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The Powers That Be

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Welllll.........Old cheffy is going to stand alone on this issue.  I am going to go to the other side of the fence here.  Maybe, just another view point.  I do believe that getting one of our fine legislators invovle in a case could be harmful to ones health.  But, you have a different connection, unlike most who would seek congressional help and that is you have an upclose personal contact who is a staffer in a congressman office.  Depending upon there position, ie; they are the congressman AA or LA you are in a great position.  Because they may know somebody who knows somebody that can make a discreat(sp) inquiry into your case and possibly nudge it along.  This of course would be done via a supervisor or above type person who would check the status of yopur case.  Again, the difference is that you have a connection in a congressman office.  So I VOTE, use the connection, if you needed later in the process. :D


All inquiries in GZ go to Mr. William Martin at the consulate, the congressonal aid must follow protocol and can not contact the IV Unit directly. There is no such thing as a discrete request from a congressman's office, it IS AN OFFICIAL inquiry from Congress and is logged at DOS.


I would compare his reponse to be similar to being ask "are we there yet" for the 100th time while on a 3 hour trip.

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