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5000 year of culture????

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A lot of great stories and no one saying its good, bad or indifferent...Just the way it is... :o

An observation is simply that...and observation. I, too, was surprised at the cluster-f#$k elevator rush in a department store on my first trip. Same with buses. I observed it being different that I'm accustomed to; but that's the way it is.


A lot has to do with having a population of over 1.4 billion impatient people.

the closest I see in the US (besides in cities like NY), is at airports.. suddenly all western etiquette is thrown out the door when people are feeling the pressure of getting gate to gate and snaking through the crowd.


Wait till the US is 1.4 billion... I can't imagine how many laws will be put in place to possibly control order via a robotic society...


David, when america gets 1.4 billion people the gubmit will probably put Prozac in with the floride in our water.


tsap seui

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before some of you climb my frame about my ¡°China bashing¡±


LeeLee, who could POSSIBLY see this as china bashing.

This is what I LOVE about China.


I don't mind crowding into the first bus, in fact I would have been the laowai crowding into that first bus, and laughing.

My Chinese wife would have been the one griping at me for not getting on the second or third bus !


As for the nose-picker that is in america as well as china, and it all depends on your personal character. I am the kind of guy that in china or america will say something to the kid.

He wont quit doing it, just will quit doing it while I am on the lift.


And, this is where you will find my Chinese wife hiding and pretending she doesn't know me.


I don't think your bashing China, my complaint is your making me homesick !!


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This is all very funny, whenever we get on a crowded bus I alway's have a good time laughing my way on as everyone pushes and shoves. I've learned to start pushing with the crowed and soon it feels like we are all one big herd of cattle swaying back and forth like sea water flooding the bus.


There are some tall Chinese... but I can still see over the crowed into the clearing :(



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