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Atlanta area shut down


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We measured 12 inches on our back deck and nine inches on the ground in the yard. School has been out all week and Salina is having a ball. Li, Salina, and I built a snow girl in the front yard, complete with a big bonnet and picnic basket......Life is good but travel is treacherous out here on these back roads.

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We measured 12 inches on our back deck and nine inches on the ground in the yard. School has been out all week and Salina is having a ball. Li, Salina, and I built a snow girl in the front yard, complete with a big bonnet and picnic basket......Life is good but travel is treacherous out here on these back roads.



A snow girl?????


I wonder if he took a picture?

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Now wait jes uh carnsarned minnit. U'uns ought not tawk about the waze I wus uh tawkin.....sumtimes we'un, eben yerself, needs tuh practiss yore Yankee tawk. Uttherwize, you mite find yeeself ina pack uh truble if'n uh bluecoat powlice pulls yer ass over fer nuthin'...if'n you cain't tawk likuh Yankee, he'z jus libble tuh thro yore peapackin' ass in thuh hoosegow and afore ye knows it, you done warin' uh rang aroun yer fanger and start cawlin' sum seven foot Yayhoo frum New Jersey "Dear Husband." It's more worst if'n he's got hizelf uh hawgleg wif uh big ol wart onuh end uvv it and ever time he sees yore pore ol' boney butt, he's a totin' uh can uh Crisco.... Atair's jest one uvv thuh reasons I tries tuh keep up with muh Yankee lango..... B)

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Atlanta is closed today, no airport, schools are closed, I even got a call from work at about 5:45am... we are closed. Being from NYC, a storm of the size that is now hitting us, would not shut down the city. Then again NYC uses public transportation primarily. I beleive it was a lttle less that 2 feet of snow that shut down NYC a couple of weeks ago.


My wife is supposed to work at Wal-mart tonight... I keep teling her she won't go, she wants to go just the same she has only missed 1 day in almost 2 years... I may have to tie her up or hide her car keys ... I don't know what it will be like tomorrow, we maybe shutdown tomorro also.



Awhile back I put in for a vacation day for this date and I got turned down. Looks like I got it afterall.


WSB radio said you guys in Buford got 8 inches. Is that true?


I don't think we got 8 inches... looks more like 6... but still shut everything down... I went to work yesterday at 12.... today we were supposed to go in at 10am today... I tried... so much ice... I went back home. I'll try again tommorow. I heard NYC got 9 inches today and the schools are open, as they are equipped to handle the snow... Ga just doesn't get much snow. I started to get a snow shovel the other day, but I thought in the 20 years I've been in Georgia, I can only count on one hand the number of times I needed a snow shovel.


Normally it snows here and a day or later it is 50 degrees and no more snow...now? the cold stayed and made it very difficult for all

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South of ATL all we got was Fing Ice...Chains don't help with that...and yes I have a set...

I played it smart and stayed off the road with all the none drivers around here and worked from home. Might do the samething tomorrow.

My daughters been having a blast




Yep that's where I am, stuck in the ice. My driveway is 150 yards and a steep incline so I can't get out until it melts. Lawd knows when that'll be.


That's a tough one. Might be Friday before the temps rise... I hope the sun melts some today. staying home all day is for the birds.


My just found out no work again today and she is off tomorrow. She will go home to China next week and she said it is cold at the beach that is home to her.

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Atlanta is closed today, no airport, schools are closed, I even got a call from work at about 5:45am... we are closed. Being from NYC, a storm of the size that is now hitting us, would not shut down the city. Then again NYC uses public transportation primarily. I beleive it was a lttle less that 2 feet of snow that shut down NYC a couple of weeks ago.


My wife is supposed to work at Wal-mart tonight... I keep teling her she won't go, she wants to go just the same she has only missed 1 day in almost 2 years... I may have to tie her up or hide her car keys ... I don't know what it will be like tomorrow, we maybe shutdown tomorro also.



Awhile back I put in for a vacation day for this date and I got turned down. Looks like I got it afterall.


WSB radio said you guys in Buford got 8 inches. Is that true?


I don't think we got 8 inches... looks more like 6... but still shut everything down... I went to work yesterday at 12.... today we were supposed to go in at 10am today... I tried... so much ice... I went back home. I'll try again tommorow. I heard NYC got 9 inches today and the schools are open, as they are equipped to handle the snow... Ga just doesn't get much snow. I started to get a snow shovel the other day, but I thought in the 20 years I've been in Georgia, I can only count on one hand the number of times I needed a snow shovel.


Normally it snows here and a day or later it is 50 degrees and no more snow...now? the cold stayed and made it very difficult for all




I hear ya man!! I have spent a few hours scraping ice off of the driveway but still can't get out. The road at the top of my driveway is blocked with wrecks at the hill. I will try and finish scraping all of the driveway today and hopefully can make it to work tomorrow. My boss is getting on my nerves saying that if he can make it then I should be able to. Obviously he hasn't seen my driveway. Stay safe Brother C!!

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Good luck to you guys who got socked.


We missed all of the storm that you guys got hit with and had a small , well, show showers it us from the north....usually lake effect snow here. Might have dropped 2 or 3 inches which ain't really squat for our road crews.


I live on the eastern side of a mountain chain and boy, the western side gets 2 or 3 times what we get. In the last few years my brother in Greensboro, NC gets more snow than we do. Shucks, I mus be in heaven, I tells ya.


tsap seui

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