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It's Time....

Guest ShaQuaNew

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Guest ShaQuaNew

It's nearing early evening on the east coast of the US. It's early morning in China. Lan and Sarah have all bags packed and will be boarding their plane for the US in just a few hours.

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It's nearing early evening on the east coast of the US. It's early morning in China. Lan and Sarah have all bags packed and will be boarding their plane for the US in just a few hours.


Jesse, How I envy you today! I have another month to wait before my turn. But because I live on the west coast, she will get here before she leaves China. We should be in your part of the country before the end of the year, perhaps we can get together for dinner some evening.

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Guest ShaQuaNew
It's nearing early evening on the east coast of the US. It's early morning in China. Lan and Sarah have all bags packed and will be boarding their plane for the US in just a few hours.


Let the pacing begin, but don't get the house dirty. :roller:


What freaking madness ensues when trying to prepare for this arrival. This prerparation is akin to nothing in the history of earth, whether this dimension or another. It's not just the cleaning, and painting of walls, bathrooms, and toilets, but the cleaning of the soft variety too; like old files, old photos, email, yada, yada, pole-ada.......... :)


By tomorrow night at this time, we all will be on our way to florida...........yee-haw........

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