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Hi, all,


I recieved a letter from my congressman. It stated that FBI (indeed) is the mysterious government agency holding the case. What should I do? Does anyone have a contact number for FBI (kind of like DOS number)? I am going to send a reply to the congressman's help to interface with FBI as well, but I would like to take some action myself as well.





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Good luck. I tried to interact with the FBI but got nowhere, including asking a friend who is in the FBI to help. Noone else was willing to touch this either - over these many months we have seen many post frustration about this as no one is willing to interfere with the process because its a matter of "national security." I have never seen a post from anyone who has been successful in interacting with the FBI. If you develop a technique on how to do this, I'm there are many others who'd like to know!


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Christy, sorry to hear your case has been officially put on hold. Believe me, I know the feelings. I remembered when I found out my case was on hold, I felt like it was all over. But I have to move on. I remembered the day I called my fiancee and told her the news, we were both cried to each other on the phone. I am thinking about sending email to the director of the FBI. I don't know if he'll read it, but that's the least I can do now. I can't just sit back and wait for them to do their jobs. Keep the faith and keep on fighting until the end.

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Does anyone have the private email address for the government officials, e.g., FBI director, DOJ director, congressmen, senators, etc.. (I know it is unlikely, but it is worth asking here :unsure: ). A lot of emails (or faxes) we sent out are not read by the people they are intended, but their assistants. Our issues might be a interest to these people, but got shot down by the assistants...


I am trying to look for Al Gore's email address on the internet. I remember reading somewhere a long time ago that he took up a lecturer position in CMU (or Cornell, or some other Ivy League school). Does anyone know which school and whether he is still there? If he works there, his email might be published on school's directory :ph34r:





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Hi, Don,


Quick reply! :unsure:


I have been scrutinizing FBI site as well, did not find such things.


BTW, there is a local FBI office about 300 miles away from where I live, do you think it is worth for me to call or go there in person and ask questions? I do not know which part of the FBI is doing the name checking :ph34r:



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Hi Christy,

I am sorry that you are hurting so much. I wish there was something that I could do or say that would help - I am also sorry if my earlier response was a bit harsh or too direct. Keep the faith - sooner or later you'll be together.


Hi, Dave,


No need to apologize! Thank you for being so direct though. I know FBI is going to be a hard one to tackle. extremely hard... But I will try my best.


Ironically, I feel this hellish experience might be beneficial to me in the future. After going this obstacle (who knows when this will finish), I do not think I can be defeated by anything else that might come later in life. Also, throughout this long wait, it also strengthens our bonds. Maybe I am saying these just to cheer myself up :unsure: , whatever it is, it is keeping me moving and be positive.



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Like Owen said, the FBI is much more used to asking questions than giving information.

Maybe I should do something drastic for FBI to come and talk to me :unsure:


On the second thought, maybe not :ph34r:


Thank you for your information. I am flipping back to look for the post you mentioned....



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I called the FBI last week and they told me they did not have me in their computer even though NVC insists that they sent the package to them for security checks. I then called State, which is over NVC, and State told me the the FBI lied to me! Now why would a government agency lie to me? I thought that they were honest! :lol: :lol: :lol: It is <PM R2 for the number>. Maybe they were just mistaken when they lied to me. Good Luck! :lol: :lol:



You know the rules, Jim.

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Hi, R2D2,


Thank you so much for the number... I called just now (please do not call me insane since today is Sunday, but I just want to hear the answer machine say it is FBI, and have that number on my speed dial). I will call tomorrow and report the outcome of it here soon.


BTW, I would like to get some suggestion from you and Don, and everyone else.


I have been contacting my congressmand and senator by email and letters, should I call the office sometime and talk to a person. I haven't done that since they all have so many offices throughout the state, I was not sure which office has been contacting DOS on my behalve.





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