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Questions on Medical Exam

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Time for Plan B. My wife just called and the Guangzhou Medical Clinic is closed June 4-6(Sat-Mon) for Dragon Boat Festival.


So it looks like my wife (and maybe me - she wants me to go) has to go to either Shanghai or Beijing next week.


Can anyone share experiences with getting medical done in Beijing or Shanghai. I would be looking to get medical and vaccinations in one day.


I am going to contact International SOS in Beijing as I am a member but it is not clear if we can get the vaccination done there. What about the other choices?


In our case the med center was closed for Spring Festival, we were able to do a same day expedite medical the day before visa interview at the center on Shamain Island in Guangzhou.


Anyway there have been a few others that used the approved centers in Beijing and Shanghai, not sure if a same day service was offered.

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In our case the med center was closed for Spring Festival, we were able to do a same day expedite medical the day before visa interview at the center on Shamain Island in Guangzhou.


Anyway there have been a few others that used the approved centers in Beijing and Shanghai, not sure if a same day service was offered.


She has to do document turn-in on June 7 at 12:30, trying to get this all done in the morning seems like cutting it close.

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In our case the med center was closed for Spring Festival, we were able to do a same day expedite medical the day before visa interview at the center on Shamain Island in Guangzhou.


Anyway there have been a few others that used the approved centers in Beijing and Shanghai, not sure if a same day service was offered.


She has to do document turn-in on June 7 at 12:30, trying to get this all done in the morning seems like cutting it close.

Yep, that won't work.
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She has to do document turn-in on June 7 at 12:30, trying to get this all done in the morning seems like cutting it close.


You can get medical check-up and vaccination in two hours at


Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center

#20 Hepingli North Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing

Tel: (010) 58648801

Price: RMB880 for adult, RMB600 for child


And you get the report in a week. But I think you can ask for express service at the center and check it out with the center.


Other medical centers such as Beijing United Family Health & Wellness Center. They only do check-up not vaccination. It means you need to go to Beijing International Travel Healthcare Center to get vaccines.


The documents you need to bring for medical check-up is four 2cun (寸)photographs, passport and appointment ltter. Just walk-in.


Have you contacted Guangzhou United Family Clinic? As I know Beijing United Family Clinic is open all days including holidays, weekends.


Make sure: Get medical report before her hand-in, it would be too risky to me if you want to get it done in the morning and hand-in in the afternoon. If there is no other choice, she does not have to show-up at 12:30pm, but try to get to the consulate before 2pm or 3pm. At my interview, I saw some people got into the waiting room late.

Edited by xiaozhu (see edit history)
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My wife just called the Beijing clinic, Health Care Center of Beijing International Travel on Hepingli Street in Dongcheng District.


They are telling her they can do the medical in a day but the results take 3 days.  Is there no way to expedite this?Guangzhou Medical does this in a day? Why can't Beijing? My wife is making plans to go to Beijing tommorrow and then stay with friends to wait for the results.Is there no way to pay an expedite fee? Anyone ever have any experience in getting this expedited.



[And for reference, we can not do medical in Guangzhou becuase her document hand-in Tuesday and next Monday is a Holiday. Did I mention we did out wedding reception on Saturday and my poor wife worked her butt off last week arranging everything in the midst of which we got the letter from Guangzhou. "I keep telling her, sleep is for the weak" :-) ]

Edited by Beachey (see edit history)
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They are telling her they can do the medical in a day but the results take 3 days.  Is there no way to expedite this?Guangzhou Medical does this in a day? Why can't Beijing? My wife is making plans to go to Beijing tommorrow and then stay with friends to wait for the results.Is there no way to pay an expedite fee? Anyone ever have any experience in getting this expedited.



--She can ask them again when she does check-up. I think it is completely possible. Get to talk with a manager there.

Edited by xiaozhu (see edit history)
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To follow-up, my wife got back from Beijing last night. She took the overnight train to Beijing, Monday night. She did the medical exam on Tuesday morning but had to wait around until Thursday morning to get the result. She asked and there was no way to expedite. I think what she was waiting for was the blood tests. Luckily, she has some family in Beijing she was able to visit. It is just a little too quiet in our apartment when she is not around. So we are ready for Guangzhou on Tuesday.


We went though questions last night, she is as ready as she is going to be. I am confident in her ability to do a good interview.

Edited by Beachey (see edit history)
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