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Changing RMB to dollars and sending to US

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In fact, we just did this business, rmb to $$ just the other day at the Bank of China here in Luoyang, not the most progressive city in the world, and it was rather easy - once you know the routine.


May I ask what kind of visa you have? If you have a Z visa, a little green book and a little red book (foreign Expert's cert and Foreign Residence cert) , you're as good as gold. Just take all of those items along with your passport and the Chinese version of your contract to the bank, and really, that's that.


However, make sure it states in the contract that you are not liable to pay chinese taxes and that you can freely change 70% of your salary. Best of all, you get a damn fine rate to boot. If your contract does not state these items, just have someone type it out in Chinese and cut and paste into your contract, photocopy and viola!! it looks real enough for B of Ch. That's exactly what we did.


Of course, if you're not fluent in putonghua, bring someone who speaks good chinese with you to the bank because the nice people at the B of Ch. didn't have a clue how to handle the transaction. Apparently, they don't see much foreign currency here. We had to tell them how to do their job. But really, they were nice about it, so it wasn't a big deal. You get the picture, 5 guys standing around scratching and fingering.... Once we told them what do to, we were off to Western Union with our new $$.


If you don't have a Z, and I was on an F for two years, you can not legally change money, unless the rules have changed recently. B of Ch. didn't want to know me when i had an F.


The "men in black", personally, I would never use them. Just too risky. I've heard of too many horror stories of people getting ripped off with phony, funny $$. Luckily I have a friend you used to get paid in US$ and if i ever need some, I'd traded rmb for it. Now he gets paid in euros, but I don't need him anyway. I just use B of Ch.


HOpe this helps someone.


I really like the idea of a mini bank!! Congrads on that creative idea. "Candle of Love Savings, Loan and Money Transfer, Ltd."

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