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Hello everyone,

I am sorry for using this place to put this post which is nothing about immigration visa. But i believe P.J. our webmaster will understand me and support me here.


If you are a chinese. I am sure you know what does 9.18 means and what happened on 9.18,1931 in China.. As a chinese i won't forget what does Japanese did to our homeland China in that horrible War.and it is unforgiveable that until now they still can't accept what they did to Chines and other asian coutries and say sorry to them.

If you can read Chinese and love China. I wish you could go to this website which is built by some chinese who deeply love our homeland and fight for our reasonable right from Japanese govenment.





Thank you for your time to reading my post. I really appreciate it.

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Thank you for this post. As the fiance of a Chinese woman, I'm more sensitive now to the Chinese view of things past and present.


Even as an American, I'm well aware of the atrocities committed by the Japanese in China. My fiancee lives in Nanjing, and she was sure to tell me about the Rape of Nanjing by the Japanese. And she was equally sure to express her extreme displeasure with this.


My sympathies to all Chinese on this day, and may nothing like this ever happen again. To anyone.


Bill and Fengjuan

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I think this post is very appropriate. We do need to be sensitive to China's past and learn what we can. Isn't that what we expect of our loved ones when they come to the US?


When we visited Harbin last January, my travel bible mentioned "Unit 731," a POW camp where the Japanese subjected the Chinese to horrible medical experiments. I told Jing Mei's father I was very interested in seeing it. He was honored I cared. We all went. It was very hard for them all to get through it; JM was in tears. It was a powerful couple of hours. After leaving, I had a greater understanding how horrible it had been for the Chinese and even understood Mao Tse Tung's politics better. That one experience we all shared led to great talks amongst ourselves which in turn cemented strong ties between us.

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Thanks for your post SBS. It is very appropriate. While living in China I became very aware of the history of events during the 1930's and during WWII. What happened there, especially in Nanjing, should never happen again. In a real sense, it too was a holocaust. The Japanese attitude to this day is unpardonable. Let us hope and pray that the future brings an appropriate apology and a chance for healing.

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I have known of this date for quite a long time. Unfortunately the USA played a small part in this atrocity. When the world courts were trying to convict these war criminals, the US had all of the documents needed for convictions to certain high officials, but instead of turning them over to these officials we instead traded them to the Japanese for the documentation they had while using the Chinese as guinea pigs. The information that the Japanese had was similar to what Germany did with the Jews by experimenting on them. So now all of the documentation needed to convict was or is in the Japanese hands.

We as a country also owe the Chinese people a huge apology, and i will be the 1st to say i am Sorry! I also believe though that the past is just that, it is gone. I didn't participate in any of this, but i have no problem apologizing for my Gov'ts wrong doings!


Sincerely, Patrick

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I have known of this date for quite a long time. Unfortunately the USA played a small part in this atrocity. When the world courts were trying to convict these war criminals, the US had all of the documents needed for convictions to certain high officials, but instead of turning them over to these officials we instead traded them to the Japanese for the documentation they had while using the Chinese as guinea pigs. The information that the Japanese had was similar to what Germany did with the Jews by experimenting on them. So now all of the documentation needed to convict was or is in the Japanese hands.

We as a country also owe the Chinese people a huge apology, and i will be the 1st to say i am Sorry! I also believe though that the past is just that, it is gone. I didn't participate in any of this, but i have no problem apologizing for my Gov'ts wrong doings!


Sincerely, Patrick

This time period is getting a lot more attention in American curriculums these days. I think alot more information will be coming out in the future. Sooner or later the Japanese will have to comes to term with it as they are going to need to cooperate ever more closely with China as its economy dominates the region (world?).

During my five months in China I met many people who still have very hard feelings about this. They have definately not forgotten nor forgiven.


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I am not effected by the WWII personally. But I am very upset at how the Japanese treated the Chinese during the WWII. I am even more disturbed at the Japanese is trying to deny what they have committed during the war.


While most people in the world gave sympathy to the Japanese for the Nuclear disasters, most people in the world don't realize how many more Chinese were slaughtered by the Japanese. The damage to the Chinese is ten times more of two nuclear bombs could do in human history.


I am also very shamed of the Chinese who try to forget what happened to our ancestors, to our people and our history. I hope, we all can remeber the past. But we all need to look forward to our future. The future for the Japanese and the Chinese.

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Guest another_old_fart

Hello gentlemen


Yeah, everybody know about the rape of nanking.


But, that is old history, as with the holocaust


If you still resent it after all these years, then boycott japanese products. Can you afford not to enjoy the best and coolest gadgets coming off Japan?


my two cents

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I have known of this date for quite a long time. Unfortunately the USA played a small part in this atrocity. When the world courts were trying to convict these war criminals, the US had all of the documents needed for convictions to certain high officials, but instead of turning them over to these officials we instead traded them to the Japanese for the documentation they had while using the Chinese as guinea pigs. The information that the Japanese had was similar to what Germany did with the Jews by experimenting on them. So now all of the documentation needed to convict was or is in the Japanese hands.

We as a country also owe the Chinese people a huge apology, and i will be the 1st to say i am Sorry! I also believe though that the past is just that, it is gone. I didn't participate in any of this, but i have no problem apologizing for my Gov'ts wrong doings!


Sincerely, Patrick

I think that the claim that the United States is in some way responsible for the Japanese war atrocities is unfair. The Tokyo War Crimes Trials, similar to those in Nuremberg, did result in 7 death sentences and 16 lifetime convictions. These kinds of things were very complicated by many factors, including but not limited to:

1. "I was just following orders" defense

2. The absence of any clear laws that govern this - who gets to decide what a "crime against humanity" is....

3. Japan's future value as an ally against the Communist world. To dig too deep and persecute too many may have alienated the Japanese after the war. In fact, there was considerable concern that the Japanese may become Communists as well.


I would also point out that some Americans volunteered to go to China and fight long before Pearl Harbor.


There's a terrific account of this in a book called Embracing Defeat by Dower.


Ok, that's my two jiao.


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Hey Dave, Facts is Facts! Our Gov't officials wanted thsi documentation because it involved Human studies. You cannot similate studies with Lab rats like you can Humans. So we agreed to turn over some of this documentation in exchange for this information. Wouldn't you agree this was wrong? I mean we put our own greed for this type of info in front of what was morally correct. Just my opinion bro, But the Facts is Facts stands!


Patrick :lol:

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Hello gentlemen


Yeah, everybody know about the rape of nanking.


But, that is old history, as with the holocaust


If you still resent it after all these years, then boycott japanese products. Can you afford not to enjoy the best and coolest gadgets coming off Japan?


my two cents

hello another_old_fart,

There are a lot Chinese out there in China boycott Japanese products which is made in Japan. maybe it is silly to you but I do understand the reason why they are doing this and i don't buy things which is made in Japan also.

I am really moved how all people here reply my post and I really want to say thank you of all of you who understand us and how we feel about this history.

Also I am so proud of these chinese relations of you who taught you this history of China.

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I would also point out that some Americans volunteered to go to China and fight long before Pearl Harbor.





They even recovered two US warplanes in some southern lakes in China recently.. One they intend to fly again once refurbished in the States... ( Us, not the chinese.. :lol: ).


Ok, that's my two jiao. <-- Cheap guy !! :lol: :lol:



OK, that's my 245 Millions Turkish liras <---- Rich guy




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