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Police in China Warned Not to Inflame Protests...

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So civil disobedience would never work in China??? :V: Like say the guy holding two shopping bags stopping a line of tanks... :ph34r:


That was a peaceful and very brave man indeed. And make no mistake about it, that I am indeed an advocate of people publically voicing their discontent. Your original post however accuses the Chinese police of inflaming a demonstration. If the police ask you to disburse, and you choose to remain, then just who is doing the inflaming of the situation? The demonstrators? The police? Both? None?


Oh no sir...The person accusing the Chinese police of inflaming protests was the Head Cop in China... :huh:


Yeah, but what does he know? :P Jesse'll have his job in 6 months. :D

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Guest ShaQuaNew


So civil disobedience would never work in China??? :V: Like say the guy holding two shopping bags stopping a line of tanks... :ph34r:


That was a peaceful and very brave man indeed. And make no mistake about it, that I am indeed an advocate of people publically voicing their discontent. Your original post however accuses the Chinese police of inflaming a demonstration. If the police ask you to disburse, and you choose to remain, then just who is doing the inflaming of the situation? The demonstrators? The police? Both? None?


Oh no sir...The person accusing the Chinese police of inflaming protests was the Head Cop in China... :huh:


Yeah, but what does he know? :P Jesse'll have his job in 6 months. :D


Yes, I will. I'm a lucky guy. By the way, I did read the article you posted Roger, and am aware that he is quoted as saying that the police under his command have been directed to be more careful not to do things that further inflame an already tense situation. I'm only attempting here, to draw a line between both sides, as it's quite difficult to handle. I don't recall seeing many protests in America that were ever handled well by the police. I did participate in a few protests in the 60s and 70s, but got the hell out of there when things escalated into violence.

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A massive riot in Gansu province...2000 rioters and 60 officials were injured over government plans to relocate the city center of a town damaged in the May earthquake... :lol:




As the article points out the worlwide economic woes are starting to hit China hard and these kinds of "social unrest" are on the upswing... :huh:

Edited by rogerluli (see edit history)
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Two Police officers have been arrested who were involved in the beating death of a college student outside a nightclub last month... :( Outrage is running very high these days against police and local officials viewed as corrupt or in this case "getting away with murder"... :(




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Police in China have a history of clamping down very hard on any protests...and too often they have turned a protest into a riot... :o These "mass incidents" have increased with the economic downturn and more people being angry over official corruption... :D Here the Minister of Public Security weighs in with a warning to police... :lol:


China has strong laws about public and civil disobedience. Don't think for moment that the people behind these displays are innocent white doves.


Exactly! The nerve of those parents whose only child is dead and rotting in the ground to protest because some nice and economically ambitious public servant chose to buy themselves a much-needed Mercedes instead of paying attention to some asinine building codes.


The nerve of them! Send them all to the gulags!!

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