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skin rashes

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Hey has any of your ladies developed skin rashes when coming over to America.My wife keeps getting rashes on her face,of course she itches it and makes it worse,she said she never got this in China.She washes her face with all this "clinque"products.I finally convinced her to stop that for a few days and just use plain old ivory soap,and see what happens.I was just wondering if any one else experienced this.



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Maybe she is allergic to you? :P


My SO is still in China and she gets rashes/red spots on her legs. I noticed a lot of Chinese women get them.


Not sure what this is.



Hahaha...yeah right now my wife thinks shes allergic to me !!!! :P

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Where is she from? Maybe it's really dry here compared to her home in China. Especially in the winter. South China girls are used to a lot of humidity and when they get dry, little itchy red spots appear. In China, they also don't use central heat. They use hot water pipes in the floor and that only ads to the humidity. Maybe get a separate humidifier for the bedroom and ask her to pile on the moisturizer.




They use different laundry soaps in China and fabric softener and dryer treatments aren't used because most clothing is hung up to dry...


True story... When I first went to my girl's parents house, I saw some ornate bars hanging from the ceiling with dangling decorations. I wondered if they were for a religious purpose... It turns out, they were for hanging laundry.


Anyway, many people have allergies to different kinds of soaps or chemicals in their clothing or sheets. She may have never encountered the chemicals she's using now. You may have to experiment with different brands for a while.

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Ok, I just checked your profile and you live in Florida. So scratch everything I just said about moisturizer! (There's a big DUH for me!)


BUT! In the Key West area they sell a pure aloe moisturizer that my wife loves. It's not very expensive either. Maybe that would be natural and clear things up? And that would be an excuse to go to Key West!

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It's been trial and error. Ying likes to experiment with different products (she is like a kid in a candy story when it comes to skin care and cosmetic aisles) and a couple of items have given her rashes. Notably there was some hippie junk she bought at Whole Foods that was scooped out of a big vat. That made her break out like she had chicken pox! She's had the best luck with Origins.

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It's been trial and error. Ying likes to experiment with different products (she is like a kid in a candy story when it comes to skin care and cosmetic aisles) and a couple of items have given her rashes. Notably there was some hippie junk she bought at Whole Foods that was scooped out of a big vat. That made her break out like she had chicken pox! She's had the best luck with Origins.


yeah,my wife is the same way in the cosmetic aisle ,she trys all different kinds.We will just have to trial and error,I think it could also be the wash detergent with all the perfumes put into them that i dont think she is use to.

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Hey Jimi....Hows it goin?....Skin rashes huh?....don't know if you had read my questions on this after we got here one year ago, but I'll recap what we have learned...as some may remember, Rong would get terrible rashes on her body...arms, legs, torso....we tried everything to eliminate it, changed detergents I don't know how many times....and for the rashes, the doctor prescribed claritin, but we found the most relief from OTC benedryl....it pretty much took the rash (hives) away pronto.....and then it came less and less often that she needed it....my own personal opinion is that it was just her body becoming accustomed to the food products here...Rong and many of the 002 crowd claim it is the water, but i seriously doubt that....I think it is just her body becoming acclimated to the food here....we do make regular trips to chinatown in Chicago to get many things she wants and needs for everyday cooking. Rong rarley gets these rashes now and has not even used the benedryl anymore. As for your wife, whatever it is, i am sure it will subside and go away in time, and untill then, i would suggest she takes the benedryl whenever she (your wife) has an outbreak...best of luck

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Hey Jimi....Hows it goin?....Skin rashes huh?....don't know if you had read my questions on this after we got here one year ago, but I'll recap what we have learned...as some may remember, Rong would get terrible rashes on her body...arms, legs, torso....we tried everything to eliminate it, changed detergents I don't know how many times....and for the rashes, the doctor prescribed claritin, but we found the most relief from OTC benedryl....it pretty much took the rash (hives) away pronto.....and then it came less and less often that she needed it....my own personal opinion is that it was just her body becoming accustomed to the food products here...Rong and many of the 002 crowd claim it is the water, but i seriously doubt that....I think it is just her body becoming acclimated to the food here....we do make regular trips to chinatown in Chicago to get many things she wants and needs for everyday cooking. Rong rarley gets these rashes now and has not even used the benedryl anymore. As for your wife, whatever it is, i am sure it will subside and go away in time, and untill then, i would suggest she takes the benedryl whenever she (your wife) has an outbreak...best of luck



Hey Steve I am doing good.I just finished reading the thread you started sometime back,i will try the benedryl,she was taking something similar to benedryl,but it makes her drowsy......i was reading your thread,and one mentioned dairy products,which i found interesting,as last night we ate " cheese ravioli's" for dinner.this morning she had the rashes,the rashes are mild,but are itchy.Anyway hope all is well with you.



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