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I am getting ready to file and am just as nervous as I can be.


I have been to china 2 times and married on my second trip. I am assuming this is better since I read they can discriminate again marriage on first trip.


When I file I will front load everything.


I do have a previous marriage with a lady from vietnam. Three attorneys have different oponions on weather this is a red flag. One says it is no red flag since I am just interested than asian women. I hope it is not a red flag. My ex wife wrote a letter on my behalf for me to turn in with the cr-1 as marc Ellis recommended. Also my parents both wrote letters as they were staying with me on vacation for 4 weeks and spoke to my wife (at the time fiance) often. They along with my sister and niece will travel to china for the wedding reception. We already got married but posponed the reception until they can come over.. They sent copies of their chinese visas along with their letters. My father is retired Dept. of Defense so he has some solid background.


My wife speaks near perfect english. We don't have a ton of email because we speak on the phone all the time. I have many many hours of phone call logs.


Now, i have the 1 red flag of the previous marriage from a K1. We have been divorced for over 1 year. As I said though, I am hoping this is not a big red flag.


My second red flag (I hope it is not) is I was convicted of a felony 18 years ago for writting a bad check. It was a large check and, I was young and stupid and did not bother to take care of it in time. I hope this is not a red flag also since it was so long ago. No other problems since than. Hey, I did it, I admit it, not proud of it, but I was young and stupid. Marc Ellis said it could be a red flag but may not be. That alone has got me confused.


My third red flag is I am self employeed and my tax returns are not the greatest as far as what I earn. I do have my father willing to co-sponser but I read sometimes even with co-sponser, guz gives problems to people with co-sponsers.


Me and my wife were just married on 4/27/09 so I have not had a lot of time to add my wife to many financial things. Also, it is hard to do when she is in china. I did add her to my geico auto policy. Hopefully this is a start.


I will front load everything I can. I have many pictures. I also have letters from my family, her mother and father. Her boss and her mothers boss. He took us out to lunce after the marriage. Her mother has worked for him for many years and he is close to the family. We also have some of our chat logs and emails as well as a whole lot of phone records.


Am I missing something and should I worry about my red flags? To me they seem so big but perhaps I am worring for nothing. I just dont know.


Also, do I send copies or originals to USCIS?

Edited by jst (see edit history)
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here's the deal... you have some red flags but your in the majority probably... best you can do is objectively look at your situation and ask pointed questions, as you have. Good job so far !


first red flag: You give no details... but yes, I think this will be on their mind. marriage on second trip is better but your playing a numbers game on some level. Doesn't GUZ also know this, maybe?


second red flag: Not an issue for filing I-130, IMO. If you file I-129F for K#, there are questions about this I think. Ergo, maybe just stick with the CR#. GUZ has denied some K# saying to pursue the CR#.


third red flag: this is a tricky one. but having a joint sponsor as backup is wise.


You added her to your auto insurance while she is out of the country and has not legal right to enter the country yet.... seems GUZ would find this a bit silly? I'm not sure how this can be construed as evidence of a relationship.


but it does point out, to be honest, that many are uncertain how to show some evidence of the relationship; let's at least be realistic in the evidence is my thinking.


Front load: Loaded topic... it should be sensible and fitting evidence which helps the case. Don't distract USCIS nor GUZ, is my advice. General thought.


Everyone needs be concerned about their own case; what is best to do or not do. Deal with the issues you can at the petition submission.


Forms are originals; translations are notarized and stamped; rest should be ok as copies. Keep a copy of everything submitted.

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I will say the reason I added her to my auto policy is to receive the marriage discount. When I apply for auto insurance as single it is really expensive, as married it dropped about 25% even though she is not here I still enjoy the marriage discount.


Yes, I am trying to figure the balance of giving them the right amount of info. Figuring to give this and not that is not easy.


One thing I am happy to see is it seems the whole process has just speeded up a couple months, we'll see.

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My feeling is that the IMBRA legislation will actually help your situation. Since your felony is right out there in front, it will pass scrutiny with the USCIS and GUZ will know that your fiance/wife is aware of it \and had accepted it.

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I will say the reason I added her to my auto policy is to receive the marriage discount. When I apply for auto insurance as single it is really expensive, as married it dropped about 25% even though she is not here I still enjoy the marriage discount.

her chinese frugality is saving you money before she steps into the country <_< <_<

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I guess I am just trying to save money anyway I can, this has been an expensive meeting, engagement and marriage.


As for the check thing, I know it is not required to list it and GUZ is not allowed to bring it up since it is not on their list of things that need to be reported to my wife but I have heard of them talking about this to others at the interview. I told her about it soon after I met her. I no longer ashamed about it but just look at it like an experience in my life. I guess time does that. I will mention it in the letter I type about our relationship. I will sorta start with how I started to like asian women to the check than my previous marriage than how I met her. Kinda like a short history of my life than to my meeting and marrying my wife.

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