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OT MSN not accessible here

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Aloha from Beijing,

No problem from Beijing. I just got off of MSNBC. Most of the time I

read the news on Yahoo. The spin doctors on CCTV are boring and

unbelievable. Fortunately, I have enough of a military background

so I can understand the situation from the fragments that are presented.

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

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I did have problem to log on msn and icq before, right now no problem. but my husband he stay in US could log on icq but not msn, well, he had more severe problme not long ago, could not log on anything! Once a while icq sent message from him i could not get or from me he could not get. don't know the reason yet, just feel weird though.

So far, 2 days, my husband told me, he called my cell, but line busy, actually my cell did not hear any ring tone! Caused us alot frustration!

He is planning to come to visit me in China, but i started to worry about his safety. cause i heard several cases that people robbed and stabbed to death! My brother-in-law's sister was stabbed to death few monthes ago, she only had just over 100 yuan in her pocket......

Well, alot worrys......

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