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Infopass appt to check on AOS

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Nothing has changed. The officer at Infopass said that we were still waiting for the Namecheck to clear. That is 27 months since we applied for the AOS. She told us that our fingerprints were good till April and then we would have to have them re-done. I am going to have to apply for AP for my wife, That is another $170.00. I guess they don't know that we are poor!


I know how lucky that I am to have my wife by my side, but let me tell you something that only the Longtimers can tell you. The longer you are in this process, the more you have to swallow their Crap, and the more I have to swallow, the more cynical I become about the process! Constantly having to pay fees, and for WHAT? Just so I can sit here and wait some more. Only the Gov't could get away with this, Anybody else would be out of business.

I am up to my nose in their crap!


Patrick & Li

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I hear you loud and clear Patrick. So far, we have paid for seven sets of fingerprints and four physicals. :angry:


I, too, am so sick of the constant stream of crapola at every step of the way. It took them three tries to get Li's green card right. We had to drive 550 miles round trip three times to get the whole mess straightened out, with the expense of gas and lodging. It's enough to make you puke. I am sick of it. We all deserve much better than this, much, much, better.


We got sucked into the Black Hole back in the summer of 2002, and it has been one mistake after another ever since. Good luck and I hope it finally gets cleared up. 27 months is ludicrous. :angry:

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Sounds like a stalled Name Check at the FBI, I have read cases where getting someone involved like senator's office to make inquiries of the FBI got things rolling, the case for some reason was misfiled, and stalled at the FBI.


I would be shaking some trees now, a nice letter or call to your senator's office, may get some satisfaction.



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Guest ShaQuaNew

Nothing has changed. The officer at Infopass said that we were still waiting for the Namecheck to clear. That is 27 months since we applied for the AOS. She told us that our fingerprints were good till April and then we would have to have them re-done. I am going to have to apply for AP for my wife, That is another $170.00. I guess they don't know that we are poor!


I know how lucky that I am to have my wife by my side, but let me tell you something that only the Longtimers can tell you. The longer you are in this process, the more you have to swallow their Crap, and the more I have to swallow, the more cynical I become about the process! Constantly having to pay fees, and for WHAT? Just so I can sit here and wait some more. Only the Gov't could get away with this, Anybody else would be out of business.

I am up to my nose in their crap!


Patrick & Li

So sorry to hear of this. Sounds frightening indeed. My god, what recourse does one have?

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Sounds like a stalled Name Check at the FBI, I have read cases where getting someone involved like senator's office to make inquiries of the FBI got things rolling, the case for some reason was misfiled, and stalled at the FBI.


I would be shaking some trees now, a nice letter or call to your senator's office, may get some satisfaction.




Thank you, and Yes, I already have. Senator can hurry USCIS but their hands are tied with the Namecheck. FBI isn't going to be hurried.


Patrick & Li

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just keep hanging in there, we FINALLY got our green card, lets see.....28 months after applying....and the only way we got it THEN was because i made an info pass appt to check on it again, it was becoming absolutely rediculous!! like yours....and at the appt they told me the name check cleared SIX months earlier, but they failed to notify us of it, then it was still some ups and downs before they actually gave us the card, but anyway.....just keep hangin! it seems NEVER ENDING, but it truly WILL end someday!! hopefully soon!!!


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just keep hanging in there, we FINALLY got our green card, lets see.....28 months after applying....and the only way we got it THEN was because i made an info pass appt to check on it again, it was becoming absolutely rediculous!! like yours....and at the appt they told me the name check cleared SIX months earlier, but they failed to notify us of it, then it was still some ups and downs before they actually gave us the card, but anyway.....just keep hangin! it seems NEVER ENDING, but it truly WILL end someday!! hopefully soon!!!


Kim, I'm so glad to hear that. I know that you and Jake were going nuts waiting.


Patrick, your time is coming, too.



Hey Don...thanks! yes, we were glad to get that card, and thankfully got a 10 yr card since we had been married two years by the time they issued it...that is ONE GOOD thing about the wait, otherwise, we would be dealing with them again the next year or so......we were VERY thankful!!!


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[so sorry to hear of this. Sounds frightening indeed. My god, what recourse does one have?



None other than filling a Civil Case in Federal District Court for a Writ of Mandamus compelling USCIS to complete your case. Everything else is equally worthless.


I am about to file a Pro Se case in a tough District that has a dismissed these before, though in error. If I get Slim Lake (the Enron judge) I should be in good shape.


If anyone wants more information, see the thread below. It is currently at 464 pages, so namecheck hell is affecting many types of applications.



Edited by Stats (see edit history)
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Nothing has changed. The officer at Infopass said that we were still waiting for the Namecheck to clear. That is 27 months since we applied for the AOS. She told us that our fingerprints were good till April and then we would have to have them re-done. I am going to have to apply for AP for my wife, That is another $170.00. I guess they don't know that we are poor!


I know how lucky that I am to have my wife by my side, but let me tell you something that only the Longtimers can tell you. The longer you are in this process, the more you have to swallow their Crap, and the more I have to swallow, the more cynical I become about the process! Constantly having to pay fees, and for WHAT? Just so I can sit here and wait some more. Only the Gov't could get away with this, Anybody else would be out of business.

I am up to my nose in their crap!


Patrick & Li



I wished that I could tell you that I know how you feel, but I can only empithise with you. But what I can tell you is from real life experiance & I can not emphisise this enough for anyone going through the various issues.


If, at any way possible, you can find out if you are or were related to any prominate gov official, you can use this as a piece of leverage. By getting in your Govonors face, your Congressman & Senators faces (Bug the living hell out of them. Call & write they're offices every single day & lay it all out on the line. Let it rip & do not worry about being polite. The more that they understand how pissed you are, the more that they believe that you are going to take your issue before the evening news & local papers, the more they are going to give your situation a high priority)


Tell everyone that you meet in the political sector just how you see it and if you can use true real life statistics, the better off & easier it will be to prove your case. If you just sit still and keep it to yourself, then you are more likely to be just set asise like yesterdays old cheese.


I know that is probably not what you wanted to hear, but trust me, try it, & then let us know if you experiance any improvements :angry:

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