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I came home yesterday for the 2nd time. I suspect that the first time was simply too soon. I had the surgery on the 13th and was at home on the 20th. The incision was/is from my breastbone to my belly button. Anyhow, the 1st weekend home I couldn't stop throwing up. I mean like Linda Blair style. Hence I was back in there by Tuesday for dehydration. Thankfully yesterday and today have been very good with zero nausea symptoms.

The surgeon said that this was the largest ulcer of it's kind that he has ever seen with such a relatively small amount of damage to the stomach/intestines. Hence, I only "lost" 1/2 of my stomach. On the bright side I've already dropped about 25 to 30 pounds. The scariest part of the whole thing was waking up and realizing that there was a tube in my nose going into my stomach. I quickly made a deal with the nurses that if they gave me enough drugs to ignore it I wouldn't try to pull it out myself. I have very strict orders not to lift anything more than a few pounds heavy. The staples are already out and my belly looks like a zipper was in there.......lol Also, all of the "opsies" indicate that there are no tumors, cancers, etc........I'm told it's amazing that an ulcer this size didn't do more than it did. And..........he said the gall bladder was fine so it didn't need to be disturbed at all.

Well, that's the latest update. I want to thank all of you for your thoughts and prayers. I couldn't have endured this without all of them. btw.......Yes, I'm learning to really appreciate different varieties of rice soup!.........lol

Edited by dcwfn (see edit history)
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ahhhh...the all purpose "rice soup" aka "jook", it suppose to clean your system out, just like oatmeal.

She thinks I'm crazy for eating banana flavored popsicles.......lol Not supposed to eat cold food after such a surgery I guess.



my mom says no spicy food, shrimp, soy sauce, fried food, or wild game meat. my mother is not a doctor so don't take it for real. :lol:

Edited by george lee (see edit history)
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  • 3 months later...

Here it is about 4 months post op. Being retired and forced to stay home doesn't help any at all. I should say; "forced to retire". I had 3-4 days last week with vomitting episodes. No fun. It feels like pulled muscles all over my abdomen. Meds work but in the mornings I feel like I woke from a 3 day drunk. I'm certainly not very good company but I try to do the best I can for Mei's sake. She has discovered the "SINO" television network on FiOS which helps her a lot. btw it's channel #281. I can't understand a word of it but it's worth every moment to sit there with her and know that she's happy to have it. I've long since overdosed on Little House re-runs and she wonders why I like television with horses so much....lol It's genetic. My dad loved horses so I can blame him. She's been glued to everything about Michael Jackson's death on tv. She asks me why they didn't have this much coverage when Fei Fei died? Mei has a heart of gold albeit sometimes I have to let her know that she needs to slow down so I can comprehend what she's doing. She picked up on a very, very important issue while watching MJ's memorial the other day. Magic Johnson was the one who made the cpmment about MJ "opening" doors for African Americans and that was why he was able to have his jersey in so many homes all over America. To Mei Mr. Johnson missed the whole point. To paraphrase; what she said was that until people cease to even mention differences there always will be strife on those issues. Nevermind that I agreed with her but that it probably will not happen in our lifetime. We got into a wee bit of American history about ethinic issues in American history and along came an episode of Bonanza. The important character in this one was "Hop Sing". He was a hired hand. That's all he ever was on that show. Sadly at one point in time in this country anyone who was not so called "white" was frowned upon. She was a little bit amazed to learn that at one point in our history I would never have been able to even consider asking her to marry me. I would have simply actually "owned" her. Thank God for what little progress we have made but we have such a long way to go, huh?

On the lighter side, she watched the post race interviews (from Daytona on the 4th) and the end of the race replays. She still finds it hard to understand how I can like NASCAR so much when it can be as violent as it is at times. Amazed is a good word to use to describe her response to the fact that there were no serious injuries. I'm sorry to have bored you all so long this time. That's one thing I like about CFL. Here's a place where I can vent and not worry to much about being bored during this ongoing recovery process.

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Glad to hear you are recuperating. Your Mei seems very wise.

To Mei Mr. Johnson missed the whole point. To paraphrase; what she said was that until people cease to even mention differences there always will be strife on those issues.

While the nation has come a long way on race relations, even to the extent of electing a black man for president , we won't truly be there until people say "this guy I know", instead of "this black guy I know."

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Glad to hear you are recuperating. Your Mei seems very wise.

To Mei Mr. Johnson missed the whole point. To paraphrase; what she said was that until people cease to even mention differences there always will be strife on those issues.

While the nation has come a long way on race relations, even to the extent of electing a black man for president , we won't truly be there until people say "this guy I know", instead of "this black guy I know."



And until we are all willing to give the idea of race relations and start thinking in terms of human relations, it will never go away. But, everyone thinks they are special so they feel they must define themselves. Unless everyone accepts the fact that you and I and everyone else are just people, nothing will ever change. Define yourself by your name, your talents, your compassion...your ancestry don't mean squat. It is the one thing that you couldn't choose, so why is it such a big deal?


Any one that says, I'm white and proud of it, or I'm black and proud of it...they might as well say...I breathe through my nose and I'm proud of it!

Edited by chengdu4me (see edit history)
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And until we are all willing to give the idea of race relations and start thinking in terms of human relations, it will never go away. But, everyone thinks they are special so they feel they must define themselves. Unless everyone accepts the fact that you and I and everyone else are just people, nothing will ever change. Define yourself by your name, your talents, your compassion...your ancestry don't mean squat. It is the one thing that you couldn't choose, so why is it such a big deal?


Any one that says, I'm white and proud of it, or I'm black and proud of it...they might as well say...I breathe through my nose and I'm proud of it!


I agree 101% The two most prophetic songs that MJ did (in my opinion anyway) were, "Black or White" and, "Man In The Mirror". Even though he might have been a bit strange to some he had some good ideas. Some of the folks that spoke at his memorial seem to have ignored his words, huh?

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