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Hi All,


Occasionally I get email from people asking for help in composing letters. I've gotten a couple of emails in Chinese. I don't speak or write Chinese, and I have no idea whether this is simply junk mail, or someone in need of help. Will anyone who reads Chinese be willing to translate one for me?



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I started with Babelfish but found it slow. My fiancee sometimes struggled understanding it. I suggest:




The price is still right and I find it more accurate (okay, okay....my fiancee finds it more accurate). :unsure: If it is something important, write messages in very basic English. Use simple grammar and words that don't have two meanings (i.e., mean = definition; mean = bad deed; mean = average). Once you obtain the Chinese translation, reverse translate from Chinese back to English. If the English is more/less right, you've got a winner. I used this process once in writing her father a letter....he said it was very well done.



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