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Well, been reading candle for a while, and very fond of it. Thanks for all members posts here.

My husband and I have been not seeing each other for over a year now. Due to his work and some other issues, he has not have chance to visit China so far. And our contacts only rely on internet chat and phone calls. These days he could not log on icq and msn to chat me, really cause us big depressed and hurt. But i am living with relative in China, more easily release bad feelings. I worry my husband may have difficulty to handle all these. he lives alone and rural area, work 6 days, at least 2 and half hours on road to work......

So, i wonder if any one there when have time give my husband a call, at least give him some idea on how to deal with long separation caused problems. His cell: xxxxxxxxxxx.



If anyone wants to call p4waiting's husband, please PM p4waiting for his cell number. It is not good to post his number here.



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I edited the post to remove his cell number. You can PM anyone (with the c-number) who wishes to talk to your husband. Sorry to hear about the sadness between you and your husband. Many of us are still waiting. I haven't seem my love since Feb 2002. ;)

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Many of us are still waiting.  I haven't seem my love since Feb 2002. :blink:

I haven't seen my love since October 2001, but I'm planning a trip in a couple months if no visa yet. I'm sorry you have been separated so long, but it does make me feel a little better to have company. ;)


I begin to feel guilty when I read so many posts of those who have visited their loves frequently or recently. I just hope she understands that I would have visited more often if only I had known our government was going to subject us to such unreasonable delays. ;)

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P4, I see you post on 001, too.


You are always welcome here on candle. The other JMs and GGs here will try to help in any way they can. We all know what you are feeling. We feel it too.


I don't know who your GG is, but you can tell him he is welcome here too. Maybe we can help him. Maybe give him ideas on how to get beyond this long wait. I know it is very difficult for you and him.


Always remember that this time will pass and you will be together with your GG. Today is not the day, but it is one day closer than yesterday.


Thanks, Don!

For coming this site and read alot posts here i already gained alot wisdom from all of you! Here is like a big family to me.

Today my husband was able chat with me on icq for over half hour, we still had few bumps though!

I will remember what you told me: Today is not the day, but is is one day closer than yesterday! Dawn actually even darker than night!

BTW: i just got a PM message from some body, when i tried to open my message box, box page became unavailable. I tried later, but no new pm message. I wonder if anybody sent me PM message. Please remember I did not get actually!

One more time, I appreciate all of you very much! God bless you! <_<

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Sometimes when you don't look at a new message immediately, it will not show in later sessions as a new message. You were notified, so the computer "thinks" you already know about it, therefore it is not new. Try going to the top of the page and click on the link that says "0 new messages" If you have a message that you did not look at earlier, it will show up.


Welcome to the board!

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Sometimes when you don't look at a new message immediately, it will not show in later sessions as a new message.  You were notified, so the computer "thinks" you already know about it, therefore it is not new.  Try going to the top of the page and click on the link that says "0 new messages"  If you have a message that you did not look at earlier, it will show up.


Welcome to the board!

Used to be easier when we had a Forums Button! :D :P :blink: :ph34r: :P

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Aloha from Beijing,

Welcome on board. Candle had been a great help to me. Not with

just information but with people who are like friends who share the

same problems. The guys and gals are also have fun here. I think

001.com has more fun because of my wife, Annakuen. who writes


Myles aka Annakuen'GG

P.S. Owen, I think spring just came to Beijing. Buds are appearing

on the trees.

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I think

001.com has more fun because of my wife, Annakuen. who writes


Myles aka Annakuen'GG

P.S.  Owen, I think spring just came to Beijing.  Buds are appearing

on the trees.

Myles, lucky guy! I heard from my sweetie about your wife on 001. She's a big help to everyone on that board and very funny too. Wish all the best to you two!

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P4, glad you connected with your hubby to be; I can imagine the frustration of not being able to vent those deep, loving feelings because you can't connect.


I, in fact, besides using discount phone services, keep AT&T as my backup...I can't stand dialing up and getting a busy signal, or the call doesn't go through. Though it's 4.99 base rate (plus taxes, old WWII phone subsidy charges - what a joke THAT is!, emergency service surcharges...I tell ya, the phones an expensive little diddy these days in the states) it's well worth talking immediately, guaranteed.


I don't know if I could be away from Liyan that long, frankly. I know the money involved, time, getting off from work (I'm not rich like these OTHER guys on Candle - :huh: :) :D joking guys...) :redblob: so I have to budget the whole thing carefully.


I traveled in July '02 after not seeing her since Sept. 01, then of course this trip, (though COMPLETELY changed itinerary...ie, traveling home) was follow-up to that July Beijing journey, I am too affectionate and need her touch and warmth face-to-face. If it's at all possible, short of a visit, see if webcamming is in the cards as an option to calls/chatting.

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P4, glad you connected with your hubby to be; I can imagine the frustration of not being able to vent those deep, loving feelings because you can't connect.


I, in fact, besides using discount phone services, keep AT&T as my backup...I can't stand dialing up and getting a busy signal, or the call doesn't go through. Though it's 4.99 base rate (plus taxes, old WWII phone subsidy charges - what a joke THAT is!, emergency service surcharges...I tell ya, the phones an expensive little diddy these days in the states) it's well worth talking immediately, guaranteed.


I don't know if I could be away from Liyan that long, frankly. I know the money involved, time, getting off from work (I'm not rich like these OTHER guys on Candle -  :lol: :lol:  :lol: joking guys...) :angry: so I have to budget the whole thing carefully.


I traveled in July '02 after not seeing her since Sept. 01, then of course this trip, (though COMPLETELY changed itinerary...ie, traveling home) was follow-up to that July Beijing journey, I am too affectionate and need her touch and warmth face-to-face. If it's at all possible, short of a visit, see if webcamming is in the cards as an option to calls/chatting.

My husband he is planning a trip to visit me soon. :D

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