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Chinese prejudices

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I don't see any Chinese regional biases from Lao Po. (Except that Chongqing cooking is the best --- but everyone knows that!)


I do hear some anti-Japanese thoughts every now and then but then that's not too surprising given the amount that the government seems to spend to promote that thought.


What the Japanese Imperial Forces did to the Chinese civilians during the 2nd World War was nearly as horrific what the Nazis did to the Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Eastern European peoples. I have some Jewish friends and they do not have a great love for Nazis or the SS boys so it does not surprise me that the Chinese do not care for the Japanese.

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The preference for white skin is very typical of agrarian societies.

We had the same preference (as did Europe) before the Industrial Age.


Reason: the attributes of the rich/wealthy/priviledged are always considered attractive to the poor.

When most of Europe starved, the plump/fat rich women were considered gorgeous.

When poor people get fat on McD's, the slenderness of people who can afford personal trainers and health-conscious chefs is considered attractive.

If you work in the sun all day, then those privileged enough to stay inside and not get tan are considered good-looking. Once working in factories (and later, as cublicle wage-slaves) became the norm, only the wealthy could afford winter vacations to the Carribean and Mediterranean, so tans became attractive.


I do like naturally dark skin, dark hair, dark eyes. But it is also true that exposure to the sun ages skin. So the efforts of Chinese to avoid tanning will keep them looking younger, longer. I pretty much agree with that. Besides, I always thought tan lines looked funny.

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Guest pushbrk
Leiqin is a Nanning girl.  She will often make comments like “Goungzhou woman not good?or “No likea Hunan woman?etc.  Seems there is a lot of profiling and generalizing about a person’s character simply based on the region they come from.  A Xian woman told me once that southern girls were too dark and that men preferred the lighter-skinned northern girls.  Are these biases common with all Chinese women or is this just something about Leiqin’s personality?


I haven't noticed my Chinese relatives showing any shame about expressing their feelings about people and things. However, I think they either don't have a lot of "relative" expressions that would show degrees or that they particularly feel any need to directly acknowledge that there are exceptions. They just know that and expect the listener knows it too. YMMV.


Even simple questions about liking certain culinary delights have me explaining good, better, best or what is very common is to explain it's not "cold" today. There are such variations as really cold, cool, warm hot and really hot. Today is warm but to my wife, the morning low of 10C is very cold.

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I don't see any Chinese regional biases from Lao Po. (Except that Chongqing cooking is the best --- but everyone knows that!)


I do hear some anti-Japanese thoughts every now and then but then that's not too surprising given the amount that the government seems to spend to promote that thought.


What the Japanese Imperial Forces did to the Chinese civilians during the 2nd World War was nearly as horrific what the Nazis did to the Jews, Gypsies, Poles and other Eastern European peoples. I have some Jewish friends and they do not have a great love for Nazis or the SS boys so it does not surprise me that the Chinese do not care for the Japanese.


In some cases, what the Japanese did to the Chinese was even worse. Read "The Rape of Nanking" by Iris Chang when you get the chance.

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Chinese women are good cooks and take good care of you. American women are selfish and controlling.





Sorry, I couldn't resist :D Just pointing out similar things may be said by some here too...


American men who marry Asian women are looking for a docile subservient woman they can dominate.

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Chinese women are good cooks and take good care of you. American women are selfish and controlling.





Sorry, I couldn't resist :wub: Just pointing out similar things may be said by some here too...


American men who marry Asian women are looking for a docile subservient woman they can dominate.


Wow, you too, Carl? :D









(well we can look, but doesn't mean we'll find. B) )

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I'm sure there is a difference. Jen has gotten along with everyone she has met and likes the other ladies very much, but it didn't compare to her meeting up with another from near her home town. The 2 of them together were just on a different wavelength. I'm sure it is no different here, north/south, east coast/ left coast, even clse to home with no Cal/ so Cal.

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I'm sure there is a difference. Jen has gotten along with everyone she has met and likes the other ladies very much, but it didn't compare to her meeting up with another from near her home town. The 2 of them together were just on a different wavelength. I'm sure it is no different here, north/south, east coast/ left coast, even clse to home with no Cal/ so Cal.


Leiqin gets along with everyone also. I have yet to see her not love nor be loved by everyone who knows her or whom she meets.


Mike (Pushbrk) made a good observation, in that levels or degrees of good and bad don't seem to be part of their makeup. Things are either good or bad and there is very little to no middle ground with her thinking. I suppose much of what she says is passed down behavior and that it is just words only, as her actions don't display simple good/bad.


Oh and the skin color thing, she commented just tonight how she wishes she was as white as my legs. :D I tried to explain how color on a woman's skin is often very appealing to most western men. She didn't buy it nor could she even get close to wrapping her mind around that concept.

I believe it was Coco Chanel who went on holiday to the French Riviara and returned with a tan. Her tan set the trend that shed the western attitude that dark skin equated the working class. Instead, it was a statement of the leisure class.

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American men who marry Asian women are looking for a docile subservient woman they can dominate?


Not this American.




:D If that's true, then are men who marry American women looking for someone totally walk all over them, use them, get what they can, and leave them for some one with more to take?



I married my wife because I love her, and she is a wonderful woman who treats me right...and also I find her downright foxy as hell. I wouldnt dominate her, nor would I ever even entertain that thought. I wanted a wife, not a slave. I gladly do anything she does for me, without question or hesitation.


If by dominate however, you mean spoil rotten...then yes, maybe I plan to dominate her.

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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Here's a funny story for you guys :D My brother taught in China, and the childrens textbook stated the following as fact:


All Americans are fat, lazy, and wealthy.


I'm not joking...

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Here's a funny story for you guys :)  My brother taught in China, and the childrens textbook stated the following as fact:


All Americans are fat, lazy, and wealthy.


I'm not joking...


Darn, I'm skinny, poor....but I got the lazy part down.


Guess that makes me 1/3 American, lol.

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Chinese women are good cooks and take good care of you. American women are selfish and controlling.





Sorry, I couldn't resist :) Just pointing out similar things may be said by some here too...


American men who marry Asian women are looking for a docile subservient woman they can dominate.


Thats not going to happen with my SO. This is a Hollywood wise tale.

After I met Li I was accused of going to China and looking to have a little China Doll wife/slave that I could dominate by my friends here in the US. This of course was not true. I was hoping to find a genuine partner in life to build a meaningful, caring and sharing relationship with. The American woman I met in the past had some real issues. Flighty, insecure, loving their meds daily, incredible sense of self entitlement, dominating and controling. The last American Gal I went with before meeting Lihua reminded me of one of those Chatty Kathy Dolls, you know you pull the string and the doll talks. She was always pulling her string however and her voice always came out saying "I want, I want, I want and I want!" Of course with no effort on her part.

My SO is a spitfire. She not going to let me or anyone run over her.

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