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A guide or link to a guide?

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Anyone know where I can find a dummy walkthrough. For either I-130 and/or K-3.


Something that will, step by step, in excrutiating detail, with all the forms included in each step,what comes next, what is in this packet, what packets come with what visa, how to tell when GZ has this form or when to mail whatever, what it means when a timeline says *touched*, (sounds kinda naughty).



I know it's kinda random when it comes to how long each step takes, not really asking for that. Especially with all the Chinese hoildays. I think they must take a holiday from their holidays to make up new holidays.


I get confused with the packet this, and form XJ30201-31223 petition for a stroke, F242e-244w Request for excessive delay, and all those other whatcha-ma-call-its.(excellent candy bar also)



Step 1. Send in I-130, and the other Biographic info form.

Step 2. wait wait wait

Step 3. Next you get this. THen you send this...include this and this..MAKE SURE THIS IS STAMPED or whatever

Step 4. Then this, send this.

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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*Ok, I am retarded...bored, lonely, read some other posts, went on down to other forms...ohh look, forms....hmm, flowcharts...hmmm i look...hmm 90% of major questions answered.



I have brief moments of brilliance, outshined only by my towering moment upon moments upon moments x 10000000000000 of stupidity.


I did notice on the chart it mentioned the person in China getting the Choice of Agent form. I got one also, the lady at USCIS said I could fax it to my wife, have her fill it out and fax it back to me. I also had my wife print in english, even though mandarin is her native language. It didn't say native language...hope I didn't boo boo.

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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My wife and I were K-1 so I am no expert on the CR-1 but I believe it would be best if your wife were to choose herself as agent. Otherwise they may send the P-3 to you instead of her. I think the agent part is if you are using an atorney to fill out the forms.

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[]From what USCIS told me, the agent is anyone the petionee decided he/she wants to handle/recieve/process the paperwork and recieve bills as well.


My wife suggested I handle the bills. hah.


Was reading the interview FAQ. Says they look at how many times you've visited the person you are petioning for. I may be lucky to have 1 visit in the 2 years. It was 8 months before I saw her last. It has been 8 months almost to the day again. I don't have any vacation accrued. I fear it will look bad of me to have only spent 2 months with her in 2 years.



It's hard to get time off work, I had to quit my job just to visit the last time. Luckly I had another lined up for when I returned. Had to cut the 3 month trip down to 2 months though.


I don't know if I can get time off to visit again. Hope that won't mess up the interview. Of course I'd quit all over again if it meant a passed interview. There's always more jobs, but only one of her...at least that's the way I look at it.


My hard drive crashed, lost all my emails from her, think she still has the ones from me. We usually communicate over the phone...rather hear her voice than the ticky ticky of a keyboard any day. Maybe I outta make audio tapes? hahaha. I'd have half a ton by now.


Wondering how to get phone records, I use www.phonecardsforsale.com

and I don't know if there would be phone records. I do have the multiple multiple 20$ cards listed on my bank statement. Also the reciepts in my inbox.


Don't have alot of pictures of us together, 4 or 5 good ones outside of the wedding pics here in the US. And I never smiled. I look miserable in the ones we took in China, I just hate having photos taken. I feel like a dork.


Thought about using the webcam, attaching a VCR to computer, and making a VHS tape of us talking and typing back and forth. Stupid?


I know I keep taking up space with stupid ideas and questions. Spending all this time alone, nothing to do but think, what if? or should i? No one to ask this stuff but you wonderful people, hope you don't tire of my incessant babbling.


Stupid insomina....darnit, spend all night reading forums, posting my silly little ideas, questions, worries. I found that FAQ wonderful, wish I would have found this site when I first met her. She'd still be in China, but I'd have one helluva papertrail, evidence pile, photo album, video tape collection.

Edited by trickyspark (see edit history)
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[]From what USCIS told me, the agent is anyone the petionee decided he/she wants to handle/recieve/process the paperwork and recieve bills as well.


My wife suggested I handle the bills. hah.


Was reading the interview FAQ. Says they look at how many times you've visited the person you are petioning for. I may be lucky to have 1 visit in the 2 years. It was 8 months before I saw her last. It has been 8 months almost to the day again. I don't have any vacation accrued. I fear it will look bad of me to have only spent 2 months with her in 2 years.



It's hard to get time off work, I had to quit my job just to visit the last time. Luckly I had another lined up for when I returned. Had to cut the 3 month trip down to 2 months though.


I don't know if I can get time off to visit again. Hope that won't mess up the interview. Of course I'd quit all over again if it meant a passed interview. There's always more jobs, but only one of her...at least that's the way I look at it.


My hard drive crashed, lost all my emails from her, think she still has the ones from  me. We usually communicate over the phone...rather hear her voice than the ticky ticky of a keyboard any day. Maybe I outta make audio tapes? hahaha. I'd have half a ton by now.


Wondering how to get phone records, I use www.phonecardsforsale.com

and I don't know if there would be phone records. I do have the multiple multiple 20$ cards listed on my bank statement. Also the reciepts in my inbox.


Don't have alot of pictures of us together, 4 or 5 good ones outside of the wedding pics here in the US. And I never smiled. I look miserable in the ones we took in China, I just hate having photos taken. I feel like a dork.


Thought about using the webcam, attaching a VCR to computer, and making a VHS tape of us talking and typing back and forth. Stupid?


I know I keep taking up space with stupid ideas and questions. Spending all this time alone, nothing to do but think, what if? or should i? No one to ask this stuff but you wonderful people, hope you don't tire of my incessant babbling.


Stupid insomina....darnit, spend all night reading forums, posting my silly little ideas, questions, worries. I found that FAQ wonderful, wish I would have found this site when I first met her. She'd still be in China, but I'd have one helluva papertrail, evidence pile, photo album, video tape collection.


You have three important things that can help you through this. 1. Your computer, 2. your insomnia, and 3. you have time. Try this:


Take two steps backward and take another look. You want to see the forest now, not every individual tree. Then, when you can see what your path through the forest must be, just take one tree at a time and learn everything there is to know about it before you take the next step into the forest.


You can ask us how to fill out a form and get the correct answer, but it is only the answer. If you first study the form and the instructions from CIS or DOS you will gain an understanding of what they are looking for that you may not get in an answer from us. So take some time and look at those things.


For the interview, we have two lists for you, the one from GUZ and everything on it is required. The other list comes from things they have asked about, or for, in the past. The important thing is not so much having everything, but in having your SO prepared to deal with it at the interview.


You explained the lack of phone bills to us, now do the same for her to take to the interview. A short, signed statement to the effect that in the early days of your relationship, you were not aware that you would have to prove so many things. That you used the phone cards and show the receipts and excerpts form your bank statements. Your SO can take that with her to the interview and give it to them IF THEY ASK. It should answer their question. (My So and I communicate via Yahoo Instant Messenger, voice and video but no phone bills so I have screen captures with both our video pictures and the contents of our chat at that instant).


As you look at each of these things, you will find a way to deal with most of them, being able to explain why you do not have something is almost as good as having it. If you get stuck, see if we can help. You will probably not have an original problem, we should be able to tell you what has worked in the past.


Work the lists with your SO, make sure she understands a way to deal with each of the questions on the list. Build her confidence for the interview, give her what documentation you can, and all should go well.


And, even at this stage of the game, stop occasionally and take a couple of deep breaths

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Anyone know where I can find a dummy walkthrough. For either I-130 and/or K-3.


Something that will, step by step, in excrutiating detail, with all the forms included in each step,what comes next, what is in this packet, what packets come with what visa, how to tell when GZ has this form or when to mail whatever, what it means when a timeline says *touched*, (sounds kinda naughty). 



I know it's kinda random when it comes to how long each step takes, not really asking for that. Especially with all the Chinese hoildays. I think they must take a holiday from their holidays to make up new holidays.


I get confused with the packet this, and form XJ30201-31223 petition for a stroke, F242e-244w Request for excessive delay, and all those other whatcha-ma-call-its.(excellent candy bar also)



Step 1. Send in I-130, and the other Biographic info form.

Step 2. wait wait wait

Step 3. Next you get this. THen you send this...include this and this..MAKE SURE THIS IS STAMPED or whatever

Step 4. Then this, send this.


Fiance & marrriage visa A couples guide to us immigration by illona bray published by nolo. www.nolo.com A very good book, step by step

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Guest pushbrk
My wife and I were K-1 so I am no expert on the CR-1 but I believe it would be best if your wife were to choose herself as agent.  Otherwise they may send the P-3 to you instead of her.  I think the agent part is if you are using an atorney to fill out the forms.


The agent choice only affects mailings from NVC, not GUZ. It is much faster to send and receive mail including paying the bills, if the mail doesn't cross the ocean in both directions.


Here is a link to CR1 NVC shortcuts.




Your wife could also have selected you as agent via email. You did the right thing.

Edited by pushbrk (see edit history)
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