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Conversation differences and challenges

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Sounds like an American wife. But women are women no matter where they come from and trying to apply logic to what a woman does or does not do will drive you crazy. Women don't think or act the way we men do. You shouldn't have to apologize for being yourself. And where does it say that men should give up being men to please their wives? We're different for a reason and changing yourself will only make you into something closer to being a woman... dude, you're a guy, act like one and let your wife make some adjustments too. Why does every guy here always post that we men have to be more this or that, that we have to give up what and who we are... Our wives, be they Chinese or not, can make changes too. We don't have to give up who we are to enjoy our marriages. I haven't and my wife and I have an enjoyable and happy marriage.

She is and I found the most Americanized woman in Beijing I think. Sometimes I have regretted this, but for the most part I appreciate her. Her mind is so focused on helping me and seeing that I do the right things.... For her she can drive herself crazy over this.


I think we came to a very good agreement last night. Don't care to get specific at this time. Thanks for your comments.


DAVE and Dave, maybe I will try reading the book and find it in Chinese. Hmm, wonder if too late for a New Years present - to find in Chinese that is?

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