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I feel safer now ... don't you ?







Tighter rules for international visas proposed


From Kelli Arena

CNN Justice Correspondent

Wednesday, July 30, 2003 Posted: 3:30 PM EDT (1930 GMT)

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WASHINGTON (CNN) -- International air travelers on flights that make short stopovers in the United States will be required to obtain a visa under proposed changes that would have to be approved by the White House, CNN has learned.


Government officials told CNN Tuesday that the step is intended to prevent entry into the United States by non-American travelers who might not qualify for a visa for a variety of reasons.


The move is partially in response to new intelligence suggesting terrorists might hijack planes in the United States as they travel through to other countries.


There is concern that airline customers might have to cancel flight plans because of the new rules, putting more financial pressure on airlines -- already hobbled by post-September 11 fears and the economic slowdown.


If approved by the president, the new rules could be announced as early as this week.

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Specifically, I do not feel safer because I think this is the sort of attitude that propagates our negative image in the world. It's an isolationist act. I don't believe it does anything at all to address the underlying problems we face in the world. I don't believe it truly addresses real threats to our security.


Every day I listen to the news I fear for all of our safety and security specifically because of the actions being taken by the current administration. The Patriot Act is probably the single most damaging document ever written to undermine the freedoms we have enjoyed in this country.


"We have met the enemy and he is us." Pogo's words were never more true than today.

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As I read the story, it doesn't affect any of us. We've all done in- transit travel at some point in our travels and the US has a good point. Booking a flight, for example, from Afganistan to Canada with transit through New York could be a bug in our system.


When our loved ones come to the States, they'll have visa in hand. Let the gov spend all their time with the transit issue and forget about actually limiting the number of visas issued.


So shall it be written; so shall it be done. :P

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Guest jade_yan

those who express that opinion misunderstand the patriot act, i believe. or simply buy all the misguided rhetoric about it. However, perhaps we leave politics for another board.

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those who express that opinion misunderstand the patriot act, i believe. or simply buy all the misguided rhetoric about it. However, perhaps we leave politics for another board.


These political issues are very much part of this forum. These ARE the issues we are all facing having fallen love and/or having married a foreigner. When I read just this morning that it took 21 months for one member of Candle to get his wife here, I'm utterly appalled. TWENTY-ONE months!! This is a direct result of misguided actions being taken that limit our own freedoms as a knee-jerk reaction to 9-11. When I think about the filthy hospitals I've seen so far in China and realize that this is where my first child is going to be born, due to the fact that our case is trapped in this invisible and interminable "security check", I am livid.


I don't believe I misunderstand the Patriot Act one bit. I might just as easy suggest that you can't see the forest for the trees. Our constitution guarantees us a government of checks and balances, it provides us with a voice and recourse for grievances. The Patriot Act is in direct contridition to this, all in the name of "security." I don't believe the rhetoric about it is at all misguided. There is a constitutional crisis happening that has only begun to be discussed.


I know this is a volatile issue which can easily degrade into a lot of noise on a forum like this but, you know, I'm soooo tired of being quiet about it. This country is headed in a very dangerous direction and it scares the living hell out of me.


These ARE the core issues that are seriously and directly impacting the lives of every person reading this forum. They should be discussed in excruciating detail.

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Guest jade_yan

The Constitutional protections we enjoy are subject to many limitations, and are not absolute. The Government may infringe on freedom when there is a compelling state interest in doing so, even in the people's republic of berkeley. Only a very small minority are "scared". I hope, in time, you will feel more at ease.

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actually ... YOU frighten me.


robhon is right ... and I cannot for the life of me understand how any 'conservative' can reconcile their personal viewpoints with EITHER the process of marrying a Chinese woman or the insane ideas which are proffered by the 'leadership' of this country.


The cognitive dissonance must give them amazing headaches.


:P :P :D

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Guest jade_yan

can you tell me ONE right of yours infringed by the PA?


a simple exchange of ideas should not frighten you. if it does, I don't know what to say.

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