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Got into work this morning and saw some secretaries crying, sat down and saw this email, two of our personnel department people died in a fire in a hotel on a recruiting trip, one associate in the hospital. Just a firm wide email, no meeting no nothing. Then a few more emails on a new structure for a deal, then a marked up hedge fund document, then some junk mail about a Nigeria scheme. Gosh, it is so cold. On 9-11, we all saw the plane going into the world trade center, the building collapse and the secretaries all ran away. The loud speaker announced: " The firm is not officially closed, but you may leave if you wish to. All tunnels and bridges are closed, so we advise that you stay". I guess billable hour is more important. They did not even say over the loud speaker that the" two most loved people who recruits attorneys and wine and dine us before we became slaves just got ... We expect every one to take 5 minutes to drop a tear and then continue working on those documents."

Gosh, lawyers are heartless.

Sorry folks, got no place to vent.

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I work for a big forgien(German) company here in the US and they are very considerate of issues that you discribe. we recently had an employee have a car crash during work hours he was on the way to a supplier. We were called into an immediate meeting with upper management and personnel the anoucment was made on condition hospital family and our managers went to the hospital to support the family right away and we have addopted the family for Christmas the guy is still in a como about three weeks now but is doing better. Tough situation but the company has kept us posted and has been very supportive. One of the reason I joined this company..


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