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chinese food... is it all fried?

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My wife makes spicy food, and spicy food only...unless it's a bbq steak.


Typical dish: Pork, Chilies and then some more chillies, with some dried red pepper and then some habenero chillies to top it off for color. Finish it off with some chili oil, and you've got a meal.


I haven't been gaining any weight.



all those spicey chillies cant be good for your stomach :lol:

or any part of your digestive system for that matter

My wife used to eat a lot of chilies until she lost one of our babies. the doctor told her that it was her mass consumption fo the chilies that caused the miscarriage.


Chilton I'm sorry to hear that.


I have never heard that about chilies before. It's certainly something to keep in mind.

I would have never thought about it either. But it does make sense as they are very acidic. Again, she ate many chilies. She could go through a pint jar in a couple of days. Needless to say she hasn't touched another one since. ;)

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There are many countries (Mexico, Jamaica, Thailand, just to name a few) where eating chile peppers with meals is the norm. I'm not a doctor, but I not sure if diet high in capsaicin found in chile peppers, does any thing good or bad for pregnancy since the popluation in these areas keeps on growing. Now there are studies that show capsaicin may be beneficial in weight loss, the fight against cancer, and other medicinal benefits.


Anyway, keep on moving forward!


As aye,



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There are many countries (Mexico, Jamaica, Thailand, just to name a few) where eating chile peppers with meals is the norm. I'm not a doctor, but I not sure if diet high in capsaicin found in chile peppers, does any thing good or bad for pregnancy since the popluation in these areas keeps on growing. Now there are studies that show capsaicin may be beneficial in weight loss, the fight against cancer, and other medicinal benefits.


Anyway, keep on moving forward!


As aye,





For that matter, did you know that capsaicin doesn't actually burn you? It causes your nervous system to create the sensation of burning, but there is no physical burn. Birds are immune to it's effects. There IS a such thing as a fatal dose, but it is generally thought to be impossible for a person to consume that much in a short enough timeframe. So without knowing anything about it myself but taking a guess based on that line of reasoning, perhaps it IS possible to consume enough to harm an embryo in the earlier stages if enough is consumed in a short enough period of time.


As for the OP, a lot of Jun's dishes are stir-fried, but many are also steamed dishes, stews and soups, etc. She goes through phases of wanting to eat nothing but Chinese food, to wanting to eat nothing but western food. When she first got here, she thought western food was all fatty and "heavy". Now (she's in China now) she just talks about all the western food she wants when she gets back. Steak (which she has actually requested "extra-extra rare" in a restaurant before), cheese (up to and including fried mozerella), baked sweet potatoes with butter and brown sugar, cheesecake, bread pudding, Fettucini alfredo... lol I think diet is the one area where she actually "westernized". Moreso than me even.

Edited by Jeikun (see edit history)
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Fettucini Alfredo. :lol:


Everything my wife cooks has chili pepers in it. Maybe that is what is wrong with our 18 yr old daughter. :lol:


A Chinese friend of mine, an Engineer, asked me if using nitrogen to test with would harm her baby. :)


I told her to look up the air we breath, and go from there. ;)


I remember seeing Chinese women with child in the office with special aprons to protect them from the harmful affects of the computer monitor. :lol:


With a one child policy, I guess one wants to take no chances.


My wife cooks with alot of oil, I have had to request items be cooked with less. She will recycle the fat off of meats also. Nothing goes to waste in our home per her instructions. ;)

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