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EMS finally for long-wiating BH member!

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Thank you eveyone! I have just awakened from some much-needed sleep (something I have missed a lot over the past 2 days), to see all your congratulations. The wolf still cries, but now they are cries of happiness tears as I read your posts.


Yeah Don, my spirits are up - indescribable this feeling. All of you still waiting - you just have no idea how great this feeling until it happens to you.


Tom and Jen, Bob, Dave, I'm sure I speak for all the BH gang when I say that we are proud to pave the way so you, the newbies, and future couples won't have to endure the same long waiting. I think as soon as GZ gets all us BH'ers out of their hair, they will schedule your interviews and you will get visas same day - like in the good 'ole days.


manhattanmoon, may I have a drink of whatever that is?


Guess what, Dave? :lol: (snicker, snicker) I just moved into our new house 6 weeks ago, and it came already pre-cleaned! So it not very dirty yet. . Jie will help me pick out furniture after she arrives. House kind of empty now except for lots of boxes.


Eric, don't you worry, I still have the toilet seat issue to contend with.


Darn it Tony, don't you have EMS yet? You been waiting long time. You may be next. :lol:


SBS, it is so nice to meet such a couple so much in love. I have corresponded with each of you, and I know you feel so strongly for each other. Love will prevail, and you will be together soon, and we really look forward to meeting the two of you in person. Now we got to find out what this 'hold' thing is all about and get it fixed.


R2D2, you just made me realize. . . I got boxes and boxes of dishes (in storage for years) to wash. Thank God they invented something that I didn't have at the time the dishes were put into storage - the automatic dishwasher!


Again, thank you all. I realize how many friends I have here and so happy to finally join the 'old-timers' like Mark, Eric, Mick, Owen, Happy Texan, Ski, and Jon in the CFL graduation class of '03.


Should have visa next Thursday, and then we will see what flights are available. We are hoping for 2nd week in April.



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Congrats AZ.

Are you going to China to help with baggage.  You should go there

with two large and empty bags. 

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

I wish I could, but I will take a few days off work after she arrives instead. She is a very thrifty person who knows the $$ that I would have spent on plane ticket for me can be used to buy things after she is here.


If I had known the wait was going to be so long (I last saw her in October 2001), I would have made some visits already with empty suitcases.

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Congrats AZ.

Are you going to China to help with baggage.  You should go there

with two large and empty bags.  

Myles aka Annakuen'GG

I wish I could, but I will take a few days off work after she arrives instead. She is a very thrifty person who knows the $$ that I would have spent on plane ticket for me can be used to buy things after she is here.


If I had known the wait was going to be so long (I last saw her in October 2001), I would have made some visits already with empty suitcases.

mmm..... AZ seems to be in a better mood those days.... Wonder why ;) ;)

Anybody has any clues?


;) ;) :lol:

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May the deepth of your happiness grow as the hurdle you finally passed starts to look smaller!


You set a great excample, you are an inspiration to the still waiting and have helped me to a more constructive focus. Thank you!


Great, Enjoy: Best wishes to you and your love! :lol: :D B)


:blink: Daniel

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I just walked in the door with my honey, having braved a complete pri**k this morning at San Francisco immigration, who seemed to think it was his job to query us about every aspect of our relationship before bestowing the magic stamp in her passport, and hopefully having avoided the atypical pneumonia which has everyone in HK in a near panic, only to be greeted by Wolfman's WONDERFUL news!!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

By the way, we also just got a big kick out of reading an e-mail I received from Linda Donahue's office (i.e. Jane Forman), which was sent THREE DAYS AFTER we received the visa, telling us that they had double checked all of the cables from Washington, and that our clearance had not been sent yet - but not to worry, because there are "thousands of applicants", and we should receive the EMS any day now!!! GZ at its absolute finest!!!!

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I just walked in the door with my honey, having braved a complete pri**k this morning at San Francisco immigration, who seemed to think it was his job to query us about every aspect of our relationship before bestowing the magic stamp in her passport, and hopefully having avoided the atypical pneumonia which has everyone in HK in a near panic, only to be greeted by Wolfman's WONDERFUL news!!!!  CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!

By the way, we also just got a big kick out of reading an e-mail I received from Linda Donahue's office (i.e. Jane Forman), which was sent THREE DAYS AFTER we received the visa, telling us that they had double checked all of the cables from Washington, and that our clearance had not been sent yet - but not to worry, because there are "thousands of applicants", and we should receive the EMS any day now!!!  GZ at its absolute finest!!!!

LOL.. Welcome back my friend !!

I hope for your sake the house is in order... ;) ;)

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