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spelling error on visa

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Received early morning phone call from my girl stating that with the visa they had mis-spell my first name. Putting thomos instead of thomas. She was upset that yet again something goes wrong. She went thru line again and saw someone official who told her it did not/ would not matter.


Can any one offer any insight? Is this true? Will it trip us up some where else later? Is it just the response of a buraucrat who does not want to redo the visa?


She accepted their statement. :( :( :(

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While it's not a major misspelling, just to be sure here's what I'd do:

1. Call the local number for the INS and ask them if it will cause any problem at the POA (Port Of Arrival) or later with the Work Authorization application process.

2. Call the local Social Security office to see if it will cause any problem with getting her SSN.

3. Think of any other government entity in the future process where that visa stamp will be used for ANY purpose, and follow up in advance with a phone call to them.

If any one of these says that it "might" be a problem, I recommend she go back and insist they fix it before she leaves. After she leaves the counrty, it would ba a major episode to correct such a simple error as that.


IMHO, it's beyond me why, with all those universities in the area, they can't seem to find hired help that is familiar with the spellings of American names. It's called "The US Consulate in Guangzhou" after all! she she :(

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Yes, we are just thankful to get visa after wait from Aug. Since she was here for 3 years while we went to grad school she ready has ssn, driver's lic, work papers, etc. Still took them 7 months to clear us.


I think we're just wondering what's next in this delightful process. And there certainly seems to be some issues including a biggie with the texas sherriff saying get out dodge by sun down.


But finally Visa :( :(

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Yes, we are just thankful to get visa after wait from Aug. Since she was here for 3 years while we went to grad school she ready has ssn, driver's lic, work papers, etc.  Still took them 7 months to clear us.


I think we're just wondering what's next in this delightful process.  And there certainly seems to be some issues including a biggie with the texas sherriff saying get out dodge by sun down.


But finally Visa :(  :(

Given that she already has all of that... I also would say take it and run. There is always the possibility of problems with flights into the US being disrupted in the near future, so go while she can.

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Don't think it is a big thing on your name...a very different story if it was her's that was misspelled. If it was me, I'd take the visa and run as long as her data is correct.

Absolutely agree...I think SHE'S the important one here in that regard. I reminded Liyan about that 3 times before she went in that Consulate...everything ok.

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Don't think it is a big thing on your name...a very different story if it was her's that was misspelled. If it was me, I'd take the visa and run as long as her data is correct.

Ditto to Don's comment. It is very important that her name is spelled correctly. Your name is already irrelavant once she the visa. POE will check only her name only!

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I'd say take and run with it too. My fiancee's name was somewhat mispelled by having a space between the to syllables of her first name. This was contrary to her passport and the tickets I purchased. I sweated all the way through immigration and customs and thankfully there were no problems.

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