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Proof of Income for Co-sponser

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My parents are helping me with a Co-sponser because I dont think I willhave my Taxes for 2009 done and a transcript in have in time for her interview.


My Parents have not filed taxes for 10 years because my fathers income is not taxable. They are filing the past 3 years next week to have transcripts to show.


The proof of Income I have for them is a print out from their lawyer showing the money paid in to their account by the state each month.

This and the statement from their SS will come to over 40 thousand.


Is this print out ok for the proof? It is noterized by the lawyers office. I could write a letter to include with the print out explaining what it is.



What do you think?



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I hate to be so naive...


how about just getting your taxes done for the interview.


If your income is sufficient, then the VO is not supposed to accept a co-sponsor; so why muddle up the issues with one.


If the issue is income level, then your blaming "taxes and transcript" timing as a excuse.


It's much easier to give advice if we really have the full story

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Cover sheets can come in VERY handy for directing VO's eyes to the right places (away from the zero's on the tax return).


Why are you getting transcripts, when you have originals right in from of you (or them)? Not necessary, but okay


Yes, I think the proof should work


I was getting the transcripts because they have not filed the Taxes. And I thought the Transcripts were needed? Or will the letter from the lawyer work by its self? Dont they need both?




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I hate to be so naive...


how about just getting your taxes done for the interview.


If your income is sufficient, then the VO is not supposed to accept a co-sponsor; so why muddle up the issues with one.


If the issue is income level, then your blaming "taxes and transcript" timing as a excuse.


It's much easier to give advice if we really have the full story



Oh ok... maybe I am being optimistic but I am guessing she will have a end of January or early Febuary interview. As you may know I have 3 differnet employers I must get W-2's from.


One of these employers is always late getting them out. I am worried that I will not get my taxes filed in time. I looked at my past taxes and the earliest I have gotten them filed is Febuary 17th.


I was thinking it would take 2-3 weeks before the transcripts are ready... 10 days for them to mail them to me and then I fly over with them.


So that puts me getting there mid March with the tax transcripts.


Am I wrong in my thinking?


If I am please tell me.



Edited by RobertH (see edit history)
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Cover sheets can come in VERY handy for directing VO's eyes to the right places (away from the zero's on the tax return).


Why are you getting transcripts, when you have originals right in from of you (or them)? Not necessary, but okay


Yes, I think the proof should work


I was getting the transcripts because they have not filed the Taxes. And I thought the Transcripts were needed? Or will the letter from the lawyer work by its self? Dont they need both?






Filing the taxes comes first. THEN, after they've processed the returns (2 or 3 weeks later) you can order the transcripts.


WHY WAIT FOR THE TRANSCRIPTS? You can have the return (up to 2008) in your hand TONIGHT.


You can file your own taxes in Feb and have a copy of the return THE SAME DAY.


Transcripts are not necessary.

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Filing the taxes comes first. THEN, after they've processed the returns (2 or 3 weeks later) you can order the transcripts.


WHY WAIT FOR THE TRANSCRIPTS? You can have the return (up to 2008) in your hand TONIGHT.


You can file your own taxes in Feb and have a copy of the return THE SAME DAY.


Transcripts are not necessary.



Randy my 2008 income is to low for thw 125% requirement. Thats why I cant use it. I was thinking of filing January 1st based off of whats listed on my last paycheck stubs for the year. I think I can get really close to what the w-2's will come out to and if I am to far off I can always go back and amend after I get the W2's. That way I can have the transcripts by the middle of January.


I have read some post where they say they feel the VO asked for a CO-sponser even though the petitioner met the income requirements and had the tax transcripts to prove it.


I was planinng on having Her hand the VO boths sets of forms Mine and my parents and include a cover letter explaining that if there was any question about my Income my parents were happy to step in as Co-sponsers.


Is this a good Idea?




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Filing the taxes comes first. THEN, after they've processed the returns (2 or 3 weeks later) you can order the transcripts.


WHY WAIT FOR THE TRANSCRIPTS? You can have the return (up to 2008) in your hand TONIGHT.


You can file your own taxes in Feb and have a copy of the return THE SAME DAY.


Transcripts are not necessary.



Randy my 2008 income is to low for thw 125% requirement. Thats why I cant use it. I was thinking of filing January 1st based off of whats listed on my last paycheck stubs for the year. I think I can get really close to what the w-2's will come out to and if I am to far off I can always go back and amend after I get the W2's. That way I can have the transcripts by the middle of January.


I have read some post where they say they feel the VO asked for a CO-sponser even though the petitioner met the income requirements and had the tax transcripts to prove it.


I was planinng on having Her hand the VO boths sets of forms Mine and my parents and include a cover letter explaining that if there was any question about my Income my parents were happy to step in as Co-sponsers.


Is this a good Idea?






When you have your tax return in your hand, COPY IT, before you put it in the envelope and mail it. Have your parents do the same. It is not necessary to wait for the tax transcripts.


Yes - the VO must be convinced that your fiance will not become a public charge - the tax returns are just one piece of evidence.


Yes - you may need a co-sponsor. It's a good idea to be prepared

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You have 3 (or 4 jobs, I've lost count) and your income still doesn't meet poverty but you visit a few times to China... and you want to get your parents to sponsor to bring someone over... and your insistent on waiting for transcripts when returns are in hand...


If the VO doesn't see a problem... I think I need to stop posting when it comes this.

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You have 3 (or 4 jobs, I've lost count) and your income still doesn't meet poverty but you visit a few times to China... and you want to get your parents to sponsor to bring someone over... and your insistent on waiting for transcripts when returns are in hand...


If the VO doesn't see a problem... I think I need to stop posting when it comes this.


I think you need to stay off my posts you are some what of a jerk to me and I dont like it. I was saying I read here they prefer the transcripts so I am trying to provide what they like best. I can just send them copies of my return but I am worried they will then ask for the transcripts and cause a Delay



As far as Income my Income for all 6 months of last year was 18,000.00 I am making about 30,000 a year now and I think thats not bad considering I was a stay at home dad who worked part time last year.


As far as my total expenses per month come to 675.00. because my car is paid for, my student loans are paid off, I dont have creidt cards by choice.



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You have 3 (or 4 jobs, I've lost count) and your income still doesn't meet poverty but you visit a few times to China... and you want to get your parents to sponsor to bring someone over... and your insistent on waiting for transcripts when returns are in hand...


If the VO doesn't see a problem... I think I need to stop posting when it comes this.


I think you need to stay off my posts you are some what of a jerk to me and I dont like it. I was saying I read here they prefer the transcripts so I am trying to provide what they like best. I can just send them copies of my return but I am worried they will then ask for the transcripts and cause a Delay



As far as Income my Income for all 6 months of last year was 18,000.00 I am making about 30,000 a year now and I think thats not bad considering I was a stay at home dad who worked part time last year.


As far as my total expenses per month come to 675.00. because my car is paid for, my student loans are paid off, I dont have creidt cards by choice.





This is where myths get started - when something that SOUNDS reasonable is repeated just a little too often.

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Thank you Randy.


Do you think my Idea of filing based on my final paycheck Stubs is a good Idea?






Yes - it is your responsibility to prove your income to the VO, and not necessarily by tax returns. You might draw up a cover letter which calculates an annual income based on the check stubs. And then have a (similar) separate package for your parents.


Just my ideas.

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Yes - it is your responsibility to prove your income to the VO, and not necessarily by tax returns. You might draw up a cover letter which calculates an annual income based on the check stubs. And then have a (similar) separate package for your parents.


Just my ideas.


That is a good idea, Randy. I think I may get into my kitchen sink and do some reorganizing. I'm confident in our case, but anything to make it easier to interpret, in my opinion, is a good thing. Thanks for the idea

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