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Wife's Friend Wants to Meet America Man

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Well, just so happens we've forgotten the flip side to all this (except Clifford, of course). I was talking to a buddy in TX the other day and told him all about Jing Mei. I shared with him that I eat like a Chinese king every night, am not "allowed" to do dishes (finally got permission to clear the table), enjoy plenty of laughs and love each day, etc. His response? "Does JM have a friend [in China]???"


I'll admit when I first read the posted request that I too was skeptical. Still am, based on how it was posed. But, was it meant that the Chinese friend would "savor the flavor" of an American just as we do gals from the East (let's not get gross on my choice of words, guys....)? Could it be that we American guys have been so brow-beaten so badly by previous significant halfs that we've forgotten that we do have something special to offer? That's been my experience in the last month. Rather than do something nice to be met with "is that the best you can do?", I've only heard "thank you...how sweet." Yes...West and East does make for a good combination when both are sincere.



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I don't doubt that a good majority of immigrant wives and fiancees were inticed to leave their homeland for the myth that is America.  I mean I don't think they're lining up in droves to immigrate to, oh let's say, France and Germany.  Does that mean they're wrong or criminal? I don't think so.

Don't flatter yourselves.


Yes, perhaps America is a dream for many.


But, at least for Russians and Ukranians, of the women who decide to marry outside of their country, many women find their loves in other parts of the world. Unfortunately I don't have any numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if more Russians immigrate to Europe than come here to the USA.


I have one friend that is now happily married in England. I have another friend that first headed off to Sweden. After that fell through, she has now found someone in Poland.


The introductions agency that I used has now hired an Italian interpreter to help with introductions to that country.


The only difference that I find with women who immigrate to Europe versus those that come to the USA is that they don't have to wait a entire year just to enter the country.


------ Clifford ------

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I don't doubt that a good majority of immigrant wives and fiancees were inticed to leave their homeland for the myth that is America.  I mean I don't think they're lining up in droves to immigrate to, oh let's say, France and Germany.  Does that mean they're wrong or criminal? I don't think so.

Don't flatter yourselves.


Yes, perhaps America is a dream for many.


But, at least for Russians and Ukranians, of the women who decide to marry outside of their country, many women find their loves in other parts of the world. Unfortunately I don't have any numbers, but I wouldn't be surprised if more Russians immigrate to Europe than come here to the USA.


I have one friend that is now happily married in England. I have another friend that first headed off to Sweden. After that fell through, she has now found someone in Poland.


The introductions agency that I used has now hired an Italian interpreter to help with introductions to that country.


The only difference that I find with women who immigrate to Europe versus those that come to the USA is that they don't have to wait a entire year just to enter the country.


------ Clifford ------

Yeah, well if I don't flatter myself, no one else will.


OK, so the delay tactics work. Rather than wait a year to dupe some poor sucker in the US, they go where thay can do it quicker. Russian and Ukrainian women are notorious for using a guy to get out and then dumping him or worse. (See this link: http://k1.exit.com/woes.html )


Don't get me wrong, I've known some very nice and stable Russian women, but I personally have heard many more horror stories from that part of the world than any other.


So there! :blink:

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Yeah, well if I don't flatter myself, no one else will.


OK, so the delay tactics work.  Rather than wait a year to dupe some poor sucker in the US, they go where thay can do it quicker.  Russian and Ukrainian women are notorious for using a guy to get out and then dumping him or worse.  (See this link: http://k1.exit.com/woes.html )


Don't get me wrong, I've known some very nice and stable Russian women, but I personally have heard many more horror stories from that part of the world than any other.


So there! :P

What would be nice would be to find some actual statistics that show long term relationships versus broken families for international relationships.


If you look at US marriages, only about 50% of them ever make it to the 5 year point, and most of those had been dating for months, or years before the marriage.


Based on the statistics within the USA, you might expect a few international relationships to fail too.


The first woman I met in Russia,.... The more I think about it, the more thankful I am that things didn't work out between us. I am not sure how she would have broken the news to me that she was 3 months pregnant when we met, even though we had been corresponding for 6 months!!!! Especially when she told me that she was very shy and had never been with a man???????

:o :huh: ;) :o


Occasionally I do wonder about my finacee Irina. However, I do know that she has always treated me like someone special. She took the time to introduce me to her entire family, brother, sister, cousins, parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. In fact, she insisted that she wanted me to meet them before she would come to the USA. I have just never felt any insincerity with her.


Anyway, I will let you all know how things go in a few months after this visa stuff is straightened out.


I am still hoping to ascend to Paradiso........ I will let you know if I am dragged kicking and screaming to Hades / Inferno !!!!!!


----- Clifford -----

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Hey Clifford,


I didn't mean to add any more unwarrented doubt to your situation, we all have to endure enough uncertainty without anything added unneccessarily. I'm sure your gal is too legit to quit, especially if you've met her family and you both have persevered this long.


You're right, it would be nice to see some numbers. I'm willing to bet that American international marriages are more successful than domestic ones regardless of where the foriegn spouse comes from.

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