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Callin' DOS

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Tawked to one of the helpful DOS "specialists" today. After walkin' in circles pickin' my nose and burnin' a hand rolled by Chairman Mao his owndamnself ceegar, the dear lady came on and says...


"I remember you, you're one of the friendly ones"...


Yes ma'am, I try to be", I laughed.


"Well today, GUZ sez the case has been sent to the IV chief for review. It looks like all the checks have been made, and my Gawd there are a lot of notes on your case, but it looks like maybe this is good news, I hope so, anyway."


"Thank ya very much ma'am, please help me and cross yer fingers just like I'm doin'. We've been over 6 months with nothin' but administrative processin'."


She laughs and sez, "Well, it looks like they may be finally reviewing your case."




Who knows, maybe a key is soon gonna be inserted into a padlock one of these days, and I can get on a :happy2: and lead the whole cattle section in campfire songs all the way to Beijing.


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Good luck and words on this page can not express the hope I have for you and the Mrs.


Sorry only you can call her that cute name (well you know)!


I have thought about how close my feng and I are right now and how I would feel and react if we get blue slipped?? :rotfl: :pilot:

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Oh man, yesterday... elation.


Today...it's like waitin' in the coffee shop for the interview...Nah, I was calm then and knew we were highly prepared and rehearsed for that interview.


I'll just say...I'm guarded and concerned today. Happy on the one hand, with my glass is half full approach, but inside, I know I'm dealin' with people who think nothin' of takin' your glass, and throwin' it against the wall.


Believe me, I am hopin' and prayin' for the best in this. I don't quite understand why it's goin' to the "IV Chief" for review, that could be a good thing or it could be something else...but I hope it's a good thing...with my eyes wide open, says I.


The lil' rabbit? She trusts nothing...and NObody...until she sees the visa in her passport. Can't say as I blame her.


Well, thanks for your words of encouragement and hope, guys. The candle is lit...I pray an ill wind from Guangzhou doesn't snuff it out. If it stays lit, I'll be the happiest sonuvabitchin' ol' boy with the biggest shit eatin' grin you ever did see. :ph34r: You'll hear my rebel yell echoin' in the wind.....YEEEEHAWWWW YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP


tsap seui


With my passport sittin' on top of my computer, and itchin' to make the next call to the DOS "specialists"

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Oh man, yesterday... elation.


Today...it's like waitin' in the coffee shop for the interview...Nah, I was calm then and knew we were highly prepared and rehearsed for that interview.


I'll just say...I'm guarded and concerned today. Happy on the one hand, with my glass is half full approach, but inside, I know I'm dealin' with people who think nothin' of takin' your glass, and throwin' it against the wall.


Believe me, I am hopin' and prayin' for the best in this. I don't quite understand why it's goin' to the "IV Chief" for review, that could be a good thing or it could be something else...but I hope it's a good thing...with my eyes wide open, says I.


The lil' rabbit? She trusts nothing...and NObody...until she sees the visa in her passport. Can't say as I blame her.


Well, thanks for your words of encouragement and hope, guys. The candle is lit...I pray an ill wind from Guangzhou doesn't snuff it out. If it stays lit, I'll be the happiest sonuvabitchin' ol' boy with the biggest shit eatin' grin you ever did see. :ph34r: You'll hear my rebel yell echoin' in the wind.....YEEEEHAWWWW YIP YIP YIP YIP YIP


tsap seui


With my passport sittin' on top of my computer, and itchin' to make the next call to the DOS "specialists"


Mike is right, and do not leave us in suspense?? :blink:

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nerve racking, to say the least :)



Ol' Mike has lived it B) He well knows what gettin' suspended in time is all about.


I called DOS today, as I will everyday until I hear what they're gonna do.


Mike, yesterday you and I questioned that they sent the case to the "IV Chief" to review. Today I asked "James" from DOS if in his experience, the case being sent to the Chief was the usual protocal and what he normally saw, and he said "Yes, it means the workers have done their part and now the Chief will look it over and decide if more processing needs to be done, or if the visa can be issued.


I'm not taking everything DOS says as the last word, but at least he says this is what he normally sees..."sent to IV Chief for review"".


The lil' rabbit is "trying" to stay stoically traditional Chinese with this news...when I told her the "change" from GUZ, it was if I told her I took the trash out today :( She's a tuff Brer Rabbit, don't believe nuttin' and nobody...but I see that lil' cotton tail jest ever so slightly twitchin' in anticipation....un huh


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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The lil' rabbit is "trying" to say stoically traditional Chinese with this news...when I told her the "change" from GUZ, it was if I told her I took the trash out today :) She's a tuff Brer Rabbit, don't believe nuttin' and nobody...but I see that lil' cotton tail jest ever so slightly twitchin' in anticipation....un huh



Nerves of steel, poker stone face, not a hint of emotion, but a heart of gold. :(

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The lil' rabbit is "trying" to say stoically traditional Chinese with this news...when I told her the "change" from GUZ, it was if I told her I took the trash out today ;) She's a tuff Brer Rabbit, don't believe nuttin' and nobody...but I see that lil' cotton tail jest ever so slightly twitchin' in anticipation....un huh



Nerves of steel, poker stone face, not a hint of emotion, but a heart of gold. ;)



You got it Mike ;) ... and when I see she is gonna be negotiating something, I have to walk away, I get laughin' so hard, I'd blow the deal for her. B) And Rong is the ULTIMATE negotiator!! If I had a shop and saw her walk in, I'd have to close it down...and hopefully save myself some money :P :lol:


tsap seui

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nerve racking, to say the least :cheering:



Ol' Mike has lived it ;) He well knows what gettin' suspended in time is all about.


I called DOS today, as I will everyday until I hear what they're gonna do.


Mike, yesterday you and I questioned that they sent the case to the "IV Chief" to review. Today I asked "James" from DOS if in his experience, the case being sent to the Chief was the usual protocal and what he normally saw, and he said "Yes, it means the workers have done their part and now the Chief will look it over and decide if more processing needs to be done, or if the visa can be issued.


I'm not taking everything DOS says as the last word, but at least he says this is what he normally sees..."sent to IV Chief for review"".


The lil' rabbit is "trying" to stay stoically traditional Chinese with this news...when I told her the "change" from GUZ, it was if I told her I took the trash out today :alldone: She's a tuff Brer Rabbit, don't believe nuttin' and nobody...but I see that lil' cotton tail jest ever so slightly twitchin' in anticipation....un huh


tsap seui


Well I hope it gets better, I have no news today either, but we will both see soon I hope!! :alldone: :cheering:

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Tawked to one of the helpful DOS "specialists" today. After walkin' in circles pickin' my nose and burnin' a hand rolled by Chairman Mao his owndamnself ceegar, the dear lady came on and says...


"I remember you, you're one of the friendly ones"...


Yes ma'am, I try to be", I laughed.


"Well today, GUZ sez the case has been sent to the IV chief for review. It looks like all the checks have been made, and my Gawd there are a lot of notes on your case, but it looks like maybe this is good news, I hope so, anyway."


"Thank ya very much ma'am, please help me and cross yer fingers just like I'm doin'. We've been over 6 months with nothin' but administrative processin'."


She laughs and sez, "Well, it looks like they may be finally reviewing your case."




Who knows, maybe a key is soon gonna be inserted into a padlock one of these days, and I can get on a :plane: and lead the whole cattle section in campfire songs all the way to Beijing.


tsap seui



Right on!!!!!!!! Buddy!! Sounds like it will happen for ya soon!

Yer given them a good fight. Don't stop now and never stop!!

As i said before don't give up and keep up the good fight.

This battle is in the bag!!!

Hang in there buddy and good luck!!!

God bless and god speed.


Mike and Hong

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I can not add much, but I do want to say that we need a much more transparent process. Hidden information never helped anyone.




Plus, I want to add good luck and that I also have decided that US is not all it once was and will spend a significant part of my later life out of the country - in China and other places. I also want to provide a place where my kids can go if things get worse here.

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