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I-130 and K3/K4 visa question

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I am looking for information pertaining to what is required to bring a K4 into USA with the K3. I assume you would need some kind of signature from the Father of the child, But, I cannot find anything that says so.

When i filed the I-130 and I-129F, I included the son of my wife on the petitions. Will they automatically issue her son a Visa along with hers? Will it be possible to bring her son to USA without the Fathers permission.

I have tried to do a bit of research, but their doesn't seem to be any laws pertaining to the Hague laws on bringing a child from China.



Patrick :)

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I put my wifes daughter on both the I-130 and the I-129f. My wife has custody of her daughter and apparently the father didn't get involved. The P3 had duplicate forms in it, meaning that the IV unit knew this was a K3/4 case, a set for each of them. I prepared a I-134 for both. My wife and and her daughter both were issued visas. As far as the father's involvement, I don't know. I am sure a father could cause some difficulty if so inclined or maybe the father can't since the child is in the custody of the mother.

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Obviously she is divorced from the ex-husband. The divorce decree gives custody to the mother on my wife's paper and I believe it should do so on yours. The US govt does not care what the ex-husband thinks one way or the other. If they grant mother and child a visa, how can anyone stop them? If there was a possible problem then I believe that there would be a form you would have to get signed by the ex-husband. Since there is no such form, ergo, it must not be something to worry about.

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Will it be possible to bring her son to USA without the Fathers permission.

When I asked Jingwen to gather the official documents on her divorce, one of the documents she obtained was a sole custody document for the kids. This was in addition to her divorce decree. I don't know if this document was unique to her province or city.

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