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Laura Bush Letter

Guest R2D2

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This is copied, by written permission, from Emery Wang on the CUC board:



Letter received from the White House 2/26/03:


On behalf of Mrs. Bush, I would like to thank you for your letter. I

have shared your information with the appropriate members of the

White House staff, who work with the agency that has jurisdiction

over your issue. The agency will be in touch with you directly.


Mrs. Bush appreciates your taking the time to write and hopes that

the circumstances you face will be resolved soon.




Sydney R. Johnson

Director of Correspondence

for Mrs. Bush


Due to mail screening procedures, we have only recently received your

letter. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response. [this was

an insert in the envelope

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This is copied, by written permission, from Emery Wang on the CUC board:



Letter received from the White House 2/26/03:


On behalf of Mrs. Bush, I would like to thank you for your letter. I

have shared your information with the appropriate members of the

White House staff, who work with the agency that has jurisdiction

over your issue. The agency will be in touch with you directly.


Mrs. Bush appreciates your taking the time to write and hopes that

the circumstances you face will be resolved soon.




Sydney R. Johnson

Director of Correspondence

for Mrs. Bush


Due to mail screening procedures, we have only recently received your

letter. We appreciate your patience in awaiting a response. [this was

an insert in the envelope

This is in response to the letter, Victoria wrote, and we signed last year. Took a bit of time to get a response. :lol: Please pin for a day

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I mean the fact that the First Lady has replied. Do you think this will happen in any other country?

Absolutely. This is not a USA only thing. I have receive big shots response back in Europe.. Nothing came out though.

In Denmark ( OK OK smaller country ) you can find the P.M phone number in the phone book. I mean his private number. Seriously.

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I think it's a pretty amazing thing! It could only happen in the USA, I beileve. All of us will have the visa pretty soon.

I don't know what you mean by "amazing", the visa delay or it takes this long for the reply?


:rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Vince . Don't kid yourself.

L. Bush will not make all have visa. This is a standard polite response from her staff. Better than nothing I agree, but far from being " amazing".

As much as pleading to the 1225 folks won't help much... on the other end of the spectrum, wayyy higher-ups won't either.. They have other priorities.. So you need to target the decision-maker/ in-the-know/ "I breathe that stuff every day " gang...

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Not much of a reply but I will pin it for a day.

fine by me.... And I agree with you Tony. This response could have applied word for word to a petition about "Save the spotted owl " or " No war in Iraq ".... But it was a response.. I guess I was just trying to say for people just coming here and reading this, not to pin a hope on that.. I'll shut up now :-)

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In Denmark ( OK OK smaller country ) you can find the P.M phone number in the phone book. I mean his private number. Seriously.

Now if only the P.M. of Denmark could help us, I would personally give him a call! :rolleyes:


Bill... Yes.. But I'm afraid Anders Fogh Rasmussen can't... :(

Too busy with Greenland secessionists ( yeah, all 17 of them ! ) :lol:

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I once read a great story in The New Yorker about an American couple visiting Iceland. Their rent car had a flat tire, and a gentleman came out of his house nearby and asked if he could be of assistance. After he changed the tire for them, he invited them into his home, and they noticed pictures of him on the wall with various world leaders. Turns out he was the President of Iceland!!!!!

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I once read a great story in The New Yorker about an American couple visiting Iceland.  Their rent car had a flat tire, and a gentleman came out of his house nearby and asked if he could be of assistance.  After he changed the tire for them, he invited them into his home, and they noticed pictures of him on the wall with various world leaders.  Turns out he was the President of Iceland!!!!!

yep.. Not surprised here..

Then again, Iceland has only 250 K inhabitants... You might be referring to the past president, a gal, Vigdís Finnbogadóttir

Current is a dude, Ólafur Ragnar Grímsson


Beautiful country, Iceland, btw,, I spent a great week there in Feb 2001

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