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I would really like to take my hat off for those beneficiaries that have already, are going to be soon, and in the future interviewing for a visa. We as the sponsor sit here and yes get stressed because we want to know the date of the interview, when the p3 or p4 will arrive. But can you imagine the stress of having to go talk to someone you do not even know, in a language that is your second, at best, and talk about things you really have only been told or shown!!!!!!! These folks, including my beloved, really must go through something we will never really experience. Sure both will benefit from the utimate positive outcome. But again I say thanks, to my wife and to the other beneficiaries out there, for having the strong desire to be with someone and care for them enough to go through this. I did not know in the beginning that my wife was paying for English classes so she could speak with me. We emailed and again, for a while, I did not know she was using a translation company. Absolutely amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Mike :roller: :rolleyes: :roller: :roller:

Edited by Lowen/Zhang (see edit history)
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It is an amazing commitment. There are surely many reasons so many people determine the cost-benefit equation is worth it, and I suppose that's up to each individual person.


Things are quite a bit easier (and cheaper) now, since websites such as www.worldlingo.com provide free translations instantly over the Internet. These translations are not perfect, of course, or even "good" by many standards, but they do effectively bridge the gap in communication.


My wife and I have communicated only in Chinese for a year and a half, now, and we can discuss almost anything. But every now-and-then I want to say or explain something that is a little beyond my Chinese skills. I use worldlingo, print it out, and give it to her to read. It usually results in a "wo li jie" (I understand), and then we discuss it a bit further.


Future visa hopefuls will probably still find it worthwhile to study English, but they can probably dispense with the very expensive and largely incompetent "professional translators."

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Well said and well deserved! It has to be a stressful and scary moment in their lives. :bleh:


Yes I agree, Well said!!!

I thank my SO every day for believing in me and trusting me to make her a better life. Even it's stressful and many problems pop up.

To see her smiling face and to hear her say "I so happy" makes it worth while.

And thanks for those Vets that gave there time and lives,

So we are able to do this.




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