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I'm reading this article thinking wow this is great China is weaning itself off of all the pollution issues of coal by building nukes all over the place and then I get down to the last sentence... :(




" The country planned to increase its nuclear power capacity to 40 gigawatts by 2020, which would account for 4 percent of the nation's total power capacity."



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Guest Tony n Terrific

They like the US are afraid of this powerful energy. I have always wondered what may have happened with Nuclear power if it was not 1st used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May have been a whole new ballgame.

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They like the US are afraid of this powerful energy. I have always wondered what may have happened with Nuclear power if it was not 1st used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May have been a whole new ballgame.

That I don't think is the real problem. The problem is what to do with the waste, spent fuel rods. Yes safety is and issue that has to be always taken serious. Past accidents have shown this and if modern safety measures are followed the danger is reduced.

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They like the US are afraid of this powerful energy. I have always wondered what may have happened with Nuclear power if it was not 1st used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May have been a whole new ballgame.


This covers a lot on this topic. As far as dropping the bomb without being too political.... :happybday: While revisionist always maintain the loss of life would have been far fewer than estimated by the government.I have no doubt that many of us using this board would never have been born as our fathers and grandfathers would have died on the beaches of japan. Having a father in the service at that time my viewpoint is a bit different than what a professor might teach in a university today.

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Guest Tony n Terrific

They like the US are afraid of this powerful energy. I have always wondered what may have happened with Nuclear power if it was not 1st used to destroy the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. May have been a whole new ballgame.


This covers a lot on this topic. As far as dropping the bomb without being too political.... :rolleyes: While revisionist always maintain the loss of life would have been far fewer than estimated by the government.I have no doubt that many of us using this board would never have been born as our fathers and grandfathers would have died on the beaches of japan. Having a father in the service at that time my viewpoint is a bit different than what a professor might teach in a university today.

True alot of us would not be here if the Allies went into Japan including our SOs. China took the real brunt of the land fighting by Japan. The war could have been prolonged for 18 months with horrific casualties on both sides. It was estimated that the US would have 1 million casualties alone. Not counting the Allies. The Japanese Empire would have had over 12 million 1in 6 of their population at the time. If this horrible war would have been prolonged today Japan would have been turned into a 20th Century Carthage.

Edited by Tony n Terrific (see edit history)
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Japan knew they were beaten prior to dropping the bomb. There is one school of thought that they surrendered to the US more because the Russians were poised to invade than because of the bomb. They would have rather been occupied by the US because Japan defeated Russia in the Russo-Japanese war of 1908. For history buffs read up on it. Japan's military strategy in defeating Russia is one of the greatest of all time.

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