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I want to try the new Westin, just a short block away, for the one night


Roger, Beautiful hotel, and it is not block away, but it is right next building.. :tomato:


I was so lucky to stay there when FedEx delivered our documents late, since I was able to RUN from Westin lobby to consulate, carrying my baby within a min. :roller: ;)



Yes CBS, we went there for lunch one afternoon last spring, the very first week the Westin opened. Member SirLancelot had given me a heads-up on the place. We did not stay there, but checked it out, after visiting the Consulate bldg. The Italian restaurant on the very top of the hotel, was not open yet, but the buffet on the second floor was. It was very good. It just seemed to be about a block away, even though it is closer. :helpsmilie: :D


I have taken Lao Po to the Consulate bldg. about five times now, twice for ACH¡¯s and a few more, just to get her used to the layout of the bldg and the 4th floor coffee shop. The newer Tee Mall, is very close, so we could do this all very easily, on a day we were downtown shopping anyway. Of course, this was doable for us as she lives in GZ and that makes it very convenient to run by anytime.


I really love Guangzhou and I have spent so much time in and out of the city with Lao Po, that my comfort level there is very high. Having grown up in LA, and worked downtown, I am used to the heavy traffic and the busy atmosphere.


My wife laughs when I give the taxi drivers directions on how to get from one place to another in the most expeditious manner. If I didn¡¯t have my little guys here at home, I would spend a lot more time in GZ.


Let us know when you get back home to SF !!! ;)


Well Roger great thoughts as always!!


I wish I could be there, rather spend it with her here!!


She has already traveled to GZU twice with our P-3 and tells me she will have no trouble there, she has it covered!! God I love her!! ;) :D


Hey Mark, twice it great, that will work !!!


Yes, doesn't it feel so good, to be able to love so deep and so true !!!??


I don't know how these other guys can talk/think about the damn super bowl ??? My full attention is on my baby and when she will be here. :D :(


BTW, when are you going to get that P-4 and an interview date !!?? Rob and I are tired of waiting for you to get out of the way !!!! :lol: B)


I am hoping to hear something next week...........!!!! :D :rolleyes:


I missed my honey thise weekend because of two very large wrestling tournaments..........


We left Saturday at 7:30 a.m. and got home right before the 4th quarter of the Pack game......... :D ;)

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