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Callin' DOS

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I hear ya Don....LOUD AND CLEAR...I hear ya.


I've often thought how I'd rather have given $20,000 to the State Department for a one year visitor's visa for my lil' rabbit, let her see America, and then, together, head back "home".


I know...that's just a silly dream, sorta like this K-1 visa process is becoming...and...it will most likely wind up the same scenerio even if they do give her a visa.


Somewhere, I think around the 3 or 4 month after our interview time frame of waiting in the dark for word from GUZ, I lost my long held American dream.


I say this with a clear head, devoid of bitterness, but I no longer care about life in America.


My thinking and daydreaming drifts more and more to a home in China, a simplier lifestyle, living out my years teachin' english to kids, enjoyin' meals with my Chinese family and singin' karioke with them as we laugh, watching our son excel and graduate university, layin' in a hammock holding the lil' rabbit in one arm and smokin' a handrolled by Chairman Mao hisowndamnself CEEGAR, and...if I'm allowed a bit of irony here.... laughing each month as I pick up that VA service connected check (for my efforts fightin' "those dirty commies") which now goes to my.... CHINESE ADDRESS. :clapping: Thankya very much, Uncle Sam. ;) ;) I love you and your consulate in Guangzhou, too.


tsap seui

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I hear ya Don....LOUD AND CLEAR...I hear ya.


I've often thought how I'd rather have given $20,000 to the State Department for a one year visitor's visa for my lil' rabbit, let her see America, and then, together, head back "home".


I know...that's just a silly dream, sorta like this K-1 visa process is becoming...and...it will most likely wind up the same scenerio even if they do give her a visa.


Somewhere, I think around the 3 or 4 month after our interview time frame of waiting in the dark for word from GUZ, I lost my long held American dream.


I say this with a clear head, devoid of bitterness, but I no longer care about life in America.


My thinking and daydreaming drifts more and more to a home in China, a simplier lifestyle, living out my years teachin' english to kids, enjoyin' meals with my Chinese family and singin' karioke with them as we laugh, watching our son excel and graduate university, layin' in a hammock holding the lil' rabbit in one arm and smokin' a handrolled by Chairman Mao hisowndamnself CEEGAR, and...if I'm allowed a bit of irony here.... laughing each month as I pick up that VA service connected check (for my efforts fightin' "those dirty commies") which now goes to my.... CHINESE ADDRESS. B) Thankya very much, Uncle Sam. :D :D I love you and your consulate in Guangzhou, too.


tsap seui


Hey buddy, well no news in this whole thing is not good news!!!


Keep us informed, think about what you and chilton have had to endure! :( :)

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Mark, that ol' Jawja boy and I are two rednecks that GUZ, Uncle Sam, and the rest of them grocery clerks ain't gonna stop from living out our lives with the wimmin that WE choose to be with. We're gonna be jest fine, visa or no visa.


Ya know, sometimes a man has to walk a few miles down a path to see just where he is, and if he is actually on the path he should be on. With 20/20 buttsight from this experience I see I should have been online looking for a Chinese woman that wanted to stay in China...with an American husband. I could have taken an online TEFL course for $325 and bought me a one way ticket out of Dodge, instead spending a bunch of pesos on this mess and exposing myself to the claws of the gubmit once again.


I hope my lil' rabbit gets to have her dream of seeing America and I'm too dang far along in this crap to suggest stoping it to her without incurrin' the most major mop slap known to mankind....on my head. ;)


So, I continue to call the DOS "specialists" every dang day...lookin'...yawn...for updates as to when they'll send her a letter....yawn.


I'm tellin' ya, your local septic tank pumper guy can give you more honest information, seein' as how feces is his business and he ain't tryin' to fool anybody that it isn't...now is he?


Maybe they'll give the lil' rabbit a visa, tomorrow, or the next day...or so. :blink: I know one thing for certain...Ranger, you and yer ladys will be jest fine!!!


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Mark, that ol' Jawja boy and I are two rednecks that GUZ, Uncle Sam, and the rest of them grocery clerks ain't gonna stop from living out our lives with the wimmin that WE choose to be with. We're gonna be jest fine, visa or no visa.




Mark thanks for your concern and ol cuz Tsap couldn't have said it better. Ya know when my momma was raisin me to be the best redneck I could be she didn't teach me anything about them GUZ grocery clerks. She only taught me to look to the heavens when I had trouble. Well now I have this huge creek (pronounced the same as a tiny river - "crik") in my neck and now I can't look down. I am playing follow the leader and indeed what an interesting ride it is. :rolleyes:

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tsap....you and chawls hang in there...yer day is a comin...i just know it


Thanks Steve,


Chawls and I are gonna "make our own day comin'" and we don't need no help from some character named Uncle Sam and his grocery clerks to do it.


I agree, Chawls wife may one day be given a visas from GUZ...in a couple of years or so. And yepper the lil' rabbit may get her visa, next week, or she may get a white slip, or another 6 or 7 month blue slip before a total denial, or who knows...a visa (that will probably be forgotten about by that time). :D


it would be very easy for someone readin' Chawls and my posts conclude that we are bitter...THAT IS NOT THE CASE with either one of usin's and I try my best to show somewhere in each of my posts that I am not an angry or bitter man, as does Chawls.


If you could hear us two ol' slow tawkin' boys on the phone, you'll quickly see that you have never heard so much laughter...and positive thought. Jest cause we tawk slow don't mean we think slow ;)...often yankees hear ol' southern boys tawk and think they's dumb...yep, me 'n Chawls is dumb alright...like a couple of foxes. And we both have the exrtreme desire to be with our wimmin.


Chawls is way out ahead of me in this game GUZ is playin' and while he may well end up down south and me takin' off for the north, I'm sure one day you may well see us both postin' from Chinatucky.


I sincerely hope no one ever needs help with problems like white or blue slips, but I will flat out tell ya, if you do find yerself in that posistion, there is a subculture on CFL (mostly lurkers) that can support and help ya durin' yer extended waitin' time....and they won't be thinkin' "well maybe you didn't prepare gud enough, or fill out the paperwork correctly. Shucks, with GUZ, that often don't even matter, but you better damn well study David's FAQ's and dot every i and cross every t.


Steve and the rest of you guys soon in que, yer all gonna be jest fine. So's guys like Chawls n' me, cause the prayins done, it's time to be gettin' offa them knees.


Damn, Jawja boy, yaw ever think you'd be spreadin' southern tawk to young Chinese? :lol: :lol: Sheeeeit, there's gonna be some Chinatucky speakin' kids in the future, and a coupla bubbas with possum eatin' grins on their faces.


tsap seui

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Oh yeahhhhh our day is comin ol' cuz. I am so dreamin of the day that me and my lil' sea flower can be together and stay that way. She has grown very tired of waiting on Uncle Sam and the grocery clerks to give us our receipt for the visa. This fall we will put the finishing touches on our mansion with the indoor outhouse and no wheels. Shucks man I can't be bitter cause I got too much work to do. Jest think.....no grass to cut and no holes ta dig! :boxer:

Down there in southern Chinatucky is a redneck's dream. Plenty of white socks, fake Blue Ribbon beer......what more coulda redneck ask for?

I can't wait to get me one of them bicycle type pickup trucks, go to the local grocery store and get a mess of greens and bananas. Why with any luck I'll find me some pinto beans and show my lil' sea flower how to make cawn bread. :huh: :)

After eatin supper I'll fire up my old geetar (after I fire up the outhouse fan), crank it up and give my neighbors a dose of Jimi Hendrix, Led Zepplin, and Steppenwolf. I'll have my picture of the Allman Brothers on the wall as I play One Way Out. Now if'n I could jes find a bass player. Know any cuz?????????? :lol: I got a friend of mine called me the other day and told me he met a Chinese geetar player in Utah. He's got him a gig in Beijing during the Olympics. He is looking for a bass player to play the gig. I told him that the timing is not right now but not so far in the future looks good. They like that western music over there so it will be a blast!!!!!!!!

Oh yeah I'll be smilin like a possum eatin briars awright! Them Chinatucky kids will be sheeeeeeeeeitin in high cotton overalls before I get through with 'em.

Now bubba cuz there still is a possibility that the grocery clerks in Guano will find their arithmetic wrong and finally put 2 and 2 together.........you and lil' rabbit and me with lil' sea flower. By the time my chance rolls around it will probably be too late. Man I am itchin to teach my first class and start out with "Howdy Yawwwwww!!!!!!!"

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