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p4 and interview

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What is the 18 month schedule? This is a new one on me.

The friend that introduced me to the "Candle" said that he was one of many people who applied around June 2002, and are just now FINALLY having their cases finished up (SOON). I think that that group even had a special name for their cases.


Here an encouraging (or discouraging) note from a personal e-mail.


. . . . As Shu and I have been through a most difficult time,

. . . . I can lend my support and encouragement to you

. . . . and your lady and am happy to do that. Shu has her

. . . . interview soon. (a 16 month wait) …


After talking to my friend, I feel like such a "newbie" to the process...... Perhaps I should ask for the "newbie" designation to be put back onto my account until Irina actually steps off of the plane.


I am sorry, I am normally a very positive person. But, waiting over 9 1/2 months has taken a heavy toll on me. There was a tremendous "up" when I read on the internet that the BCIS had accepted my application, followed by a tremendous "let-down" as I eventually realized that I was nowhere close to finishing.... I know things are getting close, or at least I think they are... I hope they are..... I even read somewhere that Russia may combine the P3 and P4 so it can be closer than I know. But, some people have been waiting A YEAR AND A HALF...... What if Irina and I have to wait a year and a half? What if the application is denied after a year wait, and I have to start all over from scratch?


I never quite know what to say when Irina, my Fiancee, asks for an update, and I have nothing new to tell her..... Just wait a little longer, it will be finished soon..... Sometimes I feel as if I have been lying to her as I had no idea that the first 6 months of the wait was just the beginning.


Coworkers ask about Irina all of the time..... I hardly know what to say to them anymore. Irina and I just have to wait.


Recently someone posted that weekends will now have meaning once again now that his Fiancee has arrived...... I still wait.


Anyway, I am very encouraged that someone may have finally realized the stupidity of taking a year or more to finish an application that should be able to be finished in 3 days.


And, I am happy for anybody that doesn't have to wait and wait and wait and wait, getting false hope squished over and over again.


Sorry, I got a little off subject, perhaps I should end with a smile,


----- Clifford -----

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I never quite know what to say when Irina, my Fiancee, asks for an update, and I have nothing new to tell her.....  Just wait a little longer, it will be finished soon.....  Sometimes I feel as if I have been lying to her as I had no idea that the first 6 months of the wait was just the beginning.


Coworkers ask about Irina all of the time.....   I hardly know what to say to them anymore.  Irina and I just have to wait.

Clifford, so many of us have experienced or will experience exactly what you're going through. I know for us we had no idea what was in store for us. I thought when we got word that our I-129F was approved that our file was then on it's way to the U.S. Consulate in Guangzhou. We had even told people that any day now she'd be called in for her interview. Candle was certainly an eye-opener for me. So many others way ahead of me and a few behind me. And now as the months have passed and our case has moved along a little more I see others in the beginning stages who are much as I was then, not really knowing what's ahead. Every time my wife would ask me, "USA to Guangzhou yet?" I felt like the bad news messenger, a broken record playing the same message over and over again. So, hang in there. Eventually, it will happen for you and oh the joy you will feel when it finally does. Best wishes for it all coming together soon for you!



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Clifford, so many of us have experienced or will experience exactly what you're going through.  I know for us we had no idea what was in store for us.  I thought when we got word that our I-129F was approved that our file was then on it's way to the U.S.



Thanks for the encouraging note.


After waiting for about 5 months for the application to pass BCIS, I started checking the web page nearly every day for an update. When I saw that it had been accepted, I actually went ahead and bought plane tickets for both Irina and me for 2 months later....... I knew that there would be an interview, but I had assumed that it would be able to be scheduled for when we were planning to be in Moscow.


I had no idea that "accepted" was only a relative term, and that it would take 1 1/2 months for the application to leave the USA, only to be put on a sailboat for the trip!!!!


----- Clifford -----

(9 1/2 months into the process, and still a "newbie")

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