a kids grades or even the classes he's taken, and everthing being on how much money you pay someone or must know a friend who knows a friend???? :lol: It's hilarious but I am so lucky to be getting my wife and kid out of the land of "the game".


The sad part is my father in law would have either died or had to cough up way much more money than he had (same result) if Wenyan hadn't have known a friend who knew a doctor here.


tsap seui


tsap seui

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My suggestion would be to have him tested by the school district for proficiency. But its also a crap shot.


Daughter #2 had a birth date which was laughable --- the orphanage gave her an "official" birth certificate showing an age clearly younger than she was ---- the local school district agreed to test her --- (she passed with flying colors) --- but then they refused to admit her----based on her bogus birth certificate.


It finally took the Feds to intervene --- since the Politically Correct Portland Public School District had a long history of admitting kids from Somalia --- with no birth certificate at all --- base on what the parents stated the age was---but not kids "without color" . The 1964 Civil Rights Act, doesn't allow discrimination based on national origin, so PPS finally had to accept their own aptitude testing----the logical solution in the first place. Welcome to America! (as if you don't understand all of this, Tsap) :angry:

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My suggestion would be to have him tested by the school district for proficiency. But its also a crap shot.


Daughter #2 had a birth date which was laughable --- the orphanage gave her an "official" birth certificate showing an age clearly younger than she was ---- the local school district agreed to test her --- (she passed with flying colors) --- but then they refused to admit her----based on her bogus birth certificate.


It finally took the Feds to intervene --- since the Politically Correct Portland Public School District had a long history of admitting kids from Somalia --- with no birth certificate at all --- base on what the parents stated the age was---but not kids "without color" . The 1964 Civil Rights Act, doesn't allow discrimination based on national origin, so PPS finally had to accept their own aptitude testing----the logical solution in the first place. Welcome to America! (as if you don't understand all of this, Tsap) :angry:

Man, you been through it haven't you Kim?


I hope they will give him a placement type test on his math, physics, and biology subjects.


I just found online that Bedford High has a grand total of less than 400 students. I contacted a lady before I left that said they would help Fengqi with his english and get him placed right. Hope that comes true.


I'm gonna follow your lead and do whatever it takes to make it happen for this kid.


tsap seui

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