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Growing Chinese Vegetables

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I live in Upstate NY and have an agricultural background and access to a small farm . My SO lives in ChengDu and I hope will be here by next spring. One common complaint is the lack food that our SO's are use to eating. I desire to take a CRACK at an attempt to grow something suitable for her taste buds. (Maybe a little comfort food when home sickness sets in )I believe that the climate here in upstate NY is a bit like Beijing as far as growing degree days are concerned. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what to grow maybe even suggest where I can buy seeds. As she will be waiting for a green card she said she desires a garden as to keep from being bored while I am working.

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I live in Upstate NY and have an agricultural background and access to a small farm . My SO lives in ChengDu and I hope will be here by next spring. One common complaint is the lack food that our SO's are use to eating. I desire to take a CRACK at an attempt to grow something suitable for her taste buds. (Maybe a little comfort food when home sickness sets in )I believe that the climate here in upstate NY is a bit like Beijing as far as growing degree days are concerned. Can anyone point me in the right direction as to what to grow maybe even suggest where I can buy seeds. As she will be waiting for a green card she said she desires a garden as to keep from being bored while I am working.


I live on the opposite coast but I have bought Chinese vegetable seeds online you can just do a web search under Chinese vegetable seeds, they usually carry them in the Chinese markets, I have also found them in San Francisco Chinatown so check in the Chinatown in your area..

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Fresh garden vegetables are sweet and delicious. You will never taste this taste with store bought stuff. We have grown or are growing pumpkin for pumpkin flower soup, sweet potato for the leaves, luffa squash, 'hollow vegetables, green onions, and green pepper (for the leaves). In fact, after you buy the store bought green onions re-plant the roots and they'll grow for weeks. Go out side to cut them when you need green onion and they'll re-grow.


We got our seeds from Wal_mart, Home Depot, the chinese market and some Chinese friends. You can grow what you like.

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