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Translator Service

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Hi all,


I have been looking for a decent translator service for my Wedding certificate. I came across a business called "Midwest Translation Service LLC". I called the number last night at around 9:30 PM Eastern to see if their voicemail would detail their location. The phone answered, some garble came out and the line went dead. A minute later my phone rings and its Midwest Translation Service LLC, asking if someone just called this number. It struck me odd, considering the hour. Now I talked with the man, explained what I needed and he asked me to scan and e-mail it to him for an estimate. I did this and they e-mailed me back saying they ask for paymeny via paypal. I'm not too tech savy and am concerned that this business that operates at 9:30 PM eastern and asks for payment via paypal may not be legit. The websight is Midwest Translation Service LLC. Any idea wether this is legit? And please forgive me if this is a dumb question, I am just leery of buying over the internet.


Thanks Appaullo

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They host with godaddy.com


If you don't have a paypal account, you can pay directly via credit card. He'll never see your credit card number (paypal is the middle man).


If you pay by credit card, and have a dispute, then you can dispute it with your Credit Card Company - easy peasy.


Not saying good or bad, but I've been a paypal user for 9 years now, i use em for my merchant account for one of my online web portals (where people pay me), and i've bought things with paypal as well.


I dunno, if you don't trust it, don't use it. Surely he'll take certified funds via a money order sent in the postal mail (but ask).


Slan !

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Hi all,


I have been looking for a decent translator service for my Wedding certificate. I came across a business called "Midwest Translation Service LLC". I called the number last night at around 9:30 PM Eastern to see if their voicemail would detail their location. The phone answered, some garble came out and the line went dead. A minute later my phone rings and its Midwest Translation Service LLC, asking if someone just called this number. It struck me odd, considering the hour. Now I talked with the man, explained what I needed and he asked me to scan and e-mail it to him for an estimate. I did this and they e-mailed me back saying they ask for paymeny via paypal. I'm not too tech savy and am concerned that this business that operates at 9:30 PM eastern and asks for payment via paypal may not be legit. The websight is Midwest Translation Service LLC. Any idea wether this is legit? And please forgive me if this is a dumb question, I am just leery of buying over the internet.


Thanks Appaullo


Its probably a guy who works this out of his home. That's what it looks like to me. He probably just acts as a middle man and adds a little on the top for himself. I don't see much signs of fraud with this. Just get quotes from a few places, to make sure your not being over charged.


I do tons of shopping on the net, and I also do a lot of billing on the net as well for a small web development business from home. Its not that big of a deal. Just be sure of what your doing, what your getting. ALWAYS read every detail so you don't end up signing up for multiple things along with the one thing you thought you was getting, I think that is the most common fraud >.>

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Guest ShaQuaNew

I think you're pretty safe with most translation services that are publicly listed. Getting the red stamp is the key, which not only identifies the document as certified, but tracks it back to the business doing the translating.

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