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could they deliberately create a backlog

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Greetings everyone,


After getting another letter ready to send off to my congressman today, I realized they did help me some. It wasn’t until guz responded to my congressmans inquiry that they (guz) finally sent my case off for the required name security check.


It was four months from Sept., when I sent an email to confirm (ha ha) they received my correction, to Jan 23, when they responded by letter to my congressman and forwarded to me that the security name check on my petition started.


The reason I am writing today is there was a segment on 60 min tonight where an FBI Turkish language interpreter hired after Sept 11 was on.


Her story was that her supervisor requested all the interpreters in her department to deliberately create a backlog, in other words she was told to go slow. The reason being was in that way her department could justify a larger budget for the following fiscal year.


When I heard that suddenly everything became very clear to me as to why things suddenly slowed down for us, my petition. Everything was going so well for us until around September. Of course a little thing like putting the wrong birth date on my fiancées biographic form couldn’t have had anything to do with it.


Anyway I am sending my letter to the Honorable John L. Mica tomorrow asking for his help agai and I hope I get some result, man I am angry.


I called DOS Friday and was unlucky enough to get some ….......


I have no idea who this lady was all about, because when I ask for the status on our case, she responded, “we don't give that information out." I asked how would I know when the name check cleared and she said, " you will know when they (guz) notifys you.”


I figured they changed procedures or something like that. I asked her what had changed because I have been calling weekly since February and that was the first I heard of that. I continued asking her what was up and this professional government worker actually just disconnected me, she hung up on me after waiting for over 45 min. She wasn’t the first that hung up on me, but @#&!@#!, this one really got my goat.


I was flabbergast for a few minuets and called back. This time I got a nice professional who took care of my request, still pending.


I mentioned being hung up on and asked her to perhaps revise their hiring practice and phone etiquette training.


Any day now……….


ps I was not rude, at the most I was a little sarcastic to that dingbat

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This story ran on 60 minutes over a year ago. This woman was fired for reporting this situation and her bosses were given raises and promotions. This case is still ongoing as this woman is trying to sue the government. Naturally the government is saying she can not sue because it is a matter of National Security.


Sounds more like the good old boy network covering up for each others incompetance.

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Greetings everyone,


After getting another letter ready to send off to my congressman today, I realized they did help me some. It wasn’t until guz responded to my congressmans inquiry  that they (guz) finally sent my case off  for the required name security check.


It was four months from Sept., when I sent an email to confirm (ha ha) they received my correction, to Jan 23, when they responded by letter to my congressman and forwarded to me that the security name check on my petition started.


The reason I am writing today is there was a segment on 60 min tonight where an FBI Turkish language interpreter hired after Sept 11 was on.


Her story was that her supervisor requested all the interpreters in her department to deliberately create a backlog, in other words she was told to go slow. The reason being was in that way her department could justify a larger budget for the following fiscal year.


When I heard that suddenly everything became very clear to me as to why things suddenly slowed down for us, my petition. Everything was going so well for us until around September. Of course a little thing like putting the wrong birth date on my fiancées biographic form couldn’t have had anything to do with it. 


Anyway I am sending my letter to the Honorable John L. Mica tomorrow asking for his help agai and I  hope I get some result, man I am angry.


I called DOS Friday and was unlucky enough to get some ?......


I have no idea who this lady was all about, because when I ask for the status on our case, she responded,  “we don't give that information out." I asked how would I know when the name check cleared and she said, " you will know when they (guz) notifys you.?


I figured they changed procedures or something like that. I asked her what had changed because I have been calling weekly since February and that was the first I heard of that. I continued asking her what was up and this professional government worker actually just disconnected me, she hung up on me after waiting for over 45 min. She wasn’t the first that hung up on me, but @#&!@#!, this one really got my goat.


I was flabbergast for a few minuets and called back. This time I got a nice professional who took care of my request, still pending.


I mentioned being hung up on and asked her to perhaps revise their hiring practice and phone etiquette training.


Any day now……?


ps I was not rude, at the most I was a  little sarcastic to that dingbat

hi, just ask their work card number and their name b4 asking anything. It worked out perfectly for my friend.good luck!

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It is the same in US Customs. One of my friend work there, and he told me that each year, when the budget time comes, they deliberately slow down, and create long long waiting lines at the border. They want as many complaints as possible from the public in order to get more budget and the officials get more overtime pays. We have to wait long times to cross the (US-Mexico) border every year at that time.

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