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One ol' boys letter

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With the blindin' speed of a race turtle being let out the gate, I recieved, today, a letter from my congressman with his responce from those people in Guangzhou. This is excitin' stuff so hold onto yer seats boys and girls!!!!!!


Back in early October, 2007 I sent a letter to my congressman lookin' for him to make an official inquiry into our case. Within a week I got a reply from his office that they would be more than happy to help me, and would quickly make their inquiry.


Golly Bawb Howdy, I come home this mornin' and there is my letter. My Gawd, it's got more purdy stamps n' seals, n' fancy writin' than I could ever imagine.


Boys, here is the excitin' part so hold onto yer hats cause this will make them spin, like a terlet seat suspended over yer bed, and this is written with a fancy letterhead from GUZ, its owndamnself.





January 12, 2008


REF: Congressman Turtle's Fax of January 04, 2008


TO: The Honorable Speedy Turtle

House of Representatives


Dear Congressman Turtle:


Thank you for your fax dated January 04, 2008 regarding the immigrant visa case of Ms. Lil' Rabbit. Mr. Tsap Seui requested your assistance in this matter.


Our records show that Ms. Rabbit's case is currently undergoing additional administrative processing. We will contact the applicant directly once the process is completed.


We hope this information will assist you in responding to your constituent.





Michael J. Jacobsen

Chief, Consular Section


This email is UNCLASSIFIED based upon the provisions of E.O. 12958




WHOOOOWEEEE, it shore makes me wanna pee. Is that not excitin' or what? Does that not tell ya jest what the heck is going on? The mystery is NOW solved, I will sleep like a baby tonight. :V:



And...it's about what I expected, shucks, maybe more.



Disclaimer: No, I ain't bitter. :blink: I truly find life very humorous and I chose to laugh my way through it, yet I sometimes feel like I am walkin' through life in the middle of a Mel Brooks movie, co-written by Kurt Vonnegutt, Jr. and Joseph Heller (Catch 22).


tsap seui


I did go out to give a left handed (warrant officer style) salute to my Old Glory flag, but the dang thang was flappin'...er...ah...frozen, stiff as a board, in the mud....


and so it goes.....I now return you to your favorite Stevie Ray Vaughan album

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Additional administrative processing? Duh. Glad they narrowed it down to specifics for ya!


When I was in the Marines in the late '70s, I had some abdominal pains that went on and off for 2 weeks.


No doc could figure out what it was. Finally after a weekend in the hospital on an IV (I couldnt hold down food or water), I got a letter with the official diagnosis: Abdominal pains. DUH!!!

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Makes you want to reply to your congressman..


Honorable Congressman Turtle:


Enclosed is a copy of the letter you sent to me regarding my wifes visa status.


Do you think this is a sufficient answer to a congressman of the United States.

Is there absolutely no over site of any of the immigration department?

The president of the united states is answerable to congress for his actions, but the Department of Homeland Security answers to no one it seems. Reminds me of the kgb more than a US government agency.


The answer the Guangzhou consulate gave you is no answer at all.


When the next election comes, and I am asked if I will vote for Congressman Turtle, I can give a similar answer.

My answer will be "I will vote".


Sorry tsap seui, even if you don't get outraged, I do.

Our country was founded on a balance of power, but with regards to the Immigration process it seems there is no over site, no accountability.


I know your wife will come home soon, but that does not change the injustice inherent in this process.

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Makes you want to reply to your congressman..


Honorable Congressman Turtle:


Enclosed is a copy of the letter you sent to me regarding my wifes visa status.


Do you think this is a sufficient answer to a congressman of the United States.

Is there absolutely no over site of any of the immigration department?

The president of the united states is answerable to congress for his actions, but the Department of Homeland Security answers to no one it seems. Reminds me of the kgb more than a US government agency.


The answer the Guangzhou consulate gave you is no answer at all.


When the next election comes, and I am asked if I will vote for Congressman Turtle, I can give a similar answer.

My answer will be "I will vote".


Sorry tsap seui, even if you don't get outraged, I do.

Our country was founded on a balance of power, but with regards to the Immigration process it seems there is no over site, no accountability.


I know your wife will come home soon, but that does not change the injustice inherent in this process.


WOW!! B) Not sure what to say, But at least SOMEONE!!!

is looking at your file.


IMO and like credzba said, This IS NOT! an answer.

This is what they would call double talk.

This is there why of saying, We hear you and were working on it.

Don't call us, we'll call you!!


tsap seui my friend, I have been watching your progress with all the ups and downs and indeed you are a fighter and with the love of a good woman, You are not a quitter.

Never give up a good fight, Hang in there buddy!!


And then again like credzba said: We have elections coming up this year.


When the next election comes, and I am asked if I will vote for Congressman Turtle, I can give a similar answer.

My answer will be "I will vote".


Yes i will vote too but i think my vote just might be OTHER!!!

Every time i hear about other CFL family members that get..... Well screwed in one way or the other i take it to heart and it pisses me off! :ph34r:


We all play by the rules and we jump when they say jump!! and we say YES SIR when we should really be saying...... Well you fill in that blank!


It seams as though everyday we wake up in the morning and something else has been taken away from us or there is some other new law to make things more difficult for day to day live.


Sorry tsap seui: But I'm just venting and if i received that letter i would have been on the phone to the man!!!


Hang in there buddy, I know the PINK is getting closer and don't give up the good fight.



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Oh boy.....this is gonna be long B)


I can well understand you guys feelin' on this letter. If it made you feel feelins of wonderment, anger, or even downright rage at the unmitigated insanity of our government, in particular the "legal" immigration process that we are all working towards, again, I well understand.


That letter...oh my gawd...that letter, shucks, it wasn't even worth the terlet paper them ol' boys wrote it on. <_<


And, I'll post the letter from my Congressman that came with it.





Dear Mr. tsap seui:


This letter is in reference to your request for assistance with your problem.


As you know, we were glad to contact the United States Consulate general in Guangzhou on your behalf, and we are enclosing their responce which provides detailed information about the matter.


If after reading the letter you feel that there is something futher we can do, please do not hesitate to call our office at USA-INS-ANITY.


With kind regards, I remain


Sincerely yours,


Speedy Turtle

Member of Congress





Well, at least he asks to call if I think there is something else he could do. B) I guess he doesn't understand that, by his own laws, he can't do anything else. B) "Catch 22, Yossarian... it's only Catch 22"


Fellas, you just wouldn't believe what this process has done to me, how it has evolved me as a man. I'm not angry or bitter, or even surprised. In fact, if it wasn't for my devoted and extreme love for my "wife" and "our son" I wouldn't even continue to waste my time with these foolish people and their "ACTS of LAW", rules, regulations, profiling, seeking fraud, etc......If my dear wife didn't have this long ago dream and desire of coming to America I would have stopped even trying to get her here when I heard how she, and our son, were treated, by American's, at the interview.


I came home from sustained, extreme hardcore combat in Vietnam, and let me tell you, I was one disillushioned, ANGRY, BITTER young man. I had HATRED AND RAGE like you've never seen. That hatred and rage were my life's driving force for many many years.


I've been given a few gifts, one of them is to see things with a sense of humor. Humor was lost to me for those many years after I came back to America. I self medicated my tortured soul, my rage, and my hatred with suicidal amounts of drugs for 13 years after I stepped off that freedom bird. There was nothing social about my drinking or drug intake, it was insanity at it's extreme limit, even though at the time I called it survival. I completely threw away 13 years of my life, and lost my youth somewhere in the triple canopy of Cambodia....all because I believed in my country and it's governing officials, and by believing them, by trusting that they were looking out for the American peoples best interest, I un-questionly volunteered.


Okay, so I go off as a warrior for America and I got my first taste of a reality sandwich...I got my first TRUE education. I paid, and with all the nightmares, flashbacks, and demons... still pay, the price. Now, understanding the color GREY I understand that for all it's faults America is a good place to grow up. I realize my fortune of growing up in America, as compared to say the 50's and 60's of China. But do I now think America is the ONLY place to live happily? Do I still have that concept? After living and traveling in Australia, New Zealand, and now briefly, in China...I politely and humbly say...no, I no longer harbor that illusion.


It's been over 6 months of our lives on hold and I get some dufus letter like this, and like the response GUZ gave Congressman Turtle??? :huh: It's simply hilarious, and what makes it even funnier is they must think I take any of them for serious.


Another gift I have been given, is this woman I call my lil' rabbit. We have been very fortunate to have met each other and to grow a love between us that no gubmit dofus will ever be able to take away from us...visa, or no damn visa.


They have delayed us, yes, but buddy, I have turned in my leased Vette and Avalanche, and got all my real estate on the market, as well as my Harley.


Heck, most of them GM payments and the other proceeds are gettin' turned into Chairman Mao's...and before he drops down to 6.5. The gubmit ain't gonna help me with my wife...well, I don't mean any malice to anyone here, but I ain't buyin' nothin' American anymore and refuse to salute that flag...even with an ol' left handed warrant officer's salute. I did my part for the country, and they're gonna crap on my Chinese family, when I ask for their help? Maybe temporarily, and if I could talk the lil' rabbit out of her dream to see America I'd forget the petition tomorrow as I don't need anymore of their childish letters in my mailbox...or their protection with their DOS, USCIS, INA ACT, and Homeland Security facade.


Please understand...I DO NOT say this in anger, or malice. I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been. This is an unemotional, visa or no visa decision. The lil' rabbit and I have talked about this, and while she still has her dream of seeing America and getting the "American freedom" to travel, and to give her hand a try at her own business here, she has agreed to let me send money over so we can buy a house and prepare for our future.


I have flown all over America, Australia, and New Zealand teachin' classes. I know how to get up in front of others, entertain students, and teach a subject. I'll be happy in any country I'm in, and the food in China is to die for, it's so good.


I'll be a young 58 :huh: next weekend. I love workin' and well understand that it keeps me youthful...shucks, you think, when the time gets here, I can't stand up and teach english to school kids and have a ball doin' it? And for a long time to come to...especially when I ain't tryin' to convert Chairman Mao's into American pesos. :)


Ya often never know what your real destiny is, but this process has evolved me in a whole 'nuther direction, deed it has.


To the ADD challenged, I politely apologize for this wordy post.


tsap seui


Mr. Seui's snappy winter wardrobe was supplied by Sears of Lakeforest Mall, Gaithersburg, Md 20879.

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Where my father was living, many WWII veterans where moving out of the country. Most were moving to Central America. Most if not all of them were moving for some of the reasons you mentioned.


That letter from GUZ and from your congressmans office are both worthless. I'd be interested in know if you contact them and ask them if the answer from GUZ was acceptable to them?

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Where my father was living, many WWII veterans where moving out of the country. Most were moving to Central America. Most if not all of them were moving for some of the reasons you mentioned.


That letter from GUZ and from your congressmans office are both worthless. I'd be interested in know if you contact them and ask them if the answer from GUZ was acceptable to them?


Ya know, I might do that...send a letter or call his office. I don't want him to ask anything else for our case as another Congressman, John Doolittle from California, whom I became friends with when I lived in the DC area, his immigration liason said that you tend to piss GUZ off with multiple letters from a Congressman, or letters from two Congressmen. Although, Representive Doolittle's liason does contact DOS and routinely calls me to laugh and say..."Administrative processing".


My guess is, my Congressman probably thinks it was perfectly acceptable gubmit speak. <_<


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Oh boy.....this is gonna be long ;)


I can well understand you guys feelin' on this letter. If it made you feel feelins of wonderment, anger, or even downright rage at the unmitigated insanity of our government, in particular the "legal" immigration process that we are all working towards, again, I well understand.


That letter...oh my gawd...that letter, shucks, it wasn't even worth the terlet paper them ol' boys wrote it on. :D


And, I'll post the letter from my Congressman that came with it.





Dear Mr. tsap seui:


This letter is in reference to your request for assistance with your problem.


As you know, we were glad to contact the United States Consulate general in Guangzhou on your behalf, and we are enclosing their responce which provides detailed information about the matter.


If after reading the letter you feel that there is something futher we can do, please do not hesitate to call our office at USA-INS-ANITY.


With kind regards, I remain


Sincerely yours,


Speedy Turtle

Member of Congress





Well, at least he asks to call if I think there is something else he could do. :) I guess he doesn't understand that, by his own laws, he can't do anything else. ;) "Catch 22, Yossarian... it's only Catch 22"


Fellas, you just wouldn't believe what this process has done to me, how it has evolved me as a man. I'm not angry or bitter, or even surprised. In fact, if it wasn't for my devoted and extreme love for my "wife" and "our son" I wouldn't even continue to waste my time with these foolish people and their "ACTS of LAW", rules, regulations, profiling, seeking fraud, etc......If my dear wife didn't have this long ago dream and desire of coming to America I would have stopped even trying to get her here when I heard how she, and our son, were treated, by American's, at the interview.


I came home from sustained, extreme hardcore combat in Vietnam, and let me tell you, I was one disillushioned, ANGRY, BITTER young man. I had HATRED AND RAGE like you've never seen. That hatred and rage were my life's driving force for many many years.


I've been given a few gifts, one of them is to see things with a sense of humor. Humor was lost to me for those many years after I came back to America. I self medicated my tortured soul, my rage, and my hatred with suicidal amounts of drugs for 13 years after I stepped off that freedom bird. There was nothing social about my drinking or drug intake, it was insanity at it's extreme limit, even though at the time I called it survival. I completely threw away 13 years of my life, and lost my youth somewhere in the triple canopy of Cambodia....all because I believed in my country and it's governing officials, and by believing them, by trusting that they were looking out for the American peoples best interest, I un-questionly volunteered.


Okay, so I go off as a warrior for America and I got my first taste of a reality sandwich...I got my first TRUE education. I paid, and with all the nightmares, flashbacks, and demons... still pay, the price. Now, understanding the color GREY I understand that for all it's faults America is a good place to grow up. I realize my fortune of growing up in America, as compared to say the 50's and 60's of China. But do I now think America is the ONLY place to live happily? Do I still have that concept? After living and traveling in Australia, New Zealand, and now briefly, in China...I politely and humbly say...no, I no longer harbor that illusion.


It's been over 6 months of our lives on hold and I get some dufus letter like this, and like the response GUZ gave Congressman Turtle??? :lol: It's simply hilarious, and what makes it even funnier is they must think I take any of them for serious.


Another gift I have been given, is this woman I call my lil' rabbit. We have been very fortunate to have met each other and to grow a love between us that no gubmit dofus will ever be able to take away from us...visa, or no damn visa.


They have delayed us, yes, but buddy, I have turned in my leased Vette and Avalanche, and got all my real estate on the market, as well as my Harley.


Heck, most of them GM payments and the other proceeds are gettin' turned into Chairman Mao's...and before he drops down to 6.5. The gubmit ain't gonna help me with my wife...well, I don't mean any malice to anyone here, but I ain't buyin' nothin' American anymore and refuse to salute that flag...even with an ol' left handed warrant officer's salute. I did my part for the country, and they're gonna crap on my Chinese family, when I ask for their help? Maybe temporarily, and if I could talk the lil' rabbit out of her dream to see America I'd forget the petition tomorrow as I don't need anymore of their childish letters in my mailbox...or their protection with their DOS, USCIS, INA ACT, and Homeland Security facade.


Please understand...I DO NOT say this in anger, or malice. I am more at peace with myself than I have ever been. This is an unemotional, visa or no visa decision. The lil' rabbit and I have talked about this, and while she still has her dream of seeing America and getting the "American freedom" to travel, and to give her hand a try at her own business here, she has agreed to let me send money over so we can buy a house and prepare for our future.


I have flown all over America, Australia, and New Zealand teachin' classes. I know how to get up in front of others, entertain students, and teach a subject. I'll be happy in any country I'm in, and the food in China is to die for, it's so good.


I'll be a young 58 ;) next weekend. I love workin' and well understand that it keeps me youthful...shucks, you think, when the time gets here, I can't stand up and teach english to school kids and have a ball doin' it? And for a long time to come to...especially when I ain't tryin' to convert Chairman Mao's into American pesos. :lol:


Ya often never know what your real destiny is, but this process has evolved me in a whole 'nuther direction, deed it has.


To the ADD challenged, I politely apologize for this wordy post.


tsap seui


Mr. Seui's snappy winter wardrobe was supplied by Sears of Lakeforest Mall, Gaithersburg, Md 20879.


tsap seui: Do not apologize! None needed. I respect your thoughts and believes. Indeed you have been through many battles and still survived

to tell your story.


As for our country caring about us? Well maybe! they do and maybe they don't. But as each day passes the more i feel they do not!!

They tell us what we want to hear in hope we will go away for awhile.

Then we realize that we where lied to again.


It's no wonder why so many of us are moving away.

IMO: The trust is gone and can't believe what they tell us anymore!


Though my wife is here with me now in the U.S. it is only for the short term.

We are both working and most of the money IS! getting converted to Chairman Mao's and if we can hang on for another 5-10 years of both working we will be able to live very nice and comfortable

in china!


As i said, My wife is here with me now. But trust and believe, I to went to war and back to get that pink slip. It was not easy!!! BLUE SLIP and yes, If not for the strong love of my wife it would never have happened for us. In fact i would not even be writing this post now!


So as i said in the post above. Keep up the good fight and win this battle, We know it is very difficult to win a war! But we CAN!!!

win battles.


Hang in there buddy!!



PS: tsap seui I understand what it must of been like when you came home from combat in Vietnam! I want to say THANK YOU! for all you have had to do to protect our country and WELCOME HOME!



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Hey tsappie ol' cuz, no need to 'pologize one wee leetle bit!


You and your 'lil rabbit aint the only ones wanting to nest in china, many cfl'rs have the same vision. i imagine that many of the cfl'rs you chat with today, will be in china in the next 5 to 15 years. My boo-boo and me are talking about the same thing.


As for the congressman? Remember....I dont expect he can or will help....he's one of the elected 'officials' who refuse to do anything about our immigration woes......he's essentially part of the problem....not the solution :rolleyes:

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Mike, thank you for your words buddy. I know you had a tough time of it, gettin' your lady home with you. My ol' floopy Aussie hat is off to you.


I humbly say, my American experience has rewarded me with some of the very best America has to offer, and I have seen the blackest of the black that America can, and will do to it's people.


This visa process, and the many agencies and their officials, we must deal with, and go through to be together with our loved ones is maddening at times, but it ain't shit to what our government CAN do. None of us are getting sent off as cannon fodder for an insane cause with idiots with no sound reasoning leading us.


When, I left the lil' rabbit that first time and started this process, I knew I was jumpin' into the paw of Uncle Sam...once again. My eyes were wide open to my old intense hatred of idiots with posistions and titles by their names. I said a silent prayer that I wouldn't get nailed again by the government...but ya know, I also realized that if this didn't work out the way "I" hoped it would, then maybe that wasn't the path I was "supposed" to be on.


I was never stressed one iota during the process leading up to the interview, and together, we diligently worked our asses off towards our goal.


When the lil' rabbit and "our" son got that disgraceful VO with her ugly American attitude, and when she treated them both like they were dogs, instead of human beings...I felt the anger coming back, but I have been through more than enough therapy :rolleyes: by some VERY good people to not let my anger surface....NO...I kept my cool and wrote 3 pages of questions for ACH...went to ACH and politely, humbly, yet determinedly asked every songle one of those questions.


Okay, the polite and apologitic VO took his time and told me what that I could could expect the lil' rabbit ot get a letter from the consulate in a month, month in a half, because our case looked very strong. He had spent a lot of time looking in his computer, even wrote (I later found out from the DOS) that I was a nice guy, and very concerned about my fiancee's case.


Okay....strike two Mr. VO...you fu~kin' lied to me, sat on your perch and baldfacedly lied to me to get me away from your window. Strike one was your female cohort throwing our evidence on the floor in an angry huff at the interview, and making my son play fetch.


I have just sat back and watched the different grocery clerks in our government throw more straws on my "camels" back...I knew it wouldn't take many, and I did my best to avoid them being thrown in the first place.


Sent my letter to the President....folks, in case you ever need to wonder, the Presidential letter only gets forwarded to the DOS, who has a higher ranking grocery clerk write you a letter that says...administrative processing, and oh, by the way, we will not intervene with your VO's decision. And, your letter to the President doesn't even get entered into your case file :headbang:


As I said before, the hope is still there that the lil' rabbit will get to come over here and live out her childhood dream of seeing America, getting to try her hand at a small business venture, travel to Australia and New Zealand, and then, once her curiosity is sated "I", hope we move over yonder and live out our days. We'll see if they give her a visa :surprise: won't we? One thing is for sure, visa or no visa I won't be some angry guy throwin' America the finger on my way out the door, the government has made the bed, I just don't care to sleep in it :harhar1: and don't care if the door on the 777 hits me in the ass when they close it for that one way flight over the north pole.


I hope none of you gets in this situation with GUZ, Congressmen, and the rest of the grocery clerk chain of command. If you should, just let things evolve for ya.


Good luck yaw,


tsap seui

Edited by tsap seui (see edit history)
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Mike, thank you for your words buddy. I know you had a tough time of it, gettin' your lady home with you. My ol' floopy Aussie hat is off to you.


I humbly say, my American experience has rewarded me with some of the very best America has to offer, and I have seen the blackest of the black that America can, and will do to it's people.


This visa process, and the many agencies and their officials, we must deal with, and go through to be together with our loved ones is maddening at times, but it ain't shit to what our government CAN do. None of us are getting sent off as cannon fodder for an insane cause with idiots with no sound reasoning leading us.


When, I left the lil' rabbit that first time and started this process, I knew I was jumpin' into the paw of Uncle Sam...once again. My eyes were wide open to my old intense hatred of idiots with posistions and titles by their names. I said a silent prayer that I wouldn't get nailed again by the government...but ya know, I also realized that if this didn't work out the way "I" hoped it would, then maybe that wasn't the path I was "supposed" to be on.


I was never stressed one iota during the process leading up to the interview, and together, we diligently worked our asses off towards our goal.


When the lil' rabbit and "our" son got that disgraceful VO with her ugly American attitude, and when she treated them both like they were dogs, instead of human beings...I felt the anger coming back, but I have been through more than enough therapy ;) by some VERY good people to not let my anger surface....NO...I kept my cool and wrote 3 pages of questions for ACH...went to ACH and politely, humbly, yet determinedly asked every songle one of those questions.


Okay, the polite and apologitic VO took his time and told me what that I could could expect the lil' rabbit ot get a letter from the consulate in a month, month in a half, because our case looked very strong. He had spent a lot of time looking in his computer, even wrote (I later found out from the DOS) that I was a nice guy, and very concerned about my fiancee's case.


Okay....strike two Mr. VO...you fu~kin' lied to me, sat on your perch and baldfacedly lied to me to get me away from your window. Strike one was your female cohort throwing our evidence on the floor in an angry huff at the interview, and making my son play fetch.


I have just sat back and watched the different grocery clerks in our government throw more straws on my "camels" back...I knew it wouldn't take many, and I did my best to avoid them being thrown in the first place.


Sent my letter to the President....folks, in case you ever need to wonder, the Presidential letter only gets forwarded to the DOS, who has a higher ranking grocery clerk write you a letter that says...administrative processing, and oh, by the way, we will not intervene with your VO's decision. And, your letter to the President doesn't even get entered into your case file :lol:


As I said before, the hope is still there that the lil' rabbit will get to come over here and live out her childhood dream of seeing America, getting to try her hand at a small business venture, travel to Australia and New Zealand, and then, once her curiosity is sated "I", hope we move over yonder and live out our days. We'll see if they give her a visa :lol: won't we? One thing is for sure, visa or no visa I won't be some angry guy throwin' America the finger on my way out the door, the government has made the bed, I just don't care to sleep in it ;) and don't care if the door on the 777 hits me in the ass when they close it for that one way flight over the north pole.


I hope none of you gets in this situation with GUZ, Congressmen, and the rest of the grocery clerk chain of command. If you should, just let things evolve for ya.


Good luck yaw,


tsap seui


I tried to write some kind words, and nothing was good enough!! :( :ph34r:



Edited by Shenzhen K-1 (see edit history)
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GUZ sure dis'd your Congressman with a go away kid you bother me.


He should be PI553D!!!


Griz, Ken is right. By law, the Congressmen can't really do anything to help. They wrote the laws, and pretty much wrote themselves out. Sure, they'll send an e-mail or fax an inquiry to a consulate, but they are powerless.


The only reason I even went through that humiliation was in the hope that a VO when having to reply for his boss would MAYBE take a look at our case and get it moving...Nothing More.


For that matter, a typical GUZ responce from a Congressional inquiry usually states that the woman "did not prove a bona fide relationship at her interview". :lol: :lol: Rather she did or didn't, that is the usual responce.


Now, for the responce my Congressman got..."needs futher administrative processing". :lol: :( ...at least, that, sounds better, huh? :lol:


Again, after getting educated on the way this overcome game is played, by others with much more experience than me, I truly was expecting GUZ to say, Ms. Lil' Rabbit did not prove a bona fide relationship.


I only had one hope out of the letter....maybe some VO will take a look at our case...they did...and when I call the DOS, I see that they wrote, on that date, under the Special Interest section of our case...."This case is under administrative processing".


I ask ya, what more could a guy hope for? :toot: :toot: :crazy: :yahoo: :Dah: :lol: :happy2: ;) ;) :rotfl: :ph34r:


I'll have a laugh about that letter one day as I get on the :plane: and head off to the smog.


tsap seui


Have terlet seat

will travel

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