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Question about financial things

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Hey everyone


I spent two years in China teaching English, where obviously I met the most wonderful girl. It's funny, when I was younger and more pessimistic about finding the perfect girl for me, people would tell me that that certain girl is somewhere out there; that there's someone for everyone. I jokingly said "yeah, and mine is probably on the other side of the world". Well, turns out, I was right.


Anyway, my relationship with her inspired me to stop my globetrotting and return to school so we could take our relationship to the next level. I was naive to think that I, or she, would be able to stand the distance and time it would take for me to do that. Anyway, I'm looking to start the whole K1 visa process.


Being 25 and a student (still), I don't really have any sort of high-paying employment. It's been a history of part-time and workstudy jobs. I just returned from a commercial fishing gig in Alaska. Until then, I figured I would return to China and marry her there, until I read up on the long time that I would need to spend in China to do so. With student loans and whatnot, I can't really do that.


So, my questions are: How long do I have to have a job before I can start the process? How much will having a co-signer hurt the application process? Will seeking help from a lawyer help speed up the process, or will having a few friends who have also gone through this process (although having spouses from different countries) suffice?


The question about the job is the most important one. If I were to get a job, say, tomorrow (I got back a few days ago, so I haven't really been sitting around on my ass haha) let me start the process ASAP, or will I have to wait six months or a year?


Thanks a billion!



P.S. I really hope I didn't look over any threads where these questions were addressed. I searched for most of the day but didn't really find any...so forgive me if I'm asking a redundant question!

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Welcome to Candle Justin. :thank_you_so_much:


Just my two cents on some of your questions. Others will be able to answer the more technical aspects about jobs and such. I do know that you'll need to have 3 years of tax returns so if you didn't file while in China you need to get started on that.


Since your interview will be in about 9-12 months at the earliest, you have time to establish yourself in a job so you can show income etc. But judging from what you've said, it sounds like you'll need a co-sponsor which won't have a negative impact on your case as long as the financial limits are met. Many people use co-sponsors. It's not a problem.


No, seeking a lawyer will NOT speed up the process. Just hanging out here and being able to fill out forms along with attention to detail should get you through the process. It has for many here. The fact that you have friends who've gone through it is definately a plus. Forget the lawyer. :lol:


Good luck.

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Justin, welcome aboard ... and one more point to add to Dave's ...


Regarding your friends who have married citizen's of other countries, don't rely 100% on them as China and the Guangzhou process is in some aspects unique and tougher than bringing a loved one from other countries.


CFL and Visa Journey are your best resources. We appreciate it that you search the site and look at the FAQs but in the end there are no stupid questions so don't hesitate to ask.

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at the sake of sounding redundant to previous posts... don't worry about the job need prior to filing; just get it filed... then get a job... and then provide what is needed for the interview time. and skip the lawyer, there are too many stories of them slowing down the process; you'll get done fastest by staying on CFL.

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Ya, sometimes the search engine on the forum is a bit braindead - but...

The Google has it nailed.


If you go to www.google.com and enter

'site:candleforlove.com <<search terms>> ' you'll have much better results.


There's a huge FAQ over at http://candleforlove.com/FAQ/CFL_EZ_FAQ.htm

and a collection of mini faqs over at



Good Luck !

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I decided to not hire an attorney, despite a less than perfect past. So far, so good I guess. And, like David said....you will probably get more help here at CFL than you would with an attorney. After researching many Immigration attorneys, in my opinion, the biggest service they offer is help in preparing the required paperwork to file. And of course, they answer questions you may have along the way. After reading many posts on here from members who hired an attorney, I came to the realization that those answers offered by the lawyers are not always accurate. Well...despite the fact that I am a natural blonde(ok..so most of it is getting gray ;)), I realized that I could handle preparing the paperwork myself, and I can get answers to questions here from people who have actually gone through the process, or are going through it.


Also....I, like many on here, do not make the required income level of 125% of Poverty level. I am , however, having 2 joint sponsors (my dad and stepmom). I am also a student, although an older one, but I have 2 jobs as well. So...it is fine to have a joint sponsor.


I don't know if others will agree with me, but in my opinion, it would probably be best if your joint sponsor is a family member as opposed to a friend. The reason I say this is that the USCIS might view a family member as more reliable to be there for financial support, as opposed to a friend. Also, it helps show the USCIS that your family supports the relationship in other ways than financially, and that your family views the relationship as a "bonafide" one.


Just remember that there are many factors that the USCIS uses to determine whether or not to approve the visa. And....lastly....like I tell all the new members here....be prepared to exercise great patience in the process.


Anyway...again...welcome. CFL is great, and has helped many people... including myself.


Later B)

Edited by Reddragon75 (see edit history)
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Thank you, Dave! So the proof of funding part, minus the tax return thing, is needed at the interview only?




Oh...almost forgot...you will need MANY more documents than just the financial ones at the interview. ;)

We refer to it as the "kitchen sink list". I don't have the link to it right now. That is probably good, because it might scare you. ;)

But, it's actually not that bad. I have already started preparing some of it now, and I will have plenty of time to finish preparing the rest of it before the interview(whenever that will be B)).

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It's good to know I don't have to hire an attorney. That'd be more money I don't have.


Your situation sounds a bit like mine. Poor student hahaha. My dad is planning on co-sponsoring, and mom said she would as well if we needed.


I did manage to see the "kitchen sink list". It's not too bad, because I know there's a lot of things in the "arsenal of proof". There's plenty of time to get more.


Anyway, I'm excited because my dad is giving me a chance to go visit Seiby for a couple of weeks because her birthday is coming up. I'll show her this website, because I know she has more questions than I do.


Thanks, guys!

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