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Filling out the P-3 forms.

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I am filliong out the P-3 forms and the forms I found to fill out online wont let me type in all of the information, I run out of space and I cant hit enter to get a new line to type.


Any Ideas? Am I forced to print it and write really small?


Or can I find a better form someplace and fill that in? I am using the forms off of Don's links.



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Ran into the same problem. Filled in as much as we could using the computer, left those that we couldn't blank, and filled those in by hand. They won't count that against you doing it like that. They know the space provided isn't much.


OR you can do what the instructions state below


The instructions state:


. . . If there is insufficient room on the form, answer on a speperate sheet using the same numbers that appear on the form. Attach any additional sheets to this form


The form offered here




is already the most recent version

Edited by Kyle (see edit history)
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Ran into similar problem, the only forms returned to the consulate by mail are:

OF-169 and DS-230 Part 1 only.


OF-169 is not fallible on computer, it is just a check list.




If DS-230 is giving you a problem, Visa-Pro has a version with larger data boxes.




I-134 you can download fill out and have to your fiancee by the time of interview.

Edited by dnoblett (see edit history)
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I wouldn't use Visapro's form.


It is a previous revision - 02/2009


The link I gave you was last revised on 05/2009 - which is the most current revision.


The numbering and format on the two forms are completely different. If it were me, I'd use the most recent form.


Notice at the bottom of page 1, "Mother's Date of Birth" is number 25 on the link I gave you, but on Visapro's it is number 18. Compare the two forms for more information.

Edited by Kyle (see edit history)
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