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Well today I called DOS to get the update on our 221g holding pattern. Still nothing. One thing I found out is that they do put in their reports when you called DOS, and if you were at the interview at Guz, and if you have your anyone inquire about your case at DOS or Guz too. I think this will answer some questions for those wondering if their calling is charted.

I had my congress man contact Guz and she told me he has sent 2 emails and Guz is answering the second one today.

So guys they do keep detailed information on our reports. :ph34r:

Rick and Yanlan

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Thanks for the info, Rick. Now we have even more to wonder about: If the record shows that I inquire at DOS frequently about the status of my case, will the VO consider that a sign of a genuine relationship at my fiancee's interview? Or will the absence of queries be construed as a possible lack of interest? The game continues....

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Thanks for the info, Rick.  Now we have even more to wonder about: If the record shows that I inquire at DOS frequently about the status of my case, will the VO consider that a sign of a genuine relationship at my fiancee's interview?  Or will the absence of queries be construed as a possible lack of interest?  The game continues....


I dont think they consider the # of calls one makes in their decision. Afterall, frequent calling could be from someone who is getting paid to bring a girl here (fraud), and he is anxious to see the process complete so he can get paid.


Also, considering the huge volumes GZ deals with, I dont think they read anything into whether you call or not. Perhaps they would be grateful to those who dont create a burden by calling so much.


The only thing I think could weigh in, is if there are calls from seemingly 'disinterested' 3rd parties.


I guess my point is, who knows what they consider to be helpful or hurtful and are phone calls a factor or not?

Edited by ameriken (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
I dont think they consider the # of calls one makes in their decision. Afterall, frequent calling could be from someone who is getting paid to bring a girl here (fraud), and he is anxious to see the process complete so he can get paid.


Also, considering the huge volumes GZ deals with, I dont think they read anything into whether you call or not. Perhaps they would be grateful to those who dont create a burden by calling so much.


The only thing I think could weigh in, is if there are calls from seemingly 'disinterested' 3rd parties.


So, a denial or other unseemly event occurs after you reach the unknown number of too many calls to DOS?




Yes, of course they log calls. That's their job. They have a record of the time and day, topic, and disposition of the call. There are way too many conspiracy theories circulating in the world these days. What's more important to remember is that DOS is there to help you. If you're the sort of person that wants to call 12 times a day, then by all means do so. Certainly you will likely become annoying to the one answering your call, but you also won't get a denial for being of the anxious sort.


When it comes to calling DOS regarding P3 and P4, many have been told that GUZ processes these on Saturday. So, if you call DOS on Monday and get a NO, then you will likely get a NO for the remainder of the week. Additionally, GUZ is said to mail p3 and p4 packages on Mondays and Thursdays....

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I am a firm believer in the USC's maintaining contact with DOS and the consulate throughout the process. To me, it shows concern, interest, and commitment. Of course, you can go too far with the contacts, but as Jesse suggests, judicious use of the phone, e-mail, and other communications seems to me to produce more good than harm.

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But not too far from my imagination,


So, you call. Since it is their job to add this to your file they pull your file from the " in process " stack, they update the file then put it in another stack " to be return to processing " , and then it continues this loop every time you call.


Consequently falling into a " Black Hole " .


Sorry, just a sick thought.



In opinion,


From all of the responses describing what information is obtained from calling; IE .­ Admin Review, Do not have the case, In Queue, ect.


What is real, and what is BS?


It is already an emotional coaster ride, and it wastes too much energy if it is just BS.


I call only if I have a just cause. Not when, " I just wanted to check my case status again today before I leave work. "

Edited by yuan fen (see edit history)
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Guest ShaQuaNew
From all of the responses describing what information is obtained from calling; IE¡­ Admin Review, Do not have the case, In Queue, ect.


What is real, and what is BS?


American immigration is certainly not run like a business. As far as FIFO (first in, first out) forget about it. While there are times that paperwork may be handled carelessly, it's far more likely that something questionable has shown up in either the petitioner or beneficiary's past that has generated extra attention.


I personally think it counter-productive to approach this process as if they are out to get you. We should all know by now from what has been in the news that there are way more people coming to America than what American immigration can handle. I believe the vast majority of conspiracy theories to be BS.

Edited by ShaQuaNew (see edit history)
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From all of the responses describing what information is obtained from calling; IE¡­ Admin Review, Do not have the case, In Queue, ect.


What is real, and what is BS?


American immigration is certainly not run like a business. As far as FIFO (first in, first out) forget about it. While there are times that paperwork may be handled carelessly, it's far more likely that something questionable has shown up in either the petitioner or beneficiary's past that has generated extra attention.


I personally think it counter-productive to approach this process as if they are out to get you. We should all know by now from what has been in the news that there are way more people coming to America than what American immigration can handle. I believe the vast majority of conspiracy theories to be BS.




Totally agree.


Diving into the negative wastes too much energy.


Every case is different. Now if they were counting toothbrushes that would be another story.


I feel that they do the best they can with what evidence they receive.


If they want to log all contacts?


I will say it like Smokey in the movie Friday.


" Remember it, write it down, take a picture, ......................


Logging contacts is just more data. Impossible, but it would be interesting to see the numbers on this.


Number of Contacts v. Acceptance/Denial


Inconclusive, I bet.

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Guest pushbrk
From all of the responses describing what information is obtained from calling; IE¡­ Admin Review, Do not have the case, In Queue, ect.


What is real, and what is BS?


American immigration is certainly not run like a business. As far as FIFO (first in, first out) forget about it. While there are times that paperwork may be handled carelessly, it's far more likely that something questionable has shown up in either the petitioner or beneficiary's past that has generated extra attention.


I personally think it counter-productive to approach this process as if they are out to get you. We should all know by now from what has been in the news that there are way more people coming to America than what American immigration can handle. I believe the vast majority of conspiracy theories to be BS.




Totally agree.


Diving into the negative wastes too much energy.


Every case is different. Now if they were counting toothbrushes that would be another story.


I feel that they do the best they can with what evidence they receive.


If they want to log all contacts?


I will say it like Smokey in the movie Friday.


" Remember it, write it down, take a picture, ......................


Logging contacts is just more data. Impossible, but it would be interesting to see the numbers on this.


Number of Contacts v. Acceptance/Denial


Inconclusive, I bet.


Trying to infer a cause and effect relationship from this kind of statistical data is the most common of the logical fallacies, "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" or "coincidental correllation". The logical fallacy is "A preceded B, therefore A caused B.


Beyond that, with few exceptions is futile to try to point to a single item among the many considered and conclude that single item was THE reason for denial or approval. It's the totality of the circumstances that rules.

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From all of the responses describing what information is obtained from calling; IE¡­ Admin Review, Do not have the case, In Queue, ect.


What is real, and what is BS?


American immigration is certainly not run like a business. As far as FIFO (first in, first out) forget about it. While there are times that paperwork may be handled carelessly, it's far more likely that something questionable has shown up in either the petitioner or beneficiary's past that has generated extra attention.


I personally think it counter-productive to approach this process as if they are out to get you. We should all know by now from what has been in the news that there are way more people coming to America than what American immigration can handle. I believe the vast majority of conspiracy theories to be BS.




Totally agree.


Diving into the negative wastes too much energy.


Every case is different. Now if they were counting toothbrushes that would be another story.


I feel that they do the best they can with what evidence they receive.


If they want to log all contacts?


I will say it like Smokey in the movie Friday.


" Remember it, write it down, take a picture, ......................


Logging contacts is just more data. Impossible, but it would be interesting to see the numbers on this.


Number of Contacts v. Acceptance/Denial


Inconclusive, I bet.


Trying to infer a cause and effect relationship from this kind of statistical data is the most common of the logical fallacies, "post hoc, ergo propter hoc" or "coincidental correllation". The logical fallacy is "A preceded B, therefore A caused B.


Beyond that, with few exceptions is futile to try to point to a single item among the many considered and conclude that single item was THE reason for denial or approval. It's the totality of the circumstances that rules.


Kind of like,


I bought a Ford truck, and then my SO got her visa.

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I drive a Ford and Lucy was denied first interview... Theory squashed... :roller:



I still believe the statement a member made recently... "Under 40 grand and get denied" Then again, I make much more than that and we were denied. :rolleyes:



Hmmmmm... maybe GUZ just puts all the petitions on a dart board and tosses darts to see who passes and fails? Red darts for pass and blue for fail.


Considering all the red tape in our governments process, I wouldn't doubt it.

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I specifically asked DOS if they keep a record of how many times I have called them. She said NO!


I call every single day. I know at some point I will be told that the name check is complete. It could be tomorrow, next month or next year. I will not stop calling no matter what anyone thinks or says.

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Guest pushbrk
I specifically asked DOS if they keep a record of how many times I have called them.  She said NO!


I call every single day.  I know at some point I will be told that the name check is complete.  It could be tomorrow, next month or next year.  I will not stop calling no matter what anyone thinks or says.


Sometimes if you want the right answer, you have to ask the right question. I would expect DOS doesn't keep track of "how many times you call" but they DO have a record of "each time you call".


They use the same kind of software corporations refer to as CRM or "Customer Relationship Management" software. Sometimes the CRM is only a part of a bigger package and sometimes it stands alone.


The people answering the phone have to document their work and cover their butts. A push of a button and a few words as a note will put a time stamped record of your call in the notes section of your "record". The chances of somebody caring enough to actually run a special report or manually count your calls is very low.

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