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How many questions does interviwer usually ask?

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Guest pushbrk
How many questions does interviewer usually ask?

What type of questions are usually to be asked?


This was helpful for me




The nature and number of questions varies quite a bit. Most interview details reported here last only a few minutes. Some less than two minutes.


Depending on the answers to early questions, more may be asked. The interview ends when the Visa Officer has obtained enough informatin to make a decision.

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Surely Mike is right -- the interview ends when the visa official feels he/she has enough information . . . that is if the official is a regular person. Most are, of course, but there are some who can be chain-yankers for no apparent reason. "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely", I suppose.


Getting a good feel for what kinds of questions have been asked in past interviews by accessing the links is what you need to do, and so is making certain the importance of your relationship is expressed in some way (photos; poems; diaries, etc.) during the interview. People who obviously care a great deal about each other are usually not denied visas, if everything else is copasetic.

Edited by shyaushu (see edit history)
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Also see the Interview FAQ:





Everything related to the interview is just about found here... including reducing the questions down to the "top 10", how to prepare, etc...


In many cases, the questions appear to be asked for mere formality, as if they must be done to issue the visa; as if the case already suggests a 'passing' state exists.


Prepare your SO and I think this helps to give the VO that last assurance what the case is already telling him.. SHOW ME THE VISA !

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