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VISA in Hand

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Guest Pommey

Before we all start attacking eachother over GUZ experiences, lets just take a breath and reflect. Some now and in the past get a easy time with GUZ some dont and from even recent posts that has not changed.

Jezz most of us here and our wifes/fiancees/husbands know how things in China can be complicated :) Guz is full of Chinese workers and USA Govt workers a interesting combination to say the least.

Some post wonderful experiences some dont, both are propably true, right :lol:

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I only have a few minutes here for the computer, but have a few words for you tsap......


Your words do not match your actions.....


Of course, anyone could pass or fail.


But why do I not hear others backing up your lame words. I have read your story so many times, it makes me want to puke....

Your side and no one elses....your wishes are as sincere as your attempt at convincing of your petition..


Would gladly match wits with you anytime, since that seems like a common thread for you. Also match military service. College degrees, whatever.......


I have found that it benefits to be smart in life. It helps greatly with the luck!!!


That is why I am so often called lucky...


Figure it out..........before you write another lame post to this thread...


I am tired of hearing about the past. You like to live there.


I can only read of the past, but help others with the present....


Get your things together and get in the present.....


But I honestly hope you pass even if I do not believe your sentiments towards everyone's current visa success.......



The same here with "your" evaluation of yourself....

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I waited until my last day in China to come back and read the expected simple minded and negative crap that continues to float around this site...........


Before you make another lame comment like that whome?, compare OUR TIMELINES.............BUT HEY MAYBE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT RESULTS and for me trying to SHARE HELPFUL THOUGHTS.........I have read all your posts and have never made negative remarks until now although I could. Since your post like Tsap is simply a personal uninvited negative attack..........GET A LIFE


Tsap is the only current member that constantly posts his negative story playing the VICTIM card. Stop being a victim and be a positive influence. Instead like the more he tells HIS STORY the more believeable it is. That he was singled out or something. That he was UNLUCKY.


Maybe he was. NONE of us was there including the interview, which by the way he was not there........outside yes, but NOT at the window.


Any thought of him being screwed is erased by his consistent attack on other CFL members........PERIOD!!!


Who is he trying to convince from his repetitive story to Roger and I. Basic, pysch suggests HIMSELF.


Again, look at the timelines. He is in an extremely small minority of CFL members that went from Blue to White.........Bad LUCK?


All his repetitive story did was make me prepare harder. And at times I have shared that experience. If you don't want to read it then don't.


But Tsap's story would give the impression to members that the whole process is LUCK.




Bill and I had a lengthy discussion on this at the coffee shop.


We both agreed that luck had little do with it. A good case and preparation did.




But at least until now, my experience was not used to actively attack other CFL members......


His hollow congratulations read like this with NO STRETCH.........




And low and behold if you really THINK any of the work you did and pass onto this site had anything to do with your success...........


If you wish to continue to make crap comments like yours then start your own thread for CFL members that don't give a crap can read...


I will be at the AOS side, so until you get there I will miss more meaningless posts from you.......



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Swat...swat...I swear one of them dog pecker nats is buzzin' around in here....swat, flap!! :D They're such pesky lil' critters.


tsap seui :P


I've been readin' me a good book about the small man syndrome, or lawman syndrome as it's called in some circles....WHOOOOWE, What a way to have to live :mellow:

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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I waited until my last day in China to come back and read the expected simple minded and negative crap that continues to float around this site...........


Before you make another lame comment like that whome?, compare OUR TIMELINES.............BUT HEY MAYBE YOU DON'T CARE ABOUT RESULTS and for me trying to SHARE HELPFUL THOUGHTS.........I have read all your posts and have never made negative remarks until now although I could. Since your post like Tsap is simply a personal uninvited negative attack..........GET A LIFE


Tsap is the only current member that constantly posts his negative story playing the VICTIM card. Stop being a victim and be a positive influence. Instead like the more he tells HIS STORY the more believeable it is. That he was singled out or something. That he was UNLUCKY.


Maybe he was. NONE of us was there including the interview, which by the way he was not there........outside yes, but NOT at the window.


Any thought of him being screwed is erased by his consistent attack on other CFL members........PERIOD!!!


Who is he trying to convince from his repetitive story to Roger and I. Basic, pysch suggests HIMSELF.


Again, look at the timelines. He is in an extremely small minority of CFL members that went from Blue to White.........Bad LUCK?


All his repetitive story did was make me prepare harder. And at times I have shared that experience. If you don't want to read it then don't.


But Tsap's story would give the impression to members that the whole process is LUCK.




Bill and I had a lengthy discussion on this at the coffee shop.


We both agreed that luck had little do with it. A good case and preparation did.




But at least until now, my experience was not used to actively attack other CFL members......


His hollow congratulations read like this with NO STRETCH.........




And low and behold if you really THINK any of the work you did and pass onto this site had anything to do with your success...........


If you wish to continue to make crap comments like yours then start your own thread for CFL members that don't give a crap can read...


I will be at the AOS side, so until you get there I will miss more meaningless posts from you.......




Here is what I know about our timelines ... almost all of those who filed in Sep-Dec 2008 in VSC got hung up in administrative nightmare because VSC was overwhelmed and they made the decision to hire more case workers. After training the caseworker, on new cases, the newer workers were turned loose on even newer cases. Meanwhile during the period those who filed in my timeperiod had their cases sit on the desk of the more experienced case workers while they provided training to the new one.


This information came from my lawyer (from his contacts and other lawyers) and from my congressman/senator.


So explain to me how this makes your case better prepared than mine. You were lucky in that you submitted your case at a better time. Just like those that got in first of the new electronic processing were able to "leap-frog" those who have been waiting to get through customs.


I value and understand the need for proper documentation and paperwork plus no red flags in the background check. However that does not mean everybody's application is processed the same and that there is no difference in anyone's chances given the exact same set of circumstances. For sure the VO you happen to get makes a difference. Also if you had followed the lawsuit/issue from Roth you may have realized you also are lucky enough to benefit from some changes/improvements in the system and customer service.....


I had a lawyer send in my application package. It has everything required and a thoughtful well-written EOR letter. I have all the finances needed, good expat job in China, and no red flags in the package. Somehow, to you, the fact that you got NOA-2 means you prepared better. I don't see it.


I will be at the AOS side, so until you get there I will miss more meaningless posts from you....... Thanks but I dont need nor ever asked for any sympthay .. only have asked for help and guidance. In turn I have provided plenty of help and information to others here based on my experience in the process and living in China.


It is not mainly about luck but it does play a part in the process. To think otherwise shows a lack of understanding about the world in general. To be successful it requires hard work, preparation, planning and luck. You have a better chance of success with the first three but you always need some luck too.

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Congrats guys on your PINK!!!!!!


:mellow: :P :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump: :jump:


It's now time to begin a new chapter in your lives 'together', so please don't let any negativity here be apart of your new beginning.


You were well prepared and any 'LUCK' being a factor can be debated until the end of time, the point is you made it :D


Happy life long future together.

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