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It's good to know that the applications aren't lost.  :P Now we wait for the next baby-step: getting a date. :D


Well that is good news. My NVC-> GUZ date is a bit older than yours, but maybe they got their Monday off to a good start and rolled some things out.


Maybe my ACH inquiry on Friday led someone to ask why? Ok wishful thinking, but you never know ? :P


Three months is a long time, and the guy did think it was irregular. I see that it is not so irregular right now, as several of us are in that boat of 75-100 days waiting to get into the computer.


C'mon P3!

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I must check on my case now!




My first call to DOS gave me my first "I'm sorry, but GUZ has not received your case yet..."


So I guess we are at the gateway probably. AND I was worried I might have to reschedule my August visit for Loving Candle's birthday because we might get the interview first!


Silly me.... :sosad:



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progress is progress.... keep the faith..



good luck

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Plan the trip.


My stuff was sent to NVC in late Dec/ early January, and it has yet to get into GUZ computer. March 23 is nothing, mate! Bank on 1-3 months, based on timelines, and my personal experience ;\


Worst case, you get everything done, and you move your plane ticket up a month. Small price to pay...

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