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Important times for us and our family....

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Tomorrow is one of those seemingly rare events in this country especially as times continue to change, my parent's 50th anniversary....


Somehow, when I was reading threads earlier last year, I had the impression things had picked up timewise. When I filed, I thought I had a legitimate chance to have Mei here for this major milestone.


When I returned from the CNY, I began to realize that she probably would not be here. Then things suddenly picked up.......so we were close with her interview a month later on July 22nd......off by a month....


So my parents have decided to come with and experience this process with us.


Focus on the interview at first, hopefully celebrate next and then do some traveling to show them some of the wonderful sights in China....


I will keep everyone posted.


Thanks again to CFL and all the help here....



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I know that you and I are in this for the right reasons like our fiancees, so I hope that neither of us needs to think/prepare to GET AROUND a bad decision at GUZ.


To me, this process is all about fraud. Or at least should be....


The process is subjective enough. If they look at the meat and the potatoes of our petitions, we should not have to worry.....


Although many cases and stories we read here make a reasonable person question the possible outcomes at the interview......cases that clearly are not fraud. Simply a pursuit of happiness........


And I would do the same with marrying Mei in China, but I truly hope we receive her visa and she can come back with me, so we can start our lives together here. More months of separation simply......you can fill in the expletive....


Good luck to us.....



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Thanks.........I was thinking the same thing.


All families experience trying times and mine has been no different. Also paid every dime through college and life and it is nice to see the support from my family and parents. A lot of my friends and relatives had really wondered if my parents would be totally on board with this.


Not that I needed their approval for making such a huge life changing decision, but it was nice that my mother was in full support immediately and of course, my dad had to follow......... :toot:


My dad had worked a couple of years in Japan, but I will be curious what he thinks of how the Chinese people do things.


In my 5 trips around the globe, I have never been treated better or more impressed (actually hard to do) than I have been in China....


Good luck to us all.

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