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PJ, Don, pleases pin letter to Harty

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Thank you to those who have signed the petition even though your names have been cleared and now have your loved ones with you. Each voter that signs the petition is a plus. We are Americans and are taking our country back. We do not belong to the, Hurrah for me party!

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I know there are several members who have cleared this namecheck and many others who have their wives here with them.  Can we get your support on this also?


Best Wishes

You bet. PM for how to proceed or post it here.


We're just waiting for AOS appointment letter. All the rest is bagged. Thank God.

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Hi All,


I got a few more signatures today, and I will incorporate them into the letter, and fax it to MH tonight. I want to thank everyone who supported this effort.


I am especially grateful to those of you who have finished this process, but still took the time to sign the letter.


Best Wishes, and Good Luck to Us All!

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Thank you Argyle!


Also wish to thank all and everyone for taking action.


Let's hope it works not just for all of us but improves things for those who will or are about to run into the molasses of this mess ;) :lol:


Is there any plan towards possible media coverage? Should we double up with targeted reinforcement individually?



Best wishes to all Daniel

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Thank you Argyle!


Also wish to thank all and everyone for taking action.


Let's hope it works not just for all of us but improves things for those who will or are about to run into the molasses of this mess ;) ;)


Is there any plan towards possible media coverage? Should we double up with targeted reinforcement individually?



Best wishes to all Daniel

Good idea on the media blitz. I try to contact at least one or two news groups a day to uncover the inefficiency or other of the legal immigration process. Seems that people that I talk to have legal and illegal mixed up in their heads. :lol:

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Hi All,


I just wanted to give everyone an update on the letter. I faxed the letter to MH at 6:50pm Central Time. I also sent a copy to Aaron Brown at CNN. I will also send copies to several Newspapers.


I will keep everyone posted on our progress.


Best Wishes

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Okay Everyone,


The letter is sent to Aaron Brown at CNN, and to several major newspapers across the United States. I hope that we get a positive response.


But, I'm not content to wait. I have already started writing another letter. I need to wait for some supporting evidence before I send this one out, but hopefully once we get this ball rolling, things will happen!


Thanks to all of you who replied to my thread "who has served our country". I don't plan to mention any names, but I do plan to use this information in my next letter.


Thanks again to everyone who supported this!

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